Lagger Venus: How the “Venus Retrograde” can help you with your inner spring cleaning
The first rays of sunshine tickle on the nose, but somehow you are not so carefree after the long winter? Don't worry, you are currently not alone. OurIt already teased it: Venus is declining and walks through the ram. TheLagger Venusinfluenced