Self-test: "I drank a glass of beetroot juice a day for a month-and so much my energy level has changed"

Beetroot juice in the self-test

Disclaimer: I am a caffeine fanatic. I drink so muchthat the barista in the café around the corner regularly warns me. "This is not good for your heart!" I have to hear when I am at 8 a.m. my daily triple shotOrder to start my day. And even later a day I like to drink cola or even take one-Tablet. So my need for security guards is above average.

Rotely prayer juice: the guard maker solution without caffeine?

Since meI am and have to limit my caffeine to 200 mg per day (that's about two single-shot coffee per day), so I have big problems waking up. Not necessarily ideal with toddler and job. So an alternative was needed.

Then I stumbled online everywhere via the “Fatigue Fighter” juice by Planet Organic, which is advertised as the guards at all. The juice essentially consists ofRoter Bete, Apple, Orange, SaddleryandGinger.I decided to test it myself and started drinking 250 ml from the hype juice every day.

Bianca London

A month of beetroot juice: this is my conclusion

So I ordered a large load from my beetroot juice from Planet Organic. But if you are not quite as lazy as me and like meal-proped, then you can do the juice tooEasy do it yourself. To do this, you just have to hack a fresh beetroot in cubes and put together with apple, orange and celery juice (amount to personal taste) and some fresh ginger together in a blender.

On some days I have the juice directly toDrunk, slowly spread over the day on other days. Important marginal note: I never used the juice as a meal replacement, but also consumed in addition to my usual food. After trying some rhythms in my beetroot juice routine, I have to say:The energy boost that the beetroot gives works best in the afternoon.So if you don't want to do without the beloved morning coffee, but after lunch you have to get through a whole afternoon full of zoom dates, the beetroot juice can really be the perfect alternative for you. Without any afternoon-attacks of too much coffee or the bad energy drop after the short coffee high.

Bianca London on her beetroot self-test

Bianca London

And also theLong -term effectsI totally convinced the beetroot juice: After only a month I have the feeling that my energy level is almost again where it was before pregnancy, and I also save myself the usual afternoon coffee. And the most beautiful, unexpected side effect: since I drink a glass of beetroot juice every day, my skin also shines so much more than before.

Rotely prayer juice: This is what Expert say: Inside to the advantages and disadvantages

So much for my personal experience with the beetroot juice. But if you think about starting a similar experiment, you may also be interested in oneMedical assessmentto thePretendand possibleSide effectsFrom the daily beetroot.

Here Evelina explain Sabonaityte, clinical nutritionist, and Dr. Katy Kasraie the advantages and any disadvantages of the beetroot juice. Spoiler: beetroot can not only do thatIncrease the energy level,but also helps with theDetoxification of the bodyand theStrengthening the immune system.

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals:Roots is a treasure trove of important vitamins and minerals, including folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron and vitamin C.
  • Promotes heart health:The nitrate contained in the red bed is converted into nitrogen monoxide in the body, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, and helps to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
  • Supports the health of the liver:Bede contains Betain, which helps to support the liver in the detoxification of the body and reduce inflammation.
  • Bone health helps:Root is a nitrate -rich food that is necessary for bone health and contains other bone -related nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium and copper.
  • Improves sporting performance:Due to the high concentrations of nitrate, which is converted into nitrogen oxide after eating beetroot, the red tuber even helps with fitness. Because the vasodilate effect of nitrogen monoxide on the blood vessels can increase the oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles and various organs and thus increase sporting performance.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety:Root contains uridine, a substance that contributes to maintaining a normal dopamine level. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that contributes to regulating brain health and controls the reward, emotion and pleasure centers of the brain.
  • Supports intestinal health:The high fiber content of beetroot is important for the preservation of the good intestinal microbiomas that can promote digestion and help with inflammatory bowel diseases.

Does the consumption of beetroot juice have any negative side effects?

The nutritionist Lee Mitchell notes that it is important to be clear about possible negative side effects with beetroot as with all food components. Rotely pray juice can therefore be a good addition to a balanced diet, but there are some points that should be considered:

  • Kidney stones:Root contains many oxalates by nature - i.e. connections that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in the event of risk patients. If you have already had kidney stones in the past or tend to form kidney stones, it is advisable to consume beetroot juice only in moderation and to consult a doctor beforehand.
  • Blood sugar mirror:Roots contain a lot of natural sugar, and the consumption of large amounts of beetroot juice could influence blood sugar levels, especially for diabetics: inside. With diabetes, it is important to monitor the blood sugar level and consult a doctor.
  • Gastrointestinal complaints:In some people, gastrointestinal complaints such as flatulence or diarrhea can occur in some people. The gradual introduction of beetroot juice into the diet can help the digestive system to adapt.

This article comes from our glamor college: inside from the USA.