The best “you would rather” questions for funny game evenings, young people: interior dials and dates
For the undecided among us "Would you rather ”questions(or“Would you prefer” questionscalled) possibly a little personal hell. For the rest of us, you are part of a classic board game for which neither board nor dice is needed- and that is the perfect entertaining pastime, whether with the Pyjamaor in. That you have yourandcan get to know a little better, is an extra bonus.
"Would you rather": This is how the question game goes
The"Would you rather"-Piel works exactly as the name suggests. Just like with "" and "”Is asked (depending on the player: internal number) or in line. At"Would you rather"Very different possible and impossible fictional scenarios are queried, where you have to choose one. The nice thing about the game: No matter what you choose, you definitely come with your friend: inside on topics that hardly arise in everyday life.
“Would you rather”: drinking game variant
Like every game you can do it too"Would you rather"(or "would you dear" game) play a drinking game. The simplest way is via a suitable app that shows you what the majority of users answered in the answers. If you want to remain analog, determine the majority by putting the question out loudly and first write down all your answers to a note before you are shared with everyone. Anyone who has chosen the unpopular answer takes a shot - or a sip of (non -alcoholic) wine, depending on their preference.
- Would you ratherwant to have stinking feet or bad breath?
- Would you ratherCommunicate telepathically or want to know every single language in the world?
- Would you ratherwant to meet an alien or big foot?
- Would you ratherUncontrolled to break out of vocals or unexpectedly lose your voice?
- Would you ratherFrom any surface that you touch, have to be able to bounce off or never have to jump again?
- Would you ratherA one -minute conversation with your past self or your future I want to have?
- Would you ratherHave constantly having a headache constantly or constantly suffering from an itching?
- Would you ratherWant to know what your pets think of you or wish you to understand you?
- Would you rathercan only scream or only whisper?
- Would you ratherwant to be a member of the Kardashian family or a member of the Obama family?
- Would you ratherHow a fish look or how a fish want to smell?
- Would you ratherwant to be famous on YouTube or on Tikkok?
- Would you ratherHopelessly want to get lost in an old city or in the forest?
- Would you ratherwant to be hunted by a zombie or by a lion through the forest?
- Would you ratherWant to have seven fingers or just seven toes?
- Would you preferThat everything you eat is too sweet or not sweet enough forever?
- Would you ratherSwap your body for your ex or for your grandmother?
- Would you ratherFor the rest of your life, see only a single film or only eat the same meal for the rest of your life?
- Would you ratherwant to have a lot of mediocre friends or a really loyal dog?
- Would you ratherJust want to eat ice cream for a week or just want to eat ice cream for a week?
- Would you ratherwant to have Iron Man or Batman's superpowers?
- Would you ratherwant to live in a world where it is constantly snowing or in which it always rains?
- Would you preferCan control fire or water?
- Would you ratherwant to live in a world without music or in a world without films?
- Would you preferlead the life of a “friends” figure or that of a “Game of Thrones” character?
- Would you preferHairy or nowhere hairy?
- Would you preferCold pizza or hot yogurt for breakfast want to eat?
- Would you ratherDo without brushing your teeth for a week or without a shower for two weeks?
- Would you preferA photographic memory or a perfect hearing?
- Would you ratherParticipate in a dating show or a survival show?
- Would you ratherListen to your favorite song forever in continuous loop or never again?
- Would you prefercan teleport or have a private aircraft?
- Would you ratherAlways sweat or always want to freeze?
- Would you ratherwant to go into the history books because you did something terrible or forgotten after your death?
- Would you preferA: a famous: r artist: in or a: a famous: r athlete: in?
- Would you ratherwant to find out that a long -standing conspiracy theory is true or that a certain theory is certainly wrong?
- Would you ratherDiscover a new planet or find a sunken treasure?
- Would you dearOccasionally can conjure up or have the forces of a superhero forever?
- Would you preferlive on a boat or in a tree house?
- Would you ratherHave great dreams forever or never dream again?
- Would you ratherEverything you want, can implement it into reality or read other people's thoughts?
- Would you dearWear the same color every day for a year or the same hairstyle forever?
- Would you preferwith high -heeled shoes on the beach or with sandals on a muddy music festival outdoors?
- Would you ratherOnly spend the rest of your life inside or just outside?
- Would you ratherForever, do without breakfast or dinner?
- Would you ratherSpend a whole day while sitting or standing?
- Would you ratherwant to live a life with 1000 years - or ten live at 100 years?
- Would you ratherSubmit the Internet or your health insurance?
- Would you dearMake a film about your most embarrassing moment in life or all your colleagues: show your picture gallery on your cell phone inside?
- Would you preferSuper fast or inhumane?
- Would you ratherwant to be more attractive or intelligent?
- Would you ratherSpend a chic evening in the restaurant or a film evening at home?
- Would you preferMost of your life with the same person or with many different people?
- Would you preferGet the perfect gift or get it?
- Would you ratherWant to know what's going on in your partner's head or spend a day in his skin?
- Would you ratherOnce wanting to have the best date ever or a number of above -average good dates?
- Would you lieberFor the rest of your life, can only text or just call?
- Would you dearSpend a day in your partner's underwear or in his shoes?
- Would you dearare constantly surprised or always know what to expect?
- Would you dearKeep your mind young forever or your body?
- Would you ratherOnly spend time with older or younger people?
- Would you ratherbe reborn as mammals or as an insect?
- Would you preferPlan a wedding or a huge birthday party?
- Would you rather have a special dayLet someone cook your favorite food or go to a new restaurant?
- Would you ratherAlways want to be the loudest or the quietest person in the room?
- Would you ratheralways want to come too late or always too early?
- Would you ratherwant to forget the worst moment of your life or the most beautiful?
- Would you preferbe 20 or 40 for the rest of your life?
- Would you dearGet a kiss or a hug every day?
- Would you dearHave all the money you could wish for, or all the love you want?
- Would you ratherwant to have a long -distance relationship for a year or don't talk to the relationship with the relationship for a month?
- Would you ratherwant to marry your dreams or make your dreams' career?
- Would you dearwant to know how you die or when you die?
- Would you ratherlive forever in a big city or in a small town?
- Would you dearFail with social media or your money as an influencer: earn in?
- Would you dearMake a deep lake or space trip?
- Would you ratherLosing all of your money that you deserve this year or all memories from the year?
- Would you ratherEvery year on the same beautiful beach or discover a new unknown place every year?
- Would you ratherFor the rest of your life, travel for free where you want or want to buy your dream house for free?
- Would you preferfly or breathe under water?
- Would you ratherSwimming in the sea at night, even though you know that a shark could be nearby, or spend the night in a house that you believe that it is haunted there?
- Would you ratherwant to experience six months of spring or six months of winter?
- Would you ratherdo without a year on desserts or have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every day?
- Would you ratherwant to spend a Friday evening with Zendaya or Miley Cyrus?
- Would you dearHave to fall asleep every night at 9:30 p.m. or are only allowed to fall asleep every night at 3:30 a.m.?
- Would you ratherKiss your crush after you haven't brushed your teeth for a week - or know that you can't kiss him for the next year?
- Would You more in your next lifewant to return as a dog or as a cat?
- Would have you dearA photographic memory or the ability to read thoughts?
- Would you ratherWant to eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast forever?
- Would you preferwant to do without the bike forever or never fly again?
- Would you moreFollow The Rock's fitness plan for a month or have one of Pete Davidson's tattoo?
- Would youRather for the rest of your life just have to watch horror films or just love comedies?
- Would you ratherLive alone on an uninhabited island or in a city apartment with six roommates and a bathroom?
- Would you preferSing well and dance badly or sing badly and be able to dance well?
- Would you dearCan take back everything you say or listen to every conversation about you?
- Be you dearStatist: In a highly acclaimed film that has won an Oscar, or main actor: In a film that is so bad that he gets the golden palm?
- Would you ratherforego coffee or bread for a year?
- Would you preferKnown to be honest or always nice?
- Would you moreHave to sleep 15 hours a day or are only allowed to sleep two hours a night?
- Would you moreFor the rest of your life only want to hear the same song or can only see the same film?
- Would you ratherHave your own pool in the garden or want to live directly by the sea?
- Would you morePublish your entire search process or the names of all people in which you have ever crushed?
- Would you rather150 have first dates in one year or automatically spend a year with the next person with whom you will make an appointment next?
- Would have you dearA best friend, but otherwise not a friend, or a large group of acquaintances, but not a best friend?
- Would you moreSwimming with eels or sleeping in a bat cave?
- Would you dearIn the middle of an appointment with someone who is standing, get a stomach upset or have to go to a double date with your parents?
- Would you preferas the smartest or the funniest person in the room?
- Would you ratherFor 24 hours with yours: let your ex lock in one room or go out with someone, whose political beliefs are the opposite to yours?
- Would you preferGet one million euros tomorrow or ten million euros in ten years?
- Would you moreHave to move to a new city every year or can only live in your current city for the rest of your life?
- Would you moreWith your: Your favorite artist: go on tour or with yours: Your favorite actor: go over the red carpet?
- Would youYour friend: insideratherShow every photo on your cell phone or read out any SMS that you sent this week aloud?
- Would you moreWant to know how an airplane flies or how to sew your own clothes?
- Would you morea celibate vow or put a vow of silence?
- Would you ratherWatch the sunset or sunrise forever?
- Would you preferCapped overnight in an amusement park or in a shopping center?
- Would you ratherGet a chic vacation with the first class once a year or several cheap trips with your backpack?
- Would you ratherFor one: n strenge: n boss: in work that: the one you like, or for one: n loose: n boss: in, who: who is annoying you personally?
- Would you dearPublish a bestseller book or make an Oscar-winning film?
- Would you preferForever overdressed or always underdressed (also at home)?
- Would you preferIf your pet could speak to you or if your pet could live forever?
- Would you ratherFor a year, can only see repetitions of “Friends” or only repetitions of “The Office”?
- Would you ratherWant to have spinach between your teeth all day without knowing it or having to stick to the toilet paper on your shoe?
- If you could travel through timeWould you ratherwant to experience the elementary school time again or already know what your pension will be?
- Would you dearbe kidnapped by extraterrestrials or stranded on a lonely island?
- Would you dearcan only read literature from the 19th century or just comics?
- Would you ratherwant to live in the Roman Empire or in the Middle Ages?
- Be you dearSomeone who: who laughs in sad moments, or someone who: she cries when someone makes a joke?
- Would you ratherFlying into space during his lifetime or ensuring that a billionaire: can never fly inside?
- Would you dearHow to talk Minnie Mouse when you are angry, or laugh like spongebob?
This article comes from our “Teen Vogue” college: inside from the USA.