He is a box office magnet that draws people to the cinema halls based on his name alone. Despite his established screen persona, he is versatile enough to be credible in action films () about crime thrillers (Devil in blue) to biopic dramas (Malcolm X) to switch. He has worked with directors such as Ridley Scott, Robert Zemeckis and Spike Lee and is one of the film industry's outstanding A-listers. He istwo-time Oscar winner, one of cinema's greatest character actors and - according to the New York Times - best actor of the 21st century:Denzel Washington.
On the occasion of his 70th birthday at the end of last year and his brazen performance inGladiator 2let's look at thembest roles of the Hollywood star.
Denzel Washington: His 10 best films ranked
Whether king, gang boss or civil rights activist: Denzel Washington can play anyone - and always gives 100 percent. This makes it all the more difficult to choose his greatest from all the great performances by the US actor (there is no such thing!). We tried it anyway: Below are the onesten best films with Denzel Washington.
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Most people believe that the tear that runs down Washington's right eye from his face as he is being whipped is hisfirst Oscarhas introduced. But asPrivate Trip, a rebellious and cynical slave, the actor is electrifying from start to finish in Edward Zwick's epic about African-American soldiers in the Civil War. He does thatcontempt and the paintrips noticeably, which in turn feeds his growing need for belonging. Washington is herealready the star, supporting role or not.
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It's not often that Denzel Washington fades into the background: in one of hislast supporting roleshe leaves the spotlight to Tom Hanks, who is inPhiladelphiaturned the pain and despair of Andrew Beckett, a man wrongly fired because of his homosexuality and HIV, into his first Oscar. But it's Washington in the role ofhomophobic lawyer Joe Miller, which includes Jonathan Demme's film with aoutstanding character developmentcarries. The actor never surprises us with his transformation from skepticism and prejudice to understanding and connection, but rather imbues his charactersubtle way more, while remaining true to himself.
8.Crimson Tide – In Deep Danger(1995)
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At the time of filming thisgripping man-on-man actionThe roles were clearly distributed both in and out of the film: Gene Hackman as the sadistic submarine captain Frank Ramsey was the top dog and Denzel Washington as his rational, responsible deputyRon Hunterthe climber. But the latter is not intimidated by this.Crimson Tideis Washington's first and best collaboration with director Tony Scott, not least because of hisprincipled and decisive presentationof the senior officer. Washington'smoral conviction and intensityalongside the great Gene Hackman are nothing less than breathtaking.
7.Inside Man(2006)
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In his fourth (and so far last) collaboration with Spike Lee, Washington playsNew Yorker Detective Keith Frazier, who has to negotiate with the head of the gang, Dalton Russell (Clive Owen), after a bank robbery and subsequent hostage-taking. AlthoughInside Manby Lee primarily as a declaration of loveStaged with beautiful tracking shots and effects, Denzel Washington manages to captivate the audience with hissharp, determined hostage negotiator, which unravels the complex inner workings of the attack. Washington'sWit, quick-wittedness and sovereigntyunderline his ingenuity, which keeps this exciting heist movie going. He also demonstrates hisincredible range, which makes his playing look like a finger exercise.
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Based on August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, the play brought Washington hisfirst Oscar nomination for “Best Picture”and the fifth for “Best Actor”. AsEx-Baseballspieler Troy Maxson, who works as a garbage collector in 1950s Pittsburgh, is himincredibly funny and charming, while at the same time embodying the patriarchal power of being an example of righteous living. In many ways, Denzel Washington plays exactly who audiences love most: OneHeroes as average typeswith an infectious but serious smile, his later trademark. But just when we think we know his character, he confronts usFenceswith adark twist: Suddenly we see Troy no longer as a man of quiet dignity, but as oneconceited, angry meanie, whose problems are largely self-inflicted. Washington has beforeplayed, but never one like thatpainfully humanworked.
