Is a red suit? And what about jeans and sneakers? When choosing theOutfits for wedding gueststhere are some style faux pas andabsolute No-Go's. We have asked an expert about styling tips and explain what men should definitely pay attention to in order to be dressed appropriately and stylishly at a wedding.
No-go's wedding guest outfit for men: the basic tips
There are some stumbling blocks thatshould definitely avoid. We summarize the most important no-gos:
- Is important thatInvitation to read exactly, because here the bride and groom usually provide some information that you should take into account when choosing a suit, accessories and Co.
- If ais given, stick to it - no matter what you personally think of it. Whether formal, semi-formal or motto, respect the wishes of the bride and groom.
- Pay attention to a well -groomed appearance and that yourOutfit clean, ironed and in good conditionis. Because unnecessary clothing can look disrespectful.
- Asubtle fragranceis completely okay, but avoid it too muchto apply because this can be annoying for other guests.
- Less is moreAlso applies to your outfit: Avoid extremely striking or inappropriate looks.
Wedding guest outfit no-go's: these errors should avoid men
Der MünchnerFashion designer Tom Rebl, who likes to tend to unusual looks as a wedding guest, holds the most importantNO-GO's in terms of style questions for wedding guestsTogether and gives tips for alternatives.
1. Avoid white
White is traditionally reserved for the bride. Therefore, completely white dresses for women* are taboo at a wedding so that they do not compete with the wedding dress. But also from oneWhite suit for men*As a guest at a wedding, Tom Rebl advises - for very pragmatic reasons: "A wedding celebration usually lasts long, there are longSlets sooner or later almost inevitable. In addition, white. "SchwarzOn the other hand, it is generally permitted at weddings nowadays. Although the color is traditionally associated with grief, is aElegant black suitWith shirt and tie, especially with formal weddings, a good choice. Rather at evening events. In the case of daily weddings, too dark colors are less suitable.Tipp: If you are unsure whether black is appropriate, ask the newlyweds or other guests for advice.
2. No bright colors
In addition to white, the fashion professional also findsBright or bright colors at a weddingRather difficult - unless the motto and the dress code provide a corresponding etiquette. Nevertheless, Tom Rebl would not generally exclude a fiery red or a strong violet as a color for the perfect wedding guest outfit for men. "In my nature, it is a designer to break with rules," he smiles. And the color ultimately has to fit the carrier. Under no circumstances should oneSignal colorWear just to put on a great appearance and attract attention on bending and breaking! Alsoextremely striking pattern, with which you draw your attention, you should avoid. In the end that has to beOutfit fit the individual personality.
3. absolute no-go: jeans as a guest at a wedding
This question always arises: areJeans to the jacket as a guest at a weddingallowed? The answer is simple: "OneBlue JeansFor me there is one at a weddingabsolutes No-Go! "Tom Rebl has a clear opinion. It would have bothered him if someone had appeared in jeans at his own wedding. That is an expression that someone was not trying andNo thoughts about his outfithave. An outfit that is too casual, consisting of jeans, t-shirt and sneaker,looks after leisure clothing and disrespectful. But there are alternatives - the tip from the professional: oneChino in combination with a polo shirtfinds Rebl at oneBut totally okay. "Provided that it is not a washed out polo shirt, but maybe a slight rope." ASakco over itgives the outfit an elegant note.
Casual Wedding – schick in Chino statt Jeans:
4. Sneakers for the wedding - can you do that?
Sneakers at a wedding, is that possible? Even if you feel comfortable in everyday life, sports shoes are - even so stylish - for oneFestive, formal occasion less suitable. At most at the most hour,When the dance floor is opened. But there are exceptions: wear the groom and the bride itself likesAnd is thatDress code consciously kept casualis againstnothing wrong - as long as you in onegood conditionare and match the overall impression. And that you don't put on the sneakers that you would otherwise wear for sports. This goes without saying. One way or another applies to footwear: Remember that theAre and avoid worn or unsuitable shoes because they affect the look of your outfit. And in case of doubt, men prefer to take up as a wedding guestOr Loafer back.
Rock the Dancefloor:
5. Tasteful accessories: Do not overdo it!
A tie in bright yellow? A violet tuxedo or a batik shirt made of silk? Daring looks for men require a lotSensitivity. Someone who is not a fashion -affin would advise Tom Rebl from gimmicks in terms of outfit and accessories: "If you are unsure about style questions, you prefer to rely on a more subtle outfit in case of doubt." Avoidconspicuous accessories. Unusual hats can quickly fall out of the frame and have an inappropriate effect - but at a wedding in summer temperatures there is no objection to chic headgear and sunglasses. Speaking of:Shortsbe asUsually not appropriate-unless it is a very informal beach party. Even then, enormous style of style is required.
6. Don't distract from the bride and groom
What you should definitely avoid: to appear in an outfit that distracts or even from the bride and groomcompeted with the groom's outfit. Who wants to steal the show to the radiant bride and groom? Especially men shouldhold back with accessories. Because the possibilities of the groom, at his own wedding from the seaTo put it out are very limited anyway. While a pocket cloth is quite appropriate, you shouldFlower bouquets on the lapelavoid. Better leave this chic accessory option to the groom.