The 7 best places for ice bathing and what the trend really brings

    There are things that people generally don't do: jumping from hills into meter-deep abysses, consciously getting into a fist fight or voluntarily jumping into ice-cold water. And then there are people who do exactly that and overcome their inner rejection. That's exactly what happens whenIce bathing– a hobby that is becoming more and more popular every year. If you also want to try it out and/or have a taste for it: we'll tell youthe most beautiful placesand also tell you,what effects ice bathing has on your health.

    If you want to try ice bathing, these 7 cool places to swim in the cold are highly recommended

    We admit: yourselfIce bathingTo dare and put yourself in really nasty cold water takes a lot of effort. But like so many things in life, once you've made it, you really feel like you can move snow-capped mountains.

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    Important: If you decide to go ice bathing, you should definitely only try it for the first time under instructions and after consulting a doctor!

    Ice bathing is scientifically proven to be healthy – as long as you do it “right” and pay attention to a few important details. Here are the 11 basic beginner rules that you should definitely keep in mind:

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    1. Ice bathing is possible from 5 degrees Celsius and below. However, you should definitely not go swimming when the temperature is below zero, for your own safety.
    2. Especially as a beginner, you should never go swimming alone, but always with at least one other person. Ice bathing is an extreme sport and something can always happen.
    3. It's best to get used to the ice water slowly. Cold showers are also suitable for this at the beginning.
    4. Ideally, you should start getting used to the water in open waters in summer - then the water is not quite as cold yet.
    5. Never jump straight into cold water - it's incredibly dangerous! First immerse your hands, then wet your face and then slowly enter the water as you exhale.
    6. We recommend entering the water with a swimming buoy that you can hold on to in an emergency.
    7. Something that is often underestimated, but helps immensely: breathing exercises help you find calm - even and especially in ice-cold water.
    8. Don't overdo it! Never stay in the water for more than a few minutes.
    9. And once you get out of the water: stay warm! Dry yourself immediately (have a bath towel ready) and put on warm clothes! Because the body cools down quickly even outside of the water.
    10. Do not do gymnastics exercises to warm up after ice bathing. This can overload the circulation and lead to shock!
    11. It goes without saying, but we'll say it again anyway: Leave the alcohol at home and avoid cigarettes too. Both expand the vessels and allow the body to cool down further. Instead, drink hot tea as it warms you particularly well from the inside.

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    Yes, it is cold. Without question. But there are techniques.

    The Health Benefits of Ice Bathing

    1. Strengthening the immune system

      If you take ice baths regularly, you will strengthen your immune system. Why? Because the cold causes the body to increase the production of white blood cells. These are responsible for warding off potential pathogens.

    2. Promotes blood circulation

      Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, which in turn dilate as the body warms up again. This leads to improved blood flow, which means the organs are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

    3. Inhibits inflammation

      Cold – we know this from sports – helps to counteract swelling and inflammation.

    4. Release of happiness hormones

      Ice bathing stimulates the production of endorphins, which improves your mood.

    5. Increasing energy levels

      Many ice swimmers swear that they have more power and energy after ice swimming. Apart from that, the cat shortens the regeneration time after physical activities.

    6. More mental strength

      Regular ice bathing reduces stress and can therefore contribute to greater psychological stability. Not to forget: If you actually manage to get into the water in these temperatures, it boosts your self-confidence.

    We can particularly recommend these great places for ice bathing

    Photo: Gabriele Weise, Getty Images

    A master of ice bathing: the polar bear.

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    The Ammersee, after all the third largest Alp lake in Bavaria (after Lake Chiemsee and Lake Starnberg), is not only a well-known bathing lake, but also a well-known ice bathing lake. Although it has to be said: the most famous ice bathing event of the season has already taken place, namely the Herrschinger Christmas swim. This always takes place on Christmas Eve and has a long tradition. The first Christmas swim took place more than 25 years ago. But even away from the Christmas bohei, you can go to the Ammersee when the outside temperatures are freezing - even if you sometimes have to make holes in the frozen lake with an ice ax.

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    An ice bath in the natural ice palace in the Hintertux Glacier is definitely something special. This is generally a great excursion destination because it is a unique natural gem in the world, about an hour and a half away from Innsbruck. It is an ice cave in which the temperature is around 0 degrees all year round, meaning: you can go ice bathing there even in summer if necessary - directly under a glacier, completely surrounded by ice. Definitely an experience that you won't soon forget. However, you must provide a medical certificate stating that there are no health concerns. If you decide to chicken out spontaneously, you can instead hike through the ice cave or take a boat through it. The lake in the glacier ice is also the training area of ​​the International Ice Swimming Association.

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    Another incredibly good spot for ice bathing is Lake Faak in Carinthia, Austria, south of Villach, which offers perfect conditions for diving into the icy cold water. Anyone who has previously been to Eisbaden also has the opportunity to take part in appropriate workshops under professional guidance, which are offered by the Karnerhof, for example.

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    From a tourist perspective, the Kaunertal Glacier is known primarily as a ski area, but the milkmaid or milkboy calculation is simple: Where it is cold and there is water, you can also go ice bathing - including in Weißsee on the Kaunertal Glacier. The surrounding glacier, but also the low water temperature around freezing point, make ice bathing in Weißsee a unique, albeit quite cold, experience.

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    In Sweden, and in Scandinavian countries in general, ice bathing is part of the culture. Whether old or young, winter swimming in the cold water is practiced by many people, mainly in lakes somewhere in nature. However, if you prefer something a little more comfortable, you can also visit a cold bath house instead, such as Riberborgs Kallbadhus in Malmö. In addition to the possibility of ice bathing, this also offers changing rooms, showers and a sauna. And above all, Ribersborgs Kallbadhus is also very beautiful architecturally. It is also one of the oldest in the country and is already 125 years old - so much for the trend. At the end of an approximately 300 meter long jetty, the “Kallis” stands on stilts in the sea. In the winter months you sometimes have to swim from jetty to jetty between small sheets of ice. But in the end, the sauna and whirlpool definitely make up for the cold exertions.

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    Another great place for ice bathing is the beautiful Fuschlsee in Austria in the Salzburg part of the Salzkammergut, which belongs to the municipality of Fuschl am See. If you stand there trembling and don't dare, there's a tip for you: If you jump for three minutes straight, your brain assumes that you're happy and releases the corresponding happiness hormones. Then your inner bastard is significantly smaller.

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    The best thing about ice bathing in the Swiss Untersee near Arosa is that they call it Eisbadi, don't you agree? And when someone asks you and says: “Gömmer go iisbade”, then you almost can’t say no anymore. This “first ice bath in Europe” has existed since 2021, where beginners can go ice bathing every day from 2:30 p.m. under professional supervision. The spot is freely accessible to professionals at any time. Ice bathing there is particularly beautiful under the full moon and torchlight. Various events also take place there, from readings to snow yoga. And also good to know: There is also a sauna there to warm up later!