Fathers in particular are particularly susceptible to thoughts of the Roman Empire, it seems. German TikTok stars also asked their fathers and boyfriends and came to the same conclusion as the international community. Some answer something like "not often, maybe once a week", and many are confused, like "once a week?" can't be that often. It just seems like a trend we didn't know about.
The vitality of the "Roman Empire" trend comes from the fact that there is a huge discrepancy between the couples or father-daughter teams who record the videos. The hashtag #RomanEmpire has garnered over 900 million views so far, and the number is growing every day. But why?
“Roman Empire” trend: Why do men think about the Roman Empire so often?
Many people probably think about the Roman Empire more often than they realize? if we consider that one cannot directly think of the name ?Roman Empire? have to think. The legacy of the Roman Empire is huge: from underfloor heating, sewage systems, cobbled streets, the Latin alphabet (the most widely used in the world), many words derived from Latin, Roman numerals (such as I, II and III), the Christianity (including churches, holidays, etc.), the Olympic Games or films like ?Gladiator? or “The Life of Brian”.
Some men also answer, as with Alycia, that it was “the coolest era”. was. It starts with “they have swords?” about ?gladiator fights? right down to the sewage systems. If you look at the Roman Empire's image of masculinity, you can of course also see a trend towards a more toxic masculinity. Gladiator fights in which brutal physical strength was the only decisive factor. An era in which men (white, with money) had their peak, who could afford whatever they wanted? without consequences. Is this perhaps a time that men are attracted to?
On the other hand, people who took Latin as a subject in school, and perhaps even had to study it for several years, may be more likely to think about the Roman Empire. You were confronted with the consequences and reality of the Roman Empire for at least three to five or even more years? Of course, this can have lasting consequences.
“Roman Empire” trend: What things actually concern women?
So if men think about the Roman Empire more than average, what do women actually think about? We suspect something between ?How do I do it, not into land??, ?What about that?? and ?How manyraped??.
No, of course we think sonot onlyreflect on issues that have a serious impact on the lives of millions of women. Maybe you often think about Drake or vacationing in Spain. Out ofmore personalFrom experience, women also often think of the Byzantine Empire and the fall of Constantinople (and the accompanying song), as well as the death of Princess Diana and the. Some women may also prefer to think about the Ottoman Empire, which had the greatest influence on today's Islamic culture. Feel free to ask yoursgirl friendswhat topics keep them busy. Maybe you will be surprised too.