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Although even onerenowned theater actor, Denzel Washington has never had a production of Shakespeare's famous tragedyMacbethseen. To the benefit of Joel Coensvisually stunning black and white adaptation: Washington's interpretation of Macbeth was unencumbered by the memories of other actors who have portrayed him over the years. So there's a lot of Denzel Washington in itLord Macbeth, which in this case is a good thing. When the Scottish king succumbs to his madness, it's Washington'soversized presenceand bedeep understanding of Shakespeare's language, which outshine the play's central themes of power, fate and hubris. Coen needed oneExceptional talent, to boost the film – and he got it.
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ThePilot Whip WhitakerDuring a plane crash, he saves the lives of almost everyone on board through a daring but ingenious maneuver. But his heroic deed inadvertently reveals the extent of his alcohol and drug addiction. Outraged that someone dares to question his actions, he slides further and further down the path. That looks good on paper aloneOscar-Materialout, and Denzel Washington was, eleven years laterTraining Day, finally nominated again. It's a role, oneenormous emotional Range– from confidence to denial to fear to despair – requires. For all the effects and tension of the film, the real drama of this story takes placeWashington's faceaway. Impressively observed in the harrowing crash sequence, a masterclass in WashingtonAbility to remain cool and confident under pressure. Washington often plays tough guys or righteous heroes, but here he portrays a pathetic little man, which makes Robert Zemeckis' film all the more gripping.
3.Training Day(2001)
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Denzel WashingtonsBest Actor OscarforTraining Daywas the first by an African American since Sidney Poitiers forLilies in the field38 years ago and only the second one ever. As is often the case with the tactical awarding of actor Oscars, Washington was alsonot awarded for his best role, but it was his turn now. Still, a bold decision by the Academy, as Washington won the Oscar for portraying a "villain," his darkest role askorrupter Detective Alonzo Harris. And this Alonso has it all: charismatic and self-confident, cunning and manipulative, both captivating and frightening, always oscillating between authority and deceit. Washington, which has previously subscribed to heroes and righteous peopleundercuts this image brilliantly, brings all these characteristics together and manages to keep the balance until the end.
2.American Gangster(2007)
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Like Denzel Washington already inTraining DayAs he had proven, he was damn good at playing the bad guy. In the thrillerAmerican Gangsterhe is so charismatic in the role ofrealen Harlemer Drogenbosses Frank Lucasthat some critics gave the highly underrated film byaccused of glorifying and romanticizing Lucas. Of course Washington hasclearly having fun with this figure, which exudes both confidence and threat. He even met the real Lucas and got his southern accent. Consequently, one should less glorify Denzel Washington and moreperfect transformationinsinuate, through which he added to the gangster sagahigh complexitygives. Because that's exactly what Frank Lucas is: a complex, morally dubious character who the actor invests with enormous depth and appeal. Washingtoncomprehensively captures Lucas' duality, who is both a ruthless criminal and a revered person shaped by his environment.
1.Malcolm X(1992)
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Al Pacino was “just in turn” back then – but now everyone knows who the really best actor of 1992 was: Washington lostMalcolm Xat the Oscars against Pacino (The scent of women), one of the worst Best Actor awards of all time. This is evidence of the Academy's not always logical approach, which has also failed to do so in this case to this dayDenzel Washington's best acting performanceto be appropriately appreciated. His monumental depiction of...murdered Black Muslim leaderin Spike Leesis a tour de force that takes the man from petty crook to prisoner, preacher, leader and finally martyr. But it is also onecumulative effort: In every phase you see facets of the man he once was, so that he is always in dialogue with his former self. Because for many, what made Malcolm so magnetic and powerful is hisDistillation of these many experiences– that he truly understood what it meant to be poor, dispossessed and angry. Denzel Washington so embodies the role at every stage of these changesthorough and credibly on point, he could have quit after this film if he hadn't had to wait another ten years for his first leading actor Oscar.