You should avoid these mistakes when baking cookies

Dieis the perfect opportunity to get creative and delicious in the kitchento conjure up. But atBakecan easilyMistakehappen that cloud the result. To ensure your cookies turn out perfectly this year, be sure to avoid these mistakes.

Don't allow enough time for the dough to rest

Many cookie recipes require the dough to rest before rolling and baking. This helps the dough become firmer and easier to work with. If you skip or shorten this step, you risk the dough being too soft and sticking when rolled or shaped. So plan enough time to prepare the doughat least 30 minutes in the refrigeratorto let rest.

Use wrong amount of flour

A common mistake when baking cookies is using the wrong amount of flour. When measuring the flour, be careful not to press it too hard into the measuring cup. Aaccurate weighing of ingredientsis ideal because too much flour can make the dough dry and crumbly, while too little flour results in a sticky dough. So always use the exact amount from the recipe and make sure to measure the flour loosely.

Do not mix sugar and fat properly

For the perfect cookie dough, it is important that sugar and fat (butter or margarine) are mixed together correctly. When these ingredients are not well combined, they often resultuneven doughand the cookies may become either too firm or too fragile. Make sure the butter is soft but not too runny and beat the sugar and butter together thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

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Excessive flouring of the work surface

It can be tempting to dust the work surface with lots of flour to work on the dough. But this can lead tothe cookies too dryand lose their shape when baking. Use only as much flour as necessary to avoid sticking and roll out the dough carefully. Alternatively, you can also use baking paper to make rolling out easier.

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Baking temperature too high

If the baking temperature is too high, the cookies will burn on the outside while the inside is not yet fully baked. Be sure to carefully check the temperature in the oven and follow the recipe. Most of the time the oven should be atabout 170 to 180 degrees Celsiusbe preheated. If baking multiple trays at once, make sure the oven is evenly hot and change trays if necessary.

Place cookies too close together

A common mistake when baking cookies is arranging the cookies too close together on the baking sheet. Cookies expand as they bake, and when theylie too close together, they can stick together. Leave enough space between the cookies so they can spread evenly without getting in each other's way.

Not all ingredients are at room temperature

Especially when preparing shortcrust pastry or butter cookies, it is important that butter, eggs and other ingredients are at room temperature.Cold ingredientsare difficult to mix and result in a less pliable dough that can crack when rolling and shaping. Let the ingredients stand briefly at room temperature beforehand to achieve optimal results.

Bake different doughs at the same time

If you want to bake different types of cookies, it is better to bake them one after the other rather than placing different doughs on one tray at the same time. Different types of dough often havedifferent cooking timesand it's difficult to bake them perfectly in just one batch. It is therefore better to take small stages and pay attention to the baking time for each type.

Do not let it cool down

Although it's tempting to enjoy the freshly baked cookies right away, be patient. Cookies are often still fresh immediately after bakingtoo soft and fragile. So let them cool completely on a wire rack before storing or decorating. Otherwise they could break apart, lose their shape, not accept the decoration properly or quickly go bad due to the moisture in the boxes.

Baking cookies takes a bitpatience and care,but with the right tips and a little practice it is almost always possibleperfect cookiesto conjure up.