Hula hoop fitness self-test: “I swung my hips every day for a month – with this result!”

In addition, you come toHula-Hoop-FitnessSweat quickly as it really gets the cardiovascular system going. So if you're hoping for a relaxing workout, you're wrong. But the biggest advantage is that the workout is a lot of fun. And if something is fun, you stick with it – at least in theory. Was that the case for me too?

Who is hula hoop fitness best for?

For everyone who prefers to do sports within their own four walls - that much is certain. But basically, the workout with the hula hoop is suitable for almost anyone who enjoys it. Only almost, because there are some exceptions. Anyone who suffers from back, knee or intervertebral disc problems should approach it carefully. Before you boldly resort to tire treatment, you should consult your trusted doctor. Basically, it is a sport that is easy on the joints, which is what makes it so accessible.

Hula hooping fitness every day for a month: That's what it really was like

When I swing the hoop for the first time, it doesn't work at all, and you couldn't really call it a hula hoop workout. Rather, the device and I just got a taste of it. After ten minutes that was it and I didn't feel like it anymore. The next day after work I grab the tire again and lo and behold – it works. Rarely have I seen success so quickly, and the ten minutes turned into 15. On day three I have to do it in the morning because I have an appointment in the evening, and after 20 minutesHula-Hoop-Fitnessincluding-I don't feel like a beginner anymore when it comes to listening.

I always find between 20 and 40 minutes for my workout over the next few days, and it gets even more fun every time I do it. I actively look for training sessions with hula hoops online to add variety to my routine. Sometimes I just feel like turning on the TV and doing it while I'm doing it. It has rarely been so easy for me to integrate fitness into my everyday life.

After a week, however, I had to take a day off. Bruises have formed around the hip, and theis also enormous - but everything is normal at the beginning ofHula-Hoop-Fitness.

Beauty-Editor Melanie Paukner beim Hula-Hoop-Training

Dennis Koch

These are the 5 best hula hoop exercises

In fact, the sports equipment is versatile and there are different ways in which it can be used. These are my five favorites:

1. Hula hoop exercise: trunk rotation

Grab the tire with both arms in the middle at the outermost points and raise your arms vertically to shoulder height. Now move from the center to the right and then to the left. Always keep your core tense. A great exercise to further strengthen the core of your body.

2. Hula hoop exercise: steps

If you are confident enough, you can also take steps forward and backward while hula hooping. Here's how to do it: Swing the tire as usual. As soon as you are safe, take three steps forward and back again for about a minute. And of course you do this while constantly letting the tire rotate.

3. Hula hoop exercise: let your arms circle

With this exercise you also train your coordination (and also your arms). During the hula hoop fitness session, stretch your arms out to the side and let them circle. This can take some practice - but it's really fun once you get the hang of it.

4. Hula-Hoop-Übung: Jumping Squats

Place the hula hoop on the floor and stand behind it. Now jump into the hoop, do a squat and jump out the back again. Very effective if you also want to integrate a short leg workout into your workout.

5. Hula-Hoop-Conference: Dips

The tire is still on the ground. Lie behind the tire and lift your legs at an angle so that your feet float above the circle. Now alternately lower one foot and briefly tap the floor. The perfect abdominal exercise for anyone who wants to go one step further.