5 perfumes for spring that make really good mood

Spring is there and finally puts you in a good mood. So that we do not lose it so quickly even in changeable weather - should happen in Germany - we just help a little. For that we havefivefound that not only smell damn well, but also our Mood boosters. After all, we can always need a good mood. Is also contagious, promised.

5 ingenious men's fragrances that make you in a good mood

Bring us through the winter well, but do not fit our current mood. We are in a good mood and want to smell like that. That is why it is now said: fresh, fruity and spring -like perfumes to the front, with which we can boosters our Mood on a few good days. Our fellow human beings are also happy about this. In any respect.

1. Solar von Cos Perfumery

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From April on the market: Solaire from COS Perfumery

When youCOSThinking, then you have high -quality and timeless fashion in mind that actually fits every time and every occasion. The fire where you can find the perfect essentials for the wardrobe. The same will also apply to the bathroom cabinet in the future. From April, COS will start with COS Perfumery, the first fragrance collection of the house. And it provides exactly these perfect companions for everyday life, of which we have raved about. Our favorite for spring is the perfumeSolar, A delicate composition from Olibanum, Myrrh and Benzoe, accompanied by Zistrose and Amber. Get a good mood!

2. Man The Water Von Prada

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The first spray smells of ginger and Neroli. Then Iris and Ambroxan slowly prevail before the woody base of sandal and cedar wood develops. The perfect fragrance for spring when you ask us.Man WatervonPradaIs a classic that actually always exudes good mood, no matter when you put the perfume for men. And with that you can not only do your own Mood boosters, but also put your environment in the best mood. So win-win.

3. H24 VONST Herbs von Hermès

The scent ofH24 lively herbsvonHermesAwakens several associations. When we put on the perfume for men, we can find ourselves somewhere between fresh flower meadow and wet grass, which has an invigorating and calming effect on us - and of course also provides us with a good mood. The men's scent is an authentic image of nature in spring, which slowly awakens from winter and blooms in all its beauty. You want to smell over and over again.

4. Mountain von Strellson

StrellsonCOS did the same and launched an exclusive fragrance collection a few months ago, which has already brought us through the winter well. The perfumeMountainBut we have saved ourselves so far because it just fits perfectly in spring. It smells striking, natural and cool and combined lively notes of moss, black currant and musk as well as essences from apple, jasmine and birch. If this harmonious composition does not put you in a good mood, we don't know what to do.

5. Eucalyptus 20 von the lab

Also withand the laboIf you are looking for a spring fragrance, which is light, fresh and lively and also puts you in a good mood. AtEucalyptus 20is the name program. TheOpens a horizon full of endless vastness in which mintiger eucalyptus is combined with woody under tones - warm and cold at the same time, refreshing and incredibly good. The olfactory journey will not be for its carriers -Eucalpytus 20is a masculine unisex fragrance-as a Mood booster, but also for their fellow human beings, which you will address immediately on your brilliant perfume. So now everyone wants to smell like that.