Divide rent as a couple: This is how you divide them fairly - and why 50/50 is not always the best model for women

Divide rent as a couple: According to the expert, these factors should be considered

Onit goes round again: this time because somePost funny videos about that in their (heteronormative)pay less or no rent at all. For example, it looks like a content creator says in a video about her boyfriend or man that she won't be enough this monthfor the rent would have left and he replies relaxed: "So everything as always?"

A, who triggers discomfort for many users: inside the comment columns. Isn't it totally important to be financially independent of your partner - and ideally divide the rent 50/50 on an equal footing? Not necessarily, argues Amrita Dhillon, business professor at King's College London.

What makes a rental division really “fair”?

To have the partner adopted more or even the whole rent - is that not full of that-Mindet? Yes, at first glance, such a setting can actually be regressive, says Amrita Dhillon. After all, it is part of a conservative world view that the man takes the role of the “nutrient” and that the woman takes care of the domestic duties instead. That is why it is not possible in most of the trending videos for rental distribution.

"It is less a conservative movement than women who express their frustration about the current conditions," said Dhillon. Because even if you work as a woman, it is anything but usual to earn as much as a male partner. And for several reasons:

  1. Women still have almost worldwide with oneto fight. Means: Women do not get the same remuneration as male colleagues with the same qualification and in a comparable position.
  2. Women still go much moreafter and wear more. Means that your work goes far beyond the actual wage work, which is not paid.
  3. Women are still stronger fromaffected. Which is also due to the pension gap, which results from vacation and the like.

Specifically, 50/50 rent would only be fair if the inequalities mentioned above were remedied. So if you earn exactly the same as your partner, really divide the care work and/or have no children and would like to pay 50 percent of the rent: great!

Distribute rent unevenly = a step backwards for feminism? On the contrary!

But if you can't do that, you are therefore not equally unfaminist. On the contrary, the idea has thatAlways mean the same division, just slowly outlined. Because, as Dhillon emphasizes, she comes from the second wave of feminism, in which many women fought for the same opportunities at work from the 1960s to 80s. In the 1990s, the women hoped to be equal to the men at work, while they often founded families. The idea of ​​“having everything” and “doing everything” became the ideal.

Women can now work, but it has not really led to equality. That oneThat can ideally catch- and when it comes to a different division of rental costs- is not a solution, but at least a small relief until we have really reached fair work and living conditions.

And of course, if a woman asks a man to pay the rent,Just because he is a manAnd she thinks thatWe may really be dealing with a regressive gender policy. But that doesn't mean italwaysis a regressive attitude. In other words, in the current unequal position, women have the right to rethink the idea - and to discuss with their partners that the payment of the same amounts is the only feminist solution.

This article was made with text passages from our glamor college: inside from UK.