Fashion review 2024: We want to see these (micro) trends again in 2025 - and rather say goodbye to them

Fashion review: These were the biggest trends of 2024

First of all, a small disclaimer: This fashion review does not claim to be complete - if only because in times of fast-moving micro-trendsIt feels like something different is happening every day. And yet there was-Movements that have lasted longer than others and that have received a lot of media attention thanks to famous imitators.

And as is the case with trends in fast-moving times, everything was there again in 2024: trends with a lot of depth that were a kind of commentary on the social times in which we live - and more superficial hype that was primarily for... Fun were responsible. And yes, there are also one or two trends that, in retrospect, we could have done without. Ready?

Fashion Review 2024: These trend aesthetics were everywhere in 2024

“Brat Girl Summer”

Let's start with perhaps the biggest trend of the year - at least in terms of media attention: The “Brat Girl Summer” was basically the counterpart to the Barbiecore mania of 2023-Editor Verena Bogner analyzed for us in July. Triggered by the hype surrounding the song of the same name “Brat” by Charliwere just as much a part of it as an attitude with which, in particularwanted to free themselves from “People Pleaser Syndrome”.

Just being yourself without constantly apologizing - a feminist message that we definitely want to take with us from the trend into 2025.


The “Nora Ephron”” was basically the quiet sister of “Brat Girl Summer”. Like the season itself, the trend was more about contemplation and coziness than about attracting attention. Named after the filmmaker Nora Ephron, the trend was all about the aesthetics of her RomCom heroes from “Harry and Sally” or “EM@il für Dich”: lots of brown tones, mini-with opaque tights, chunky knit, boxy pea coatsand undone hair.

And of course, part of the trend's fashion was a vibe that author Meg Walters described as: "Maybe I'll grab a freshly baked bagel from the friendly neighborhood bakery. Maybe I'll fill my shopping bag with fresh vegetables from the weekly market. Maybe I'll meet themof my life in the queue at the local cafe.” Deceleration, spontaneity and more awareness– if that’s not something we can still use in 2025.

“Mob Wife” aesthetic

The “Mob Wife” aesthetic became a trend as quickly as it disappeared again. And as the name of the trend suggests, it was all about the aesthetics of (supposed) gangster women. Or how they are often portrayed in mafia films: heavily made-up, Fake Nails, Pelz-, XXL leather bags.

The trend has been rightly criticized by some on social media for using its name to problematically exoticize women, who are often distorted with a “southern” or “eastern European” stereotype. Reason enough for us to bury the trend in 2024.


2024 was not only the year of “Mob Wives” or “Brat Summer”, but also of cowboy core. A trend movement that replaces the traditionalof the US West integrated into modern looks: cowboy hats-Jacken, Cowboy-with suit pants, suedeto-Shorts. The reason for the hype was, among other things-Scene that made country cool again with Taylor Swift's “Eras Tour”, Beyoncé's country album “Texas Hold' Em” and Post Malone's “F1” (for which country queen Dolly Parton was also on board).

While we're not necessarily keen on the political image that comes with cowboys, we can't help but celebrate the reinterpretation of women and people of color who have claimed ownership of the previously male-dominated music genre. And there hasn't been an easier way to give a simple outfit a surprising touch than with a pair of cowboy boots.


In 2024, pretty much everything got a bow - regardless of whether,, zippers or blouses. At least when it came to Gen Z. The “coquette” or bow hype was virtually the direct result of two other larger trend movements: first, Barbiecore of 2023, which reminded us that things that are read as hyperfeminine have to be anything but banal - and that perhaps we have banned glitter and rhinestones from our lives for too long in order to avoid being labeled as “chicks”. The real problem here: the patriarchy that credibly sold us in the first place that being a “chick” would mean we were also less smart. In short: sexist bullshit that we will leave behind in 2024!

The second pioneer of the bow trend: the general aesthetic trendMaximalism, which we not only see in fashion and...-world (hello, Brat!), but also in the, where after years of the “sad beige aesthetic” suddenly the “more is more” motto of the 70s seems to apply again. What could be better than bows, which instantly give everything and everyone a festive look. A playful trend with a hidden feminist message? Let's definitely take it to 2025!

Office Siren

The Office Siren trend was discussed less heatedly online than the “Mob Wife” trend, but was just as quickly a thing of the past. Inspired by iconic depictions of women in office clothes - we're thinking about thisin “The Devil Wears” – the trend was all about narrow glasses, severe buns, pencil skirts and pinstripes. And even if the micro-hype and the hashtag have disappeared from the scene again - the officecore trend remains stable with trend colors like dark gray, tailored blazers and wide-leg suit pants, which we will all see again in 2025. What we are rejecting, however, is the sexist undertone that the term “Office Siren” had - because directly attributing seductive qualities to a woman in the officeis giving us some Mad Man vibes.