Elegant and festive: We celebrate the New Year with these 3 martini recipes

    The year is coming to an end and we are celebrating with a lavish celebration. The guest list is set, the outfit is planned and the playlist promises a good evening - all that's missing are the drinks. To an elegant oneParty hardly fits inbetter than one. But which martini is the right one?We havethree of our favorite variantsfor you that suit every situation and at least one of them tastes good to every guest. From sweet to dry - we're celebrating New Year's Eve this year with these three martini recipes.

    1. The classic: Dry Martini

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    The Dry Martini Cocktail is puristic and classic. There is just one thing that needs to be taken into account urgently

    We've really had enough of all of theseSayings as soon as you hold a dry martini in your hand. This cocktail is so much more than an MI6 agent's favorite drink. It is puristic, elegant and it also has its pitfalls. With olive or lemon peel? Whatever your taste! Much more important are the two ingredients on which it is based: gin and dry white wine. Here you should rely on good qualities. And one thing is particularly important. The Dry Martini must be ice cold. Gin from the freezer and a martini glass from the fridge. Then nothing stands in the way of a perfect classic.

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    • 60 ml London Dry Gin
    • 10 ml White Dry Wormwood

    Add all ingredients to a mixing glass filled with ice and stir for at least 30 seconds. Then strain into a pre-chilled martini glass and serve with your choice of green olives or a lemon peel.

    2. The wake-up call: Espresso Martini

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    For a particularly long New Year's Eve: the Espresso Martini.

    have become particularly popular in recent years and this one. The Espresso Martini is probably the best-known drink in this genre and is well on its way to becoming a classic. This is where vodka meets espresso and this mixture promises the longest possible New Year's Eve. It now has little or nothing to do with the classic Martini, but that's not who we are now. It tastes fantastic and does exactly what it's supposed to do.

    • 60 ml Vodka
    • 30 ml Espresso
    • 25 ml coffee liqueur
    • 10 ml Zuckersirup

    Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Pour into a pre-chilled martini glass and serve with optional coffee beans on the foam.

    3. The Dessert: Pornstar Martini

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    It is sweet, fruity and tastes like Solero ice cream: the Pornstar Martini.

    This Martini cocktail is for everyone who doesn't like the classic and prefers something sweet, fruity and exotic. Don't have a suitable dessert for your New Year's Eve menu yet? This drink could be it. Passion fruit is at the center of the cocktail, combined with vanilla and vodka it becomes a drink that has quite a few similarities to a Solero ice cream. Now we just need a different name please. How about Maverick Martini? That's what this cocktail was called at the very beginning of his career. By the way: the Pornstar Martini is classic with a shot glassserved.

    • 60 ml Vodka
    • 15 ml fresh lime juice
    • 30 ml Vanilla Syrup
    • 2 whole passion fruits
    • champagne

    Halve the two passion fruits, place the pulp from three halves with the other ingredients (except champagne) in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake very vigorously for 30 seconds. Strain through a fine sieve into a pre-chilled martini glass and garnish with the fourth passion fruit half. Fill an ice-cold shot glass with champagne and serve with the cocktail.