130 questions about getting to know each other, for friends: inside and couples: personal, funny and with depth
DieWhen getting to know new people, it is extremely crucial to find out how compatible you are. But even with people who have been in our lives for a long time and who supposedly think of knowing everything, there is still a lot to discover. That's why our editorial team has 130Questions to get to know each otherCompiled that should help.
But don't worry: it's not about all listed ones "Questions to get to know each other”To have correct answers ready, but above all about getting into conversation with each other - especially on topics that can be lost in everyday life. So give yourself one, a tea or a glass of wine, make it comfortable and look forward toWith your loved ones. So that it does not become too monotonous, it is best to ask alternately or row (depending on how many people play along). Let's go!
130 questions about getting to know each other, getting closer and for profound conversations
- General questions to get to know each other
- Personal questions
- Funny questions
- Daring questions
- Questions for couples
General questions to get to know each other
- How would you describe me in three words? Associate freely!
- The food or drink that I don't like at all is ...
- What is my favorite animal?
- The place in the world that I absolutely have oncewant, is ...
- Do I have a favorite film? And if so, which one is it?
- Do you know which cartoon series I used to see?
- The best concert I've ever visited was ...
- My favorite color is ...
- Do I have a favorite book? And if so, which one?
- My: e favorite actor: in is ...
- If I won one million euros tomorrow, what would I buy first?
- The best gift I've ever received is ...
- If I could choose the time I was born, would I like to go into the future or the past?
- Where would I prefer to live? In a small rustic hut in the forest or a chic bungalow with a private sea access?
- Never sing again or never dance again? What would I choose?
- If I should choose a completely new profession/a new educational path - regardless of the salary - what would I like to work?
- I believe in?
- Am I a day or night person?
- I would like to be born with the talent ...
- What is one thingthat I can never resist?
- Do you know my zodiac sign?
- What characteristic is a deal breaker for me when it comes to new relationships/friend: Domestics?
- I would never hear this music voluntarily ...
- Which subject brought me to despair at school?
- I have one? And if so, which one?
- An activity that really always relaxes me is ...
- What am I disgusting?
- In which area of my life am I particularly creative?
- Winter vacation or summer vacation? What is my favorite time a year?
- Which piece of clothing would I never wear?
- My: e favorite superheld: In is ...
- If I could choose a superpower, which one would it be?
- Which pet would I like?
- In the morning, in the afternoon or evening - what time of day do I enjoy the most?
- If I could choose which country I would live in, which would I vote?
- What was the most expensive piece of clothing I've ever bought? And what do you appreciate, what did I spend?
- Which film was the worst I've ever seen?
- If I had become a professional athlete: then in this discipline.
- My favorite holiday a year is ...?
- That was the best advice I've ever received.
- If I had to choose between mountain and sea vacation, what would I choose?
- If I would tell my 13-year-old, where I live today, what I work, how my marital status is-what would it surprise?
- Which person do I admire? Fictional or historical - everything is allowed.
- What is my favorite dish?
- And my favorite dessert?
- What character traits do we share?
- How do we differ the most?
- I think my biggest weakness is ...
- What I have most about?
- On which of my character traits I am particularly proud?
- Where do I feel at home?
- How do I see myself in ten years?
- My: e best: r friend: in childhood was ...
- If I could give my former I advice, that would be ...
- What did I want to be as a child?
- Mineis …
- What is one of my most beautiful childhood memories?
- I like it when others call me the following nickname ...
- What role does family play in my life?
- When was the last time I tried something completely new - and what was it?
- What do I think of/Religion?
- How happy am I currently in my job/as a student: in?
- The greatest sense of achievement that I have had in my life so far is ...
- I already had one?
- What should happen to my body after my death?
- Do I believe in life after death?
- Which song should be played at my funeral?
- Have I ever been in the hospital?
- As a child, I preferred to spend my time as?
- I've always had this dream since childhood. Do you know him?
- Did I have a pet when I was small? If so, which animal? And do you even know his name?
- I would want to save this object under all circumstances if my house burns.
- I admire the most people who ...
- I wish my relationship with this family member would be easier.
- Mein Go-to-is …
- If I could travel into the past or in the future, where would I like to travel and why?
- If I had to wear an outfit for the rest of my life - what would I choose?
- Do you know where and when I was drunk for the first time?
- One thing that I would never do, even if you were paying a million euros for it, is ...
- My celebrity swarm is ...
- If a film about my life was made, which: r actor: should play me?
- Which emoji do I use most often?
- If I won the lottery, what would be the first thing I would buy from it?
- Would I tell the people around me that I won the lottery or keep it secret?
- You get a call from the police. I was arrested. What do you think, which crime I would have committed?
- Was I Team Jacob or Team Edward, when “Twilight” came to the cinema?
- If I had to do without pasta or pizza for a year, what would I choose?
- A year without a cell phone for 100,000 euros. Would I get involved?
- When I go up foreverorwould have to do without - what would I choose?
- If I could change something in my life, what would that be?
- The best advice I have ever received is ...
- One thing that I cannot tolerate in relationships/friendships is ...
- Suppose I only have an hour to live, what would I do?
- The worst mistake I've ever made in my life is ...
- A blatant turning point in my life was ...
- With which of my family members do I identify the most?
- Is there anything I really regret?
- One of my most embarrassing memories is ...
- I lie regularly on this matter.
- I was caught with this lie.
- Have I ever stolen something? If so, what?
- If I could choose how to die, what would I plan?
- What, do you think, do I like to do you?
- Which part of the body do I like most about myself?
- Which television series do I run when I need encouragement?
- A moment in our relationship that made me particularly happy was ...
- How do I define romance?
- A fictional character, from literature or film that is similar to me ...
- Do you think I'm happy? And what does it mean for me?
- What do I think about marriage?
- After a hard day you can immediately cheer me up ...
- What is the most important thing that I learned from my previous relationships?
- I particularly appreciate that ...
- I particularly feel like you when ...
- Do you think I was jealous?
- What makes me angry in everyday life?
- In which situations do I feel particularly loved?
- Do you think I was brave?
- Do you know something about my first time?
- Which song describes our relationship?
- How do I put the perfect onebefore?
- I knew that we would be a couple as ...
- I hope that we more often in the future ...
- If you had to plan a perfect vacation for me, what would we do (if money doesn't matter)?
- I would like to learn this skill in my life. Do you know which one?
- If I had a bad day at work, I am most likely to do the following work to relax again: A.) Sport, B.) I cook a good food, C.) I am five episodes of my favorite series.
- My favorite Christmas song is ...?
- Do I want children at some point?
- Which unfulfilledI have?
This article was made with text passages from our Glamor-Kolleg: inside from MX.