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According to research: Men and women should eat breakfast differently
Breakfast is themost important Have a good meal of the Tagesand for many - especially on weekends - also the most beautiful. Theflavorsrange from a slice of bread with cheese or croissant with jam, to porridge and even an omelette. No matter what ends up on the breakfast table, most people need “input” in the morning so that they canmetabolismis boosted and you have energy to start the day.
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Breakfast should be gender-specific
Onenew Studyby researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada examined how different foods for breakfast have different effects on the metabolism of men and women.
The data shows that themetabolism von menresponds better to meals with a high carbohydrate content. So oatmeal and whole grain products were more likely to be on their shopping list. Themetabolism von WomenIn turn, you benefit more from meals with a higher fat content. You can be happy: your breakfast of choice is an omelette and avocados, salmon and nuts.