Party hit: Jamie Oliver's lightning-fast tiramisu recipe is the perfect dessert for connoisseurs

Are you expecting visitors? With this deliciousby celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, you can effortlessly score points in the kitchen. This tiramisu is inless than 30 minutesready and developing its full flavor in the fridge while you have time to prepare yourself and the home for guests. A relaxed solution that saves stress and is guaranteed to make an impression!

By the way, that isItalian dessertOliver's favorite. Unlike the Venetians, who focus entirely on dessert, cream and sponge cake, chocolate is an absolute must for the Brit. coffee andare best friends, the chef emphasizes again and again. And we have to admit that we would completely agree with him on this point. Also unusual: Oliver uses egg whites in his tiramisu, which is not traditional, but makes the tiramisu nice and light and the mascarpone so creamy that it is far more full-bodied. This is guaranteed to impress your guests. Have fun trying it out!

Recipe for Jamie Oliver's top-class tiramisu