Soul warmer for cold winter days: delicious recipe for Schümli Plümli

    When thick snowflakes fall from the sky outside and the smell of freshly fallen snowSnowis in the air, there is nothing better than being with oneto warm up in your hands. Especially after a day on the slopes, when your legs are tired from skiing and your cheeks are glowing from the cold mountain air, it's time for a real oneSwiss specialty: theSchümli Pflümli. This creamy-fruity oneHot drinkwith a touchPlum liqueuris not only a pleasure, but also a piece of après-ski culture that comes directly from theSchweizerAlpine inspired.

    Ingredients for the Schümli Pflümli (1 portion):

    • 150 ml hot, strongCoffee
    • 4 clPlum liqueur(plummy)
    • 2 tsp sugar
    • 1 splash of whipped cream (whipped cream)
    • 1 pinch of cocoa or chocolate powder

    This is how it's done:

    1. Pour the hot, freshly brewed coffee into a cup or heatproof glass.
    2. Add sugar and plum liqueur and stir well until sugar is completely dissolved.
    3. Add a generous splash of whipped cream to the coffee to create a creamy topping.
    4. Finally, dust with a pinch of cocoa or chocolate powder and enjoy the hot drink.

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    Schümli Pflümli: The perfect winter treat

    Whether cozy on the couch or after a lively evening at après-ski - theSchümli Pflümlitastes good on every occasion. Especially in theChristmas timeWhen the evenings are long and the temperatures are frosty, it quickly becomes...Favorite drink. For a non-alcoholic version, the plum liqueur can simply be replaced with plum juice - so even non-alcohol drinkers can experience this pleasure.

    Whether alone or in company: with thisRecipeBring a little piece of Swiss winter magic home!