Turtlenecks are celebrating their trend comeback! We have the coolest looks

If you don't want to freeze to the bone in the current temperatures outside, you'd better take precautions. So get ready: a thick jacket, scarf, hat and of course a warm top. The only question is which one is best to fish out of your closet. A hoodie or a sweatshirt? Of course it always works. A? Anyway. There is another type of sweater that is currently outperforming the competition.Theis back and, of course, trendy. Anyone who is wondering “What was that all about?” and “What’s the best way to style turtlenecks?” can now read along carefully. We havethe most important questions about the fashion trend clarified.

Question #1: What are turtlenecks?

That you are betweenandIt's completely understandable that you don't always know exactly what a fashionable term really means. That's why you have us. We'll explain the most important trends to you and also tell you where you can get the corresponding outfits. With turtlenecks it's actually quite simple. They are derived from the turtle neck and represent sweaters with a high, usually tight-fitting collar that cover the neck. Just like you can imagine turtles doing when they pull their head back into their shell, forming a neck fold. Very important: Turtlenecks are closely related to the, but – we have to be nitpicky – it’s not exactly the same. There is a crucial difference.

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Question #2: How do turtlenecks differ from turtlenecks?

Turtlenecks are just like thata cool alternative to hoodies or sweatshirts in winter. They come from the same product family, but are. Both are high-necked and close to the neck. The difference, however, is that the collar of turtleneck sweaters, as the name suggests, is rolled. The collar of turtlenecks is often longer so that you can easily fold it over. With Turlenecks the collar remains single layer. It's not that easy to tell the two sweaters apart; depending on the piece, the boundaries are sometimes fluid. As a rule of thumb, you can simply remember: turtlenecks are rolled, turtlenecks stay straight. Both versions look cool.

Question #3: Why are turtlenecks a fashion trend now?

We don't need to spend much time discussing the benefits of turtlenecks. The extended collar fits snugly around the neck and acts as another layer of protection, which can protect us from one or the otherpreserved. So we don't always have to agreewrap around, which is at least helpful, often stylish, but sometimes just quite annoying. It's no wonder that turtlenecks emerge as a fashion trend every winter. It is their elegant look that immediately creates a more prominent head section and gives more shape to the neck. You immediately look smarter than if you were just wearing a hoodie or sweatshirt, and you can still combine the trendy sweater with anything. We'll now reveal why.

Question #4: What does a turtleneck have to look like to become a trend?

Before we start styling turtlenecks, we first have to get a cool turtleneck. Otherwise we don't need to worry about the rest. We would always recommend choosing a simple, plain turtleneck - the color doesn't matter, as long as it matches the rest of your outfit. The most important question to ask yourself when choosing a turtleneck is the right material. It should be of high quality, i.e. made of wool, cashmere or other knitwear, so that you can use the turtleneck for as long as possible. After all, you can be sure that it will become a fashion trend again by next winter at the latest. You can find cool models in almost every brand. Our favorites this season come fromDior Men,PradaandGiorgio Armanias well as fromPaul & Shark,Hackett LondonorLater. There are cheaper models availableFear of God,Marc O'PoloorCos. However, you have to spend a bit of money for a good turtleneck. Then it pays off.

Question #5: How do you style turtlenecks?

Let's get to the most important question: How do you combine turtlenecks so that they look really cool? Here too, the trendy sweater proves to be helpful - and is much easier to style thanor sweatshirts. You can wear turtlenecks with almost any look, whether casual and sporty or elegant and smart. Thicker turtlenecks are best styled as a single piece, finer ones can also be easily integrated into layering looks and under shirts, jackets orlayers. As long as you have a good turtleneck to start with, the outfit can hardly go wrong. So you should be able to do it without any problem.

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