Leni Klum: “I hate acne” - the model speaks plain text about his skin and the unrealistic ideals on social media

Leni Klum: So today she stands for her acne and the constant comparisons on social media

The beautiful campaigns, the great outfits, the extravagant beauty looks-we still associate models with flawlessness. Because wherever they appear, they are an appearance. Enthusiastic about their public appearancesMany forget with their beauty and open way. In the interview, she now tells us how much hersShe has unsettled and how she deals with this self -criticism.

Leni Klum: She too compares itself critically on social media

Many especially young women feel through theman enormous pressure. The pressure of the ideal. The pressure to be always styled or made up as the others or just look like all of your models of models and influencers: inside. This in turn leads to a vicious circle of the comparison, in which you constantly measure yourself against others. The result is usually hard, disproportionate self -criticism. And whether you believe it or not - the role models and models themselves know that, such as Leni Klum. This is what the model tells in an interview on the set of the photo shoot for that.

“Criticizing yourself is like expressing pimples when you have acne. You know you shouldn't do it, but you can't help it, ”says Leni Klum with a laugh. "It's a small fight in one in it," she says. "I believe,is part of being human. There are so many standards and ideals on the Internet that make it almost impossible not to compare yourself. ”

Leni Klum: This is how she deals with her self -criticism today

How do you stop comparing yourself with others? “Honestly: I have no idea because I do it too. I also compare myself to other women on social media because I have to struggle with acne. And then I see her flawless skin and can't help but feel bad. ” In such moments, she tries to remember that everyone is different. She says: “Everyone should, love in which you are in - everyone is particularly in their own way. "

Instead of constantly comparing each other, according to her, you should focus on the positive things - for example on the parts of the body where you have no acne. What she always says to accept her acne: “Minefeels good, then the pimples don't care. " But she also honestly says that it is not always easy for her and that it is often easier to say than done.

Leni Klum: This is how she deals with her acne

"I hate acne," she says honestly. And shows how much she had to struggle with it. What ultimately helped you? "Unfortunately, all the products I tried were not enough for me," she says. "So at some point I had to take medication because there was no other way."

But the model also discovered some everyday plugs that helped him. "What I noticed is that my skin has gotten significantly better since I was having a healthier feeding," said Leni Klum.According to her, it also affects skin health enormously. There is no acne, but it helps extremely that the skin feels good - and that alone is already a big win!