Hell is other people: That's why the brutal Netflix series "American Primeval" is worth it

    Here men are scalped, pierced with arrows or killed with an axe. The miniseriesAmerican Primeval, released in Germany for ages 16 and upHard to beat in terms of brutality. We reveal whether the ultra-brutal western series is worth it and what the historical thriller has to do with our present.

    American Primeval: Series hit with historical material

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    Squid Gamewas yesterday: Netflix landed a new surprise success at the beginning of 2025. Thesix-part miniseries American Primeval, which launched on the streaming service on January 9th, made it after just a few daysat number 1 on the Netflix series chartsin Germany. After Paramount+'s success with the western seriesYellowstonewith Kevin Costner, Netflix is ​​now also looking in the directionWilder West. In this case, “wild” is a clear understatement.

    All against all: That's what it's all aboutAmerican Primeval

    In the first season ofAmerican Primevalit's about theBeginning of western settlement in the USA in 1857, primarily in the US state of Utah. Immigrants and settlers who advanced into previously uninhabited regions of the country competed against devout Mormons, US government troops and native peoplebloody battles. The focus of the plot is Sara Rowell (Betty Gilpin), who moves west with her son Devin (Preston Mota) to find shelter with her father. At least that's their official story. On the arduous journey, on which they are accompanied by the battle-hardened loner Isaac (Taylor Kitsch) and the indigenous outsider Two Moons (Shawnee Pourier), they have to find each othercountless hardshipsface: raging rivers and freezing cold, wolves and bounty hunters. At the same time, the series tells of other, partly real, characters.

    Which characters?American Primevalare real?

    While the main characters surrounding the solo traveling mother Sara Rowell and her small surrogate family are fictional, other characters are based onreal personalities from that time:

    • So there was the American pioneer and fur trapperJames Felix Bridgerfrom the series really. He ran an important supply point for the wagon trains heading west and was considered an intermediary between the indigenous tribes and the European settlers.
    • AlsoBrigham Youngis a real personality. In the series, the religious leader does not shy away from betrayal, corruption and in search of a safe place for his religious community, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known as Mormonsback.
    • His right handWilliam "Wild Bill" Hickman, the shady leader of the Nauvoo Legion, a Mormon militia, doesn't fare very well in history books either.

    The bloody "shown in the first episode" is also historically real.Mountain Meadows Massacre", in which members of the Mormon militia murdered over 100 settlers on their way west. This terrible event of September 11, 1857 inspiredDirector Peter Bergto a story idea that he developed together with the screenwriter, producer andSeries creator Mark L. Smithworked out. The latter has already shown his script for the The Revenant(2015), in which the hunter Hugh Glass () struggles to survive in the wilderness after a bear attack in the 1820s, a feel for real historical material.

    The cast ofAmerican Primeval

    When castingAmerican Primevalwas onomitted, instead the excellent cast exposes itselfmostly unknown actorstogether.

    • Brilliant in the female lead roleBetty Gilpin, which is already in the Netflix seriesGlowconvinced as a powerful heroine with heart. In her role as a likeable woman with a lot of grit, she becomes more accessible from episode to episode.
    • The male lead takes overTaylor Kitsch, which gives depth to the nature-loving loner Isaac.
    • Shea Whighamplays fur hunter and fort leader James Felix Bridger in the series as a sophisticated warrior, whileKim Coateswhose opponent Brigham Young portrays as a calculating preacher.
    • Joe Tippett, known from the dark thrillerMare Of Easttown, gives the unscrupulous Mormon James Wolsey.
    • Abish Pratt, a young Mormon woman who struggles with her traditional role as a woman and is kidnapped by an indigenous tribeSaura Lightfood-Leonwith courage and defiance.
    • Derek Hinkeyfulfills his role as indigenous warrior Red Feather with pride, while newcomerShawnee Pourieras a silent Two Moons says a lot even without words.

    The acting performances contribute to the success of the Netflix miniseries. But what fascinates viewers so much about this one?, which occurred in Utah over 150 years ago?

    Foto: Justin Lubin, NETFLIX

    Betty Gilpin shines inAmerican Primevalas Sara Rowell, a settler trying to make a living with her son (Preston Mota) in a brutalized world.

    Unadorned and authentic: That's why it's worth itAmerican Primeval

    First and foremost it is the archaic,brutal setting and its authentic implementation, which fascinate many viewers. Even thoseand series aroundcan hardly keep up with the tense, unvarnished western story. AgainstAmerican PrimevalThe stories of Karl May and many Clint Eastwood westerns seem like a harmless fairy tale: seldom has this been done beforeharsh reality in the Wild Westthe USA like thatrelentlessly authenticshown; Incidentally, it was filmed in the US state of New Mexico. Snow, cold and hunger characterize Sara and Co's everyday life in every episode. But that's not alluntamed nature, in gloomy sepia imagespresented threateninglyis taking a toll on the pioneers. Above all, it is the people, the different groups with sometimes opposing goals, who clash far from civilization and fight each other to the death. Death sometimes seems almost like a release.

    What doesAmerican Primevalso special?

    You come into this with compassion and mercymerciless worldnot far. The boundaries between good and evil are fluid, death lurks everywhere. Here only those who think of themselves first survive. In six one-hour episodes, the Netflix production explores theOrigins of America. The violent, bloody fight for the land as well as the clash of different faiths and world views in Utah ensureexplosive ignitant. And in the middle of it all are the Native Americans: The Shoshon and Paiute tribes are being wiped out between the white settlers, and in battle after battle they are being driven off their land.

    Peter Berg stages the historical material asand pay attention to oneauthentic equipment. A consultant was brought in specifically to represent the indigenous cultures. Therough,The rock band Explosions In The Sky provides additional atmosphere.

    Why is that?American Primevalso current?

    The Netflix series deals with topics such as(Gun) violence and religionapart - is therefore more relevant than ever. The shocking images awaken memories of current conflicts. Also breaksAmerican Primevalradical with the many romanticized myths of the birth of the United States.

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