Annual horoscope 2025 Cancer: Great prospects for your zodiac sign.
You seem so calm. Like a person who has no problems. Now you're probably laughing bitterly because everyone has problems. It's so. And we don't even want to tell you that they all disappear into thin air. But: In 2025 you will be equipped with enough tools to solve many of them.
Jupiter, which moves into your zodiac sign on June 10th, has a positive influence on finances,Career, health, feelings. Even disputes in the- as we know, the most stubborn ones - you can settle this year.
What's interesting is that this year you'll have twice the chance to put the past right. Jupiter retrograde from November 12th brings a missed (professional) opportunity back to you and asks you: “Well, maybe you still want to take advantage of it?” And even the feared oneaffects you, dear, rather positive: At the end of November to the beginning of December you will have the opportunity to correct something that you have previously regretted. You'll see: a lot, really a lot, will dissolve into happiness.
Annual horoscope 2025 Cancer: Hello, high phases!
July and August and the first half of October will be – astrologer Claudia Graf-Khounani quotes – “extremely passionate”. Note:-Stock up supplies. But don't give the wrong impression: it's about more than sex. Maybe it will even turn into something (more) serious.
There are good job opportunities between June 10th and 26th, between September 3rd and 18th and between October 7th and 29th. By the way, these are always good times toand a little poker. Windfall? Let's take it with us.
Annual horoscope 2025 Cancer: These zodiac signs accompany you
In any case they are not. They can go through their ego phase without you. The energy of thematches yours because they are also under Jupiter influence. Andinfect you with their passion. Especially interesting as, clear your throat, overnight guests.
All annual horoscopes for 2025 at a glance: