According to science: the perfect egg really takes so long

Photo: Claudia Totir, Getty Images

Hopefully they have a little time: the perfect breakfast egg takes so long according to a new study

From thePerfect breakfast eggcan truly do a science. Some leave it in a pot for a second longer than 5 minutes, so that the protein is tight, but the egg yolk is still liquid. Disgusting! The others say. Instead of "Glibber", you only get the breakfast table wax - by the way, the egg is after 7 to 8 minutes. Everything is wrong, say scientists from Naples. They want that nowonly, the idealFor the perfect egghave found. And that is far from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 yes even 10 minutes!

After so many minutes the egg is perfectly cooked - scientists say

In advance: If you are always late in the morning, this recipe may not be for you. But if you believe a study from the journal"Nature Communications", could the new technology called"Periodic cooking"solve the egg problem forever. The method of Neapolitan chemists and material scientists lastsFull 32 minutes (!)and put ontwo instead of just one. And so it should work:

  1. Cooks in a saucepan100 GradHot water that is water in the second30 Gradcool.

  2. Important for success: the egg shouldRoom temperaturehave.

  3. Now put the egg in the boiling water first. AfterExactly (!) Two minutesWander quickly into the 30 -degree cool water and stay therealso exactly two minutes.

  4. You must then have this processRepeat 8 times- that resultsa total of 32 minutes.

The researchers from Naples have determined these times by model calculations. During the hot water baths, the protein reaches temperatures between87 and 100 degreesBefore it in the cold water30 to 55 degreescooled. According to calculations, there is a total of 32 minuteswax -soft egg. That works because bothWarmth as well as cold penetrate slowly into the egg yolk. After a short warm -up phase, the temperature inside the egg yolk stabilizesconstant 67 degrees.

According to the study, this method is not only the protein as well as the egg yolk growth, both should also do sotastyandExcellent nutrient contenthave. We said that a science can be made from the perfect egg ...

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