The 3-2-8 method is perhaps the best way to get back into sport – and get started properly

    You know our attitude. As long as no one is hurt, excluded or discriminated against, everyone should do whatever they feel like doing. You do you, that also applies to sports. If you don't feel like building your chest and biceps, leave it alone; if you want muscle, you should train yourself, it's simple. We are not here for anyor tell you something. You can decide that for yourself. If this decision makes you say: Man, in 2025 I want to really get started and (again), we have an idea.The 3-2-8 method is quite promising, which is perfect for building muscle and burning fat.

    The 3-2-8 method – from TikTok hype to fitness trend

    Admittedly, with the 3-2-8 method we are a bit late to the party. The British fitness trainer Natalie Rose posted a video at the end of 2022, in which she introduced her new workout plan for the first time. Since she received numerous reactions and inquiries about the 3-2-8 method, she explained what exactly it was in a separate video - and it also went viral. Since then, the fitness trend has continued to spread. And because it works so well, we thought we would finally introduce the 3-2-8 method. After all, the new year is about to start, gym memberships are being taken out andmade. Maybe the new method will work in 2025.

    How to build muscle with the 3-2-8 method...

    The concept behind the 3-2-8 method is actually very simple. Part of this workout plan is aimed at building muscle. The 3 stands forthree times a week, which is how often you should do strength training. This actually includes all exercises that are designed for muscle growth, from bench presses to bicep curls. The TikToker recommends three intensive strength sessions a week in her exercises - for example Monday, Wednesday and Friday - with so-calledto fill. This includes workouts that train multiple muscle groups at the same time. These can be classic squats, push-ups or even burpees. The more muscle groups that are targeted, the better. Since you only do strength training three times a week, splits are not suitable. So you should always make sure to train both your lower and upper body and challenge the respective opponents - biceps and triceps or chest and back. You can run to the gym for this, but you don't have to. Alsoare suitable for the 3-2-8 method.

    ... and this is how you boost fat burning with the 3-2-8 method

    The other two numbers in the 3-2-8 method serve bothas well as mental and physical health. The 2 stands fortwo low-impact units per week. This refers to workouts that challenge our bodies but do not overwhelm them, such as Pilates, yoga or other shorter units. They are intended to shape and stretch the body and also do something for the mind. The TikToker who invented the 3-2-8 method calls these days "active recovery days." They take place between strength units and are intended to ensure flexibility. Don't forget to stretch extensively!

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    The 8 stands for the 3-2-8 methodduring the week. Don't worry, it all sounds like a pretty tough program to start with. Now you don't have to run marathons every day. It's about,to take a total of 8,000 steps five days a week. So you can easily do it while taking a walk or strolling through town.

    That's why the 3-2-8 method is so effective

    The good thing about the 3-2-8 method is that it combines different building blocks of physical movement. We do strength sessions and cardio sessions and have the opportunity to take a breather without being completely idle. This workout plan is intended to help you establish a healthy exercise routine, especially at the beginning, while building muscle and burning fat at the same time. The biggest mistake you can make when starting to exercise (again) is wanting to do too much too quickly. You don't treat your body enoughand after two months I no longer have any strength or desire. So that doesn't help at all. It's better to give a lot once, then calm down and take it easy again - that helps you stay on the ball in the long term.

    Alternative to the 3-2-8 method: the 4-2-1 method

    There are various concepts for building a healthy workout routine in the long term. The 3-2-8 method is particularly suitable for beginners because it combines strength and endurance in a balanced way. There are also other methods that also suggest a workout plan: the 4-2-1 method, for example. In contrast to the 3-2-8 method, it is more focused on muscle growth. Here you shouldStrength sessions four times a week(as splits: twice upper body and twice lower body) andCardio sessions twice a weekinsert,There will be a break on the last day. You can do that though, but also has a pretty tough training plan ahead of him, with the risk of quickly losing interest. That's why we would advise: start with the 3-2-8 method and then vary it if you get too bored at some point. But it probably shouldn't happen that quickly.