“Love is Blind: Germany” on Netflix: This is how the reunion episode went – ​​these were the biggest excitement at the reunion

“Love is Blind: Germany” Reunion: Reunion with bad air

Huiuiui, there was a lot of talk: in the reunion episode of the first seasonmetmore than twelve months after filming of the dating show ended - and it didn't always go harmoniously or smoothly. That's what happened - and these are the three biggest surprises.

Be careful, but here are some really big spoilers for the reunion episode (episode 10) of “Love is Blind: Germany”!

Before the reunion it was already clear that it would besomething could go wrong: There would be Shila and Tolga or Jen and Marcel or of course the threesome Ilias-Hanni-Daniel. And of course the aim was to clarify the question of all questions: Are Alina and Ilias still married?

We are very serious: spoilers follow from here! If you want to be surprised in the reunion episode or haven't seen it yet, you should definitely stop reading now - and come back later!

While Sally and Medina still seem to get along well despite the wedding being broken, Shella is still a little hurt by her separation from Pascal. News: Pascal has a girlfriend!

Reunion at “Love is Blind: Germany”: Shila and Tolga

One might think that there would still be a need to talk about this former couple. Because in the first season of “Love is Blind: Germany” Tolga solved the “experiment”, as he called it, with Shila in Crete and from that point on Shila was gone. She did not appear in the first reunion of all participants back in Germany and it is undisputed that she would have liked more effort and commitment.

When we met again, this was confirmed: Shila was speechless after Greece, she says at the reunion. Tolga would have said things like “You can’t understand what it’s like to be reduced to your appearance. But Hanni does that, that’s why I get along so well with her” completely offended. Tolga justifies his behavior by saying that he cannot express feelings and that is why he said such things - and wants to apologize to Shila for his mistakes. One thing is also certain: nothing more will come of these two.

Reunion at “Love is Blind: Germany”: Jen and Marcel

Jen and Marcel were only a few steps away from the wedding altar: Marcel was supposed to meet Jen's mom, but then Jen pulled the ripcord. She realized that something wasn't right and that's why she no longer saw any reason to introduce her “Love is Blind” match to her mother.

At the reunion, however, the thick atmosphere between Marcel and Jen took on new proportions: the reason for this was words and actions, or better: words and physical closeness, which they somehow missed in each other. Marcel had the feeling that he couldn't speak completely freely without everything being taken personally - and so he withdrew. And Jen took things personally because she understood them personally: For example, in their first big argument he said that she was “too nice” but also “too much.” In the post-pod period, Jen immediately felt like she shouldn't have been herself. Sounds complicated? Phew, yes, it probably is.

Thick air on the “Love is Blind: Germany” sofa: Marcel and Jen (both outside), Shella and Shila

Netflix/Paul Hepper

“Love is Blind: Germany” reunion: Everyone shoots against Hanni

Jesus, what was going on? Every viewer noticed that Hanni was in a kind of love triangle with Ilias and her fiancé Daniel in “Love is Blind: Germany” - but there was a lot of tension when they saw each other again: Hanni even had to cry! What was going on there?

In the reunion episode, Hanni had to face harsh criticism from fans on online platforms: she only did it all for fame and looks are already too important to her for love to really be blind in her case. But anger also arose within the group of participants in the reunion show: Jen and Alina claim that Hanni told them that she had no feelings for Daniel - and openly questioned Hanni's honesty. Ilias even says that Hanni bad-mouthed Daniel. Oh dear, there is a lot of arguing!

What was it like now with Ilias and Hanni? Hanni says she was never interested in Ilias, but Ilias accuses her of shameless flirting. And not only that: He claims that Hanni was only on “Love is Blind: Germany” to get attention. God, tears are flowing now at the latest... And what about Daniel? Daniel and Hanni are currently not a couple (without a camera!), but “not just friends either,” says Daniel. Aha!

Nobody knows what really happened, who said what to whom and what they meant, and what the people in question discussed with each other when the cameras were off or not on site. However, as a viewer you now suddenly understand the seating arrangement in the reunion episode better: Tolga, Daniel and Hanni sit to the left of the moderation duo Steffi Brungs and Chris Wackert, the rest to the right. It seems as if two camps formed in the first season of “Love is Blind: Germany” – and that’s a shame.

“Love in Blind: Germany”: Are Alina and Ilias still together?

Good news at the end:. As they told GLAMOR in their first exclusive interview, they don't regret their decision to get married on “Love is Blind: Germany” one bit! No wonder, because the two say that they were always each other's number 1 (was the jealousy just a good thing?!). Either way: The couple has been happily going through life together for over a year, overcoming regional language barriers (because they come from different ends of the republic), and looking forward to a future together - even with the same last name: Say hello to Alina and Ilias Daddy!

Anyone who wants to find out more about the two of them, how their family and friends reacted to the wedding on a dating show, what regional peculiarities they got to know and what connects Ilias with Marcel should urgently go to the social Check out GLAMOR’s media channels.