Here's how to make the most of the light to avoid winter depression

    The shortest day of the year is approaching (it's December 21st), i.e. the day on which, like in this country, gets the least sunlight. But the dark oneis already getting on our nerves - so it's high timeto do something with light against the onset of winter blues.

    How we can properly use light to feel better

    Daylight has a huge impact on how we feel, but what many people don't know is that too much light can also be harmful. We reveal what you should pay attention to.

    It is well known that light has an immense influence on us and our internal clock. That's why it's recommended that people don't go out too big in the evening(not that we would stick to it) or generally not turning on bright artificial lights. Studies on shift workers who were exposed to bright artificial light in their jobs have shown that this alters their internal clock, which can even make them sick. The reason: When this bluish light hits a specific receptor in the eye, various processes are triggered in the body. The production of the sleep hormoneis reduced and instead cortisol is produced, which makes you awake and active. In this way, the light changes the way you feel and can have a similar effect to a cup of coffee. Or not.

    Using light correctly reduces the risk of winter depression

    In winter, when the days become shorter and there is less light, less of it falls on the receptor. The body is more likely to switch off and get ready for a night's sleep, which means we usually have significantly less energy than in summer. This is also shown by studies that measure the serotonin content in the also an activating hormone that has a mood-enhancing effect, but on average you only have a quarter of the summer level of it in your body. So it's completely logical that in the cold season we just want to hide under the covers and tend to fall into the winter blues - in the worst case, this can even degenerate into seasonal depression. In Germany, one in four suffers from a lack of light. In, where the effects are even worse, special lamps are sometimes used at bus stops to provide people waiting there with more light to counteract this.

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    To make the whole thing clearer using numbers: When the sky is clear, up to 100,000 lux (the unit of measurement of light intensity) reaches us, while in winter when it is cloudy only half reaches us. Indoors it is only 500 lux. The question arises: How much lux do you actually need to feel fit and awake?

    Experts say that there is no specific feel-good lux number. Rather, it depends on the spectral composition of the light and the time at which the light is recorded. It is best if you get full spectral light, i.e. almost all of the spectral components of daylight. But anyone who goes to work in the dark and only returns home in the dark will not be affected by the cold blue light of the morning hours or the reddish light of the growing day - and will be staring down the tube. However, because you have some kind of light storage, most people suffer from a lack of light in February when the storage is depleted.

    An important point here - as many people probably know - is vitamin D. The largest proportion of it is produced in the body by UV radiation from the sun. That means: There isn't oneSince, deficiency symptoms can occur, which in the worst case can lead to decreasing bone stability and immune deficiency. You can counteract this by taking vitamin D, for example through drops or tablets. However, you should be careful not to overdose - because this is also dangerous and can lead to calcification in organs.

    So you notice: If you notice the first signs of seasonal upset, you should take action immediately. What signs are these? These include increasing low moods, loss of interest, social withdrawal, increased appetite for carbohydrates and sweets, and an increased need for sleep. But what exactly should you do about it?

    Darkness puts you in a bad mood

    As a rule, you have already noticed whether you are prone to winter moods. If this is the case, you should make sure that you feel better quickly. If you have the time, desire and the necessary change, we can only advise you to travel to sunny countries during the dark season in Germany - not only will you automatically get more sun there, the anticipation of it will also keep you happy in advance .

    It is much easier, time-saving and cheaper (but usually also less pleasant) to plan daily walks - ideally between eight and twelve o'clock. Even when the sky is overcast, you get values ​​of around 3,000 lux, which will get you through the winter well on a regular basis. However, you should always look up at the sky so that the light hits your eyes directly - otherwise it won't be of much use.

    And in general, you should get into the habit of spending as much time outside as possible despite the temperatures: by bike instead of taking the subway or thatDriving to work, for example, helps enormously - not only because of the optimal cold, bluish daylight in the morning hours, but also because of the exercise that gets your circulation going at the same time. Because the combination of sporting activity and enough light is the best remedy against winter moods - ideally in combination with a healthy and fresh diet.

    If you can't avoid the car and work full-time, it's recommended to use your lunch break for a walk. You don't necessarily have to make business calls indoors, you can go outside the door. Rituals that you look forward to can also help you get through the winter in a good mood. These can be weekly sauna sessions, meetings with friends or a soothing bath with a nice bath additive.

    If you can afford it, for example because you work as a freelancer, you can also do yourself a favor by not setting your alarm clock at a certain time. It is much healthier and more beneficial for your mood if you follow the natural light-dark rhythm. In this way, according to medical science, you can avoid seasonal energy losses. By the way, for all opponents of the time change: If it weren't for this, the effects of shorter daylight in winter would be even more serious. This is definitely something to keep in mind when abolishing them is discussed in society again.

    If you find that daily walks and longing glances at the sky alone don't help, you should also think about purchasing a daylight lamp - we can recommend some of them. Clinics that use comparable daylight lamps work in a similar way to counteract seasonal depression and melancholy with lux values ​​of up to 10,000 (the lux number is lower for private use). The lux number alone is not decisive; rather, it depends on the spectral composition of the light. We already mentioned this above: it should be full-spectral light. It makes sense to use a light shower in the morning and not in the evening, as this would impair the production of sleep hormones and lead to difficulty sleeping. As a rule, after two to three weeks of daily light showers, you will notice an improvement in your mood.

    Light is like medicine

    If necessary, you can also take precautions against seasonal factors in the workplaceby placing your desk closer to the window or screwing a full-spectrum bulb into your desk lamp - we've already mentioned the midday walk tip above.

    In the future, it is to be expected that there will be more light therapies and that light that is appropriate for the situation will generally be integrated much more into our everyday lives. For example, studies have shown that cold, bluish light can reduce nocturnal states of confusion in Alzheimer's patients. In some cities where city planners have used blue lighting in public spaces, the suicide rate has dropped significantly. The use of different light sources in school lessons has also been tested - with the result that bright, blue-toned light improved the students' concentration and reading speed, while red-toned light calmed the class.

    Either way: There is (still) a lot of potential in light. But at this point in time you should do one thing above all else: get out into the fresh air - and just look at the sky.