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Potatoes are sometimes in boxes or drawers for weeks. With this trick, however, you will last forever in the future
Potato dumplings, fried potatoes, boiled potatoes,,, Potato puree - the list of delicious potato dishes is long and the brown tubers are indispensable from German cuisine. It is all the more annoying if you don't last long, become shrinky or rotten and are therefore unusable. Fortunately there is an ingenious oneInsider tip! With a simple trick you can make sure that yourspotatoesStay fresh longer and do not spoil so quickly.
Foto: Tom Paolini, Unsplash
Potatoes are one of the most popular side dishes in the Germans
You have to remember this insider tip: So your potatoes last forever
For theInsider tip, with which yourspotatoesStay fresh for a very long time, you need oneOr a raised bed. So that you should last foreverpotatoesIn a so -calledEarthenmitesbe stored. TheEarthenmitesis an ancient form of food preservation, which was already used in prehistoric times and is particularly suitable for storing root and cabbage vegetables. For this purpose, a storage pit is excavated, which is covered with rabbit wire, which serves to protect the vegetables from mice. A wooden box with the potatoes or vegetables is then used and the whole thing is still covered with a straw layer that should be at least 10-20 cm high. So you create a perfect climate to make your potatoes almost durable.
No garden? So her potatoes still last forever
Now not everyone has their ownGartenavailable in which he can create an earth rent. Therefore, we have a few tips on how to make your potatoes last longer. If you have oneyou can try, the ground rent in so -called potato bags, these are special sacks that are specially available for harvestingpotatoesto be created on small areas. If you don't have a balcony, we recommend thepotatoesto store a dark, dry and not too warm place in the apartment. This is how they prevent the rapid rot of the earth tubers.