Get in on everything that does not suit him and mingles into US education in the course of this. So he recently wrote a decree, wherebyCertain books may no longer be available in school librariesthat do not fit him and his radical conservative supporters in terms of content.
Donald Trump had books removed from school libraries
SeaIf only those books have been removed that are "a radical indoctrination" and prevailed that only values and opinions are increasingly taught in schools that go with their own compliance. Because: All Christian books in which really indoctrinated are of course desired by him. So much for a lack of freedom of expression in Europe as Trump's Vice Chancellor Vance claims at the Munich Security Conference and has thus ridiculed himself before the world public.
The Nazis have already banned books - now Donald Trump
For example, Trump claims that children are only made trans-gender in schools. In this way, he discriminates and discredits the complete trans community and, through his decree, once again ensures that trans-people in the USA continue to be excluded even more than is already the case.
At the same time, Trump directed his literary resentment against books that would propagate "discriminatory ideology of equality". He also claims that there is no structural inequality. Therefore, according to his quarrel logic, all measures that would turn against racism, sexism, homophobia and the like are discriminatory. Sounds crazy and insane? We would not contradict.
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The only book that Donald Trump is concerned with is his own. Nobody believes that he really wrote it himself.
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By banishing certain books from school libraries, Donald Trump is now trying to make topics that are a thorn in the side. Let us only take the example of racism that has been a never -ending giant topic for centuries in the United States, which is not to be undergrowed on the one hand, and on the other hand it is hard to get under control. The only thing you can do is (especially young) people to clarify this. However, Trump prevents this by making it difficult for children to access an education that could ensure that there is less racism in the country.
Under the guise of a so -called “patriotic training”, he tries to return the everyday topic of racism under the carpet, which of course is not affected as an old, white, rich man. At the same time, he had government funding for productions related to diversity and racism, which also prevents there is more equality and equal opportunities. In such an attack on freedom of expression, a dictatorial censorship in the USA is therefore not far away.
However, Trump has not submitted a specific list of books to be removed from the libraries. It is a matter of interpretation of the respective school management, which books will no longer be found in the corresponding libraries. But in particular, those responsible for the approximately 160 pentagon schools in which children are taught by US military, like the lemmings, followed the instructions of the President and have already had the first books removed from their libraries, of which they are of the opinion of Donald Trump. These include the following five books:
1. "No Truth Without Ruth: The Life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg" von Kathleen Krull und Nancy Zhang
AtNo Truth without Ruthit is a picture book biography about Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Don't you know? Maybe you know her under your nickname "Ruthless Ruthie". Neither? But you should! After all, she was not only one of the first women who was ever judge at the Supreme Court of the United States (and had to fight for it accordingly), but also an advocate of equality, fighter for unconditional justice, icon of feminism and model for many girls and women in the USA - but also in the rest of the world.
Because during her entire studies and her professional life she was discriminated against - just because she was a woman. Something that Donald Trump and his team, which mainly consists of other old, white, rich men, claims that there is no such thing. In this book, her empowering story is told - and of course a populist like Donald Trump is a thorn in the side.
2. "Freckleface Strawberry" von Julianne Moore
Julianne Moore is particularly known as an outstanding actress. But she also wrote a classic children's book, namelyFreckleface Strawberry(In Germany the book is under the titleFriendly fire headpublished). It deals with a red -haired girl who hates his freckles, because of whom he is frequently bullied, but ultimately learns to live with it - a totally encouraging story for all those who have to live with a supposed flaw or who are told by others that they have such a flaw (of course, of course, clearly). But Donald Trump also wants to have such a book where you can really find a little bad as a lousy person. He encouraged the Ministry of Defense to also check this book to see whether it "may be associated with the gender ideology or the ideology of equality". Honestly, a government that starts a program that takes a hard time against diversity, equality and integration programs is not far from the dictatorship.
3. "Genderqueer" by Maia Kobabe
Die comicautobiographyGenderqueerby Maia Kobabe is considered a classic of the-Community. In it, the author processes her lifelong search for herself extremely sensitively and empathetically: how she felt like she as a teenager in the nineties of living in a body that does not match her feelings. She didn't feel like a girl, but also didn't want to be a boy and meandered in this way in an undefined space in which she found no stop. She wondered: Can she be neither young nor girl? Is that possible?Genderqueeris not just a very fantastic one, but also a great story about identity finding that should help many young people find their way around this world. The fact that Donald Trump and his supporters actually do something like this is really a certificate of poverty.
4. "American Street" by Ibi Zoboi
Donald Trump and his vassals are not only against the fact that representatives of the LGBTQIA*community are treated equally and there are literature that can help them if necessary. Donald Trump also wants to continue to exclude People of Color and everything withhas to do, prefer to sweep under the table and pretend that there is no racism. He is not interested in the fact that racism is very comfortable and Poc have to suffer every day - Trump is neither a particularly great fan of truth nor of standing for disadvantaged. Logical that he is therefore also the bookAmerican StreetIt would be preferred forever - author Ibi Zoboi won a lot of prices for this and was the finalist of the National Book Award.American Streetis an inspiring coming-of-age story for which Ibi Zoboi uses her own experiences as a Haitian immigrant. It is about Fabiola Toussaint, who is looking for a better life to the USA. But the dream burst quickly when her mother is captured and harassed by the US immigration authority. Absolutely worth reading!
5. "The Hate U Give" von Angie Thomas
The author Angie Thomas is also on Donald Trump's launch list. Why? Because she also wrote a book by drawing attention to racism and addressing People of Color's problems. Protagonist ofThe Hate U givethe 16-year-old is rigid. It grows up in a poor district, but goes to a private school - and is therefore some of very few POC there. One day her best friend Khalil is shot by a police officer in front of her eyes, her life changes from one day to the other. Because when it is reported nationwide about Khalil's death, many different people in his name take to the streets while the police are trying to downplay the topic - and it starts to put pressure on the subject, who is at least a witness. Should you read, precisely because Donald Trump and his fellow travelers are against it.