Bye, oatmeal! 3 healthier breakfast recipes you should know in 2025

    have long been considered this-Superfoodpar excellence, but there are some other candidates that have at least as many superpowers and offer a great variety on the breakfast table: rich in important minerals and vitamins, gluten-free and a great basis for an energetic start to the day.

    Delicious & healthy! 3 healthy breakfast recipes you should know in 2025

    Which breakfast alternatives are even healthier than oatmeal for breakfast? We'll reveal it here.

    1. Healthier than oatmeal: rice flakes

    They are an easily digestible alternative to oatmeal and are particularly rich inB vitamins, which are essential for theEnergy metabolismare:Rice flakes.ORDER DIRECTLY FROM AMAZON HERE.

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    Asimple recipefor a nutritious rice flakes breakfast could look like this:

    • Boil half a cup of rice flakes with a cup of almond milk
    • then simmer on low until the flakes are soft
    • The whole thing can be refined with a pinch of cinnamon, a little honey and fresh berries for additional vitamins and antioxidants.

    This breakfast provides long-lasting energy and is particularly digestible thanks to its low glycemic index.

    2. Healthier than oatmeal: quinoa

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    Quinoais rich inproteins, contains allnine essential amino acidsand is also a good source foriron and magnesium.

    Recipe idea? For a sweet quinoa breakfast, use quinoa

    • wash thoroughly
    • Bring to the boil with double the amount of coconut milk and a pinch of salt
    • then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
    • Refine as desired with maple syrup, chopped nuts and perhaps a few pieces of dark chocolate.

    This breakfast is not only delicious, but also a real energy booster.

    3. Healthier than oatmeal: millet flakes

    Hirseflockenare particularly rich inEisen,Magnesiumandsilicon, which makes them not only rich in nutrients but also good for skin, hair and nails.ORDER DIRECTLY FROM AMAZON HERE.

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    A quick one and warmingMillet flakes recipecould look like this:

    • Bring the millet flakes to the boil in a pot with double the amount of water or plant-based milk
    • Add a pinch of salt and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes
    • Finally serve with fresh fruit, a little cinnamon and a dollop of yoghurt.

    This breakfast is rich in important nutrients and ensures a powerful start to the day.

    In 2025, skip the oatmeal and try one of the alternatives mentioned above - it will be worth it!

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    Why these 3 breakfast ideas are even healthier than oatmeal

    These three-Breakfast options not only offer a welcome change from the usual oatmeal, but are also real power packs for one. They deliver important onesNutrientsandEnergyand, thanks to their complex composition, keep you full for longer. Furthermore, they areeasy to prepareand can be customized based on tastes and preferences, making them an ideal choice for anyone who wants to start the morning with a nutritious and delicious breakfast.