- Beinstrecker
- Schulterdehner
- Standing forward bend
- Wadenstretch
- Quadriceps stretch
- back extensor /-Kuh
- butterfly
- Back of leg stretch
Which stretching exercises should you do every day?
A stretch that many people find beneficial and is often performed daily is the so-called hamstring stretch. This stretch targets the muscles in the back of the thighs and can help improve flexibility in the lowerand improve the legs.
To do this, sit on the floor and stretch one leg forward. Bend the other leg so that the sole of the foot is leaning against the straight leg. Straighten your upper body and try to bend over your extended leg with a straight back. Keep your back straight and avoid arching your back. Your stretch should be in the area ofbe felt. Hold the position for about 15 to 30 seconds and then switch leg positions. Please do not do the exercise if you have problems with your intervertebral disc!
Which exercise stretches the entire body?
An exercise that stretches the entire body while targeting muscles and joints is the Standing Forward Bend. Here's how to do it:
Standing forward bend
Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. The knees may be slightly bent, especially if you are a beginner. The arms hang relaxed at the sides of the body. Take a deep breath and raise your arms above, with the palms facing each other. Slowly bend forward at the waist as you exhale. Try to lower your upper body over your legs. Let your arms hang down and then grab your ankles or hold the backs of your legs (this is also one of theStretching exercises for arms). The knees can remain slightly bent. Hold the position for about 20 to 30 seconds, trying to go a little deeper into the stretch with each exhale. The head and neck are relaxed.
At the end of the exercise, slowly come back to an upright position by activating your abdominal muscles. Roll up the spine one vertebra at a time.
What is stretching good for?
The “Standing Forward Bend” is a classic one-Exercise and is particularly effective for stretching muscles along the entire back of the body, including the calves, thighs, glutes, lower back muscles, shoulders and neck. It promotes flexibility in the spine and can help relieve tension and generally improve mobility. Be careful with lower back pain!
Stretching exercises for the whole body
In addition to the “standing forward bend,” there are other workouts that stretch larger areas of the body. For example:
Full body stretching exercises: calf stretch
Stand with onein front of the other. Bend your front knee and keep the heel of your back leg on the floor. Stretches the calf muscles.
Full body stretches: quadriceps stretch
Stand on one leg and grab the bent leg with your hand. Pull the leg back to stretch the front of the thigh. Switch sides.
Full Body Stretches: Knee to Chest Stretch
Lie on your back and pull one knee towards your chest. Hold the other onestretch or bend it slightly. Stretches the glutes and lower back muscles.
Stretching exercises for the upper body
You can find some hereStretching exercises, which specifically cover the upper body and improve mobility:
Put your hands together behind your back and stretch your arms straight. Raise your arms slightly and feel the stretch in themShoulderand in the chest area. So that's good tooStretching exercises for arms.
Lateral trunk stretch
Stand tall and raise one arm above your head. Tilt your upper body to the side to stretch your side muscles. Switch sides.
Chest opener
Stand upright and put your hands behind your backentangled. Raise your arms slightly and pull your shoulder blades together. Opens the chest muscles.
Triceps stretch
Raise one arm and bend the elbow to bring the hand between the shoulder blades. Use the other hand to lightly press the elbow. This is good for, among other thingsArm stretching. Switch sides.
Neck stretch
Let your head fall to the side so that your ear points towards your shoulder. Use your hand to apply gentle pressure to the head. Switch sides.
Back extensor or cat-cow
Position on hands and knees. Alternate between a hollow back (cat) and a curved back (cow) to achieve thisto mobilize.
Sit upright on the floor and turn your upper body to the side. Use the opposite arm to apply gentle pressure to the knee. Switch sides.
Stretching exercises for the legs
Here are someStretching exercisesthat specifically stretch the legs:
Sit on the floor and stretch one leg out. Bend the other leg so that theis pressed against the extended leg. Bend forward with your back straight to feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
Calf extensors
Place one foot in front of the other and bend the front knee while keeping the back leg straight. Keep the heel of your back leg on the floor to stretch your calves.
Sit on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall to the sides. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible to stretch your adductors.
Quadriceps stretch
Stand on one leg and grab the bent leg with your hand. Pull the leg back to cover the front of theto stretch. Switch sides.
Lunge (lunge) or hip flexor stretch
Take a big step forward and lower your back knee almost to the floor. Keep your front knee over your ankle and feel the exercise in your hips and quadriceps. Switch legs.
Lying thigh stretch
Lie on your stomach, bend your right knee and grab your ankle with your hand. Pull your foot toward your buttocks to stretch the back of your thigh. Switch sides.
Adductor stretch
Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Bend one knee and bring the foot to the inside of the opposite thigh. Tilt your torso slightly forward to stretch your adductors. Switch sides.
General information about stretching exercises: How long should you stretch?
Regardless of whether it is hip orArm stretching: Always perform stretching exercises slowly and in a controlled manner. Be careful not to stretch beyond your personal limit to avoid injury. If possible, hold static stretches for around 15 to 30 seconds and perform dynamic stretches in a flow. Integrate thoseinto your routine to promote flexibility and mobility in the long term.