Catfishing is perhaps the most nasty and most dangerous dating trend
Always sounds great, but some pitfalls harbors. One of them is catfishing - a, in which humans accept a different identity to lead others around the nose. That would never happen to you? That is exactly what Catfishing victims thought-until it happened to them themselves. We explain where the cute name of the nasty dating trend comes from, how you recognize it and how you can protect yourself from it.
Spoiler-Alert: Catfishing is the most common of all dating tricks. With the stitch, which unfortunately has developed into a bad dating trend, someone acceptsAnother identity and pretends to be someone who is not at all. The “Catfish” then creates a fake profile in which he uploads stolen images, and thus pretends the desire for a common relationship (or even future). How now, real? Yes, some people really seem to tick.
It is not uncommon for the “Catfish” to be used to urgently need money after the introduction or even digital relationship phase. Because he has already lulled the other person in such a way that she believes in the relationship (although you have never seen yourself in real), sacrifice often believe the “Catfish” - and give him more than just digital care. So primarily money.
Catfishing: Where does the name come from?
Admittedly, the name “Catfishing” sounds strange to a common dating mesh. So where does he come from? In the wildlife, the catfish of the catwels is: a fish that was used, among other things, fishing fish that was lived alive to tons to keep it agile and fresh by hunting the fishing fish in the tons.
The fact that “Catfishing” was established as a word in the flirt world is due to filmmaker NEV Schulman. He turned a documentary about how he met a woman on Facebook who did not exist, so he was "Catfished". While he thought after a longer online relationship that he would hit a young single woman, he was actually Ü40 and married.
The catwels and fake online dater: So inside have one thing in common: they keep their victims busy. In the case of the Castfisher, they are constant and pretend to be super -interested in the person - their behavior is often based on low motives that are of course alien to the fish.
Dating trick Catfishing: Why do people do that?
Good question. Why someone puts in and claims other people with intent and claims to love them andYou will never really understand. But what motives could someone mutate into a “catfish”?
Control, vengeance and fraud should arrange most people to Catfishing. After the catfish simply cannot leave its victim alone, he naturally also exercises control - even though the whole relationship only takes place by telephone and digitally. And if you want to take revenge on someone, perhaps after a relationship on relationships or not a responded love, then it is obvious to really take him around the nose with a fake identity and pretend it. It goes without saying that there must also be a deeper problem: no person just becomes a catfish overnight. However, an injured personJust tend to do so (keyword: control).
In the past, there have been more than once stories in which the Catfish ultimately as tough: R fraud: In the outer: it is about high amounts of money, but also about your own reputation, which can be neglected.
Does everything sound as if it never happened to you? Maybe, but nothing is impossible. Because if the catfish can have one, then it is (digital). Every allegation counters: The fake dater: In with photos or confirmations of other people who of course do not guess the identity theft. You should never forget: the Catfish really takes on a different identity - or even several identities. To do this, he uses one or more online profiles with pictures and also points in the curriculum vitae. Absolutely malignant.
Dating trend catfishing: How to protect yourself from it
Nobody wants to be victims of Catfishing and thus also fraud. Because we use, to fall in love with us and not to become "Catfished", right? In order not to become a “catwels victim”, these three simple tips can help:
1. Meeting Irl never take place
If your online match can never meet with you, you should be aware. Sure, sometimes an (online) relationship begins as, where it is important to bridge a distance of several hundred kilometers. But even if you suggest to go to the other person's place of residence after a few weeks or months, and who will find excuses that would make your visit senseless, you should urgently question whether you may have become Catfishing victims.
2. The “Catfish” gives too much too much of itself
You have been writing a date from a dating app for two weeks, maybe you have even exchanged private numbers and are in constant WhatsApp contact. Without you (let's be honest!) Good to know it or having seen yourself in real, your date suddenly writes you from the future together that it has never been so in love with a person, and then he tells: she also also without being asked from the pet on childhood.
Then it is time for you to turn back a gear and maybe pull the emergency brake. A “Catfish” overfores his victim after a first, often very shortOften with personal details to build trust. If all of this, especially digitally, goes too quickly, keep you - and maybe follow our third tip.
3. Turn the skewer around with Google!
If you have the first assumptions that yours: e digital: r CLOSENGING: Perhaps it is too good to be true, there are two options: ask ' - just out. Sometimes a “Catfish” is not prepared for it and gets involved in his lies, and you can get him so that something doesn't fit.
Last but not least, it remains-And here above all the image search: download the pictures of his swarm and let them run through the Google image search. Normally, the “Catfish” used pictures of public social media profiles so that you can find them-with the name of the real person.
Should you be a victim of catfishing and, then for you it is time for an almost as old dating trend:. This is the only way to get rid of the “Catfish” in doubt.
Catfishing in series: Netflix-doku
The documentary series tells in six partsOn Netflix of a particularly blatant catfishing incident: In the documentary, Kirat Assi from London has their say, whose life was turned upside down. Her Catfisher called herself Bobby and pretended her for months of true love. In this document, you can see how Kirat could free himself from the clutches of the Catfishing offender on Netflix.