Study shows: This is how pasta helps you lose weight – with enjoyment!

    and noodles?At first glance that sounds like a contradiction. After all, we've convinced ourselves for years that pasta and diet never go together. Carbohydrates were considered the main enemy on the way to the dream figure, and the beloved carbonara seemed to only be allowed on “cheat days” – and even then, often with a guilty conscience. But now a new discovery turns everything upside down:Pastacould be the key to healthy and successful weight loss. A Canadian study brings a breath of fresh air to the world of diets. Instead of demonizing pasta, research shows how it can be cleverly integrated into the diet - without a calorie explosion or weight gain.

    This study from Canada shows: This is how the pasta diet works

    The whole thing was examined in 2018 as part of a studySt. Michael's Hospitalin Toronto, which was attended by 2,500 people. On the one hand, (A) was divided into two groups at least three times in one weekPasta dishate, while (B) the other group exclusivelyother carbohydrate sourceslike rice, bread and potatoes. In both cases the whole grain version was not used. Factors such as body weight, BMI, waist circumference and body fat percentage were observed. The results show: ThePasta groupperformed better. All things being equal, participants who ate pasta lost more weight than those in the other carbohydrate group.

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    If you pay attention, pasta + weight loss will work

    The really big secret here is:Although it's not really that secret that vegetables are healthy, help you lose weight and even a littlestill filling. But it's the mix that makes it here. If we combine our pasta with selected vegetables, we suddenly have a delicious and, above all, balanced meal that fits perfectlyDiet planfits. Because this is how every simple tomato sauce gets its flavor from peppers, broccoli,and fresh tomatoes not only provide a color upgrade, but above all provide MORE (with fewer calories).nutrients.

    How to: These preparation methods make the difference when it comes to pasta

    It's not just the combination that makes a difference in the final calorie count of our pasta dishes, the method of preparation can also make a difference in terms of diet.

    • Combine with fiber:To stay full longer areWhole wheat pastaa good choice that also comes withhigh in fiberFoods such as legumes and leafy vegetables can be supplemented. Alternatively, there are now also low-carb noodles, for example made from chickpeas, red lentils (for extra protein) or konjac root. Another trick to reduce calories is to replace about a third of the noodles with zoodles (zucchini noodles), the whole thing looks similar to classic ones, but of course there are significantly fewer calories for the same amount.
    • Like the Italians - al dente:If you the pasta cooks until it still has a slight bite (i.e. classical dente), this slows down theand ensures that the pasta has a lower glycemic index than soft-cooked pasta.
    • Reheat pasta from the day before:It not only saves time but also calories at lunchtime if you heat up pasta from the previous day. During cooking and subsequent cooling, resistant starch is formed, which the body only partially digests. Not only is it quicker during lunch break stress, but it also makes a small difference in the long run.

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    Beware of these hidden calorie traps in pasta

    Of course, not all noodles are the same and that light zoodles tooIt's no secret that it has significantly fewer calories than penne with a heavy cheese sauce and bacon. Therefore, you still need to be careful when handling pasta, because it...Pasta dietOf course, this doesn't mean that you should shovel in loads of pasta without experiencing consequences on the scales. These little tips will help:

    1. Keep an eye on portion size:We often tend to load a huge portion of pasta onto our plate (when our eyes are bigger than our stomach), even though we're actually halfway through itFeeling of satietywould achieve – if we eat more slowly. The rule of thumb here is that 100 grams of pasta (dry weight) is sufficient as a main meal.

    2. Rich and fatty sauces in moderation:Especially creamy cheese sauces (as delicious as they are) and pesto can quickly become a calorie bomb. A lighter alternative is tomato sauce, otherwise light cream etc. also make a difference.

    3. Find the right balance between pasta and vegetables:In order to really supply our body with the right nutrients, it is of course important to integrate enough vegetables into the pasta dishes. Two tomatoes hardly make a difference here. A helpful tip for controlling theBlood sugar level:First have the mealstart, then eat the protein and finally the carbohydrates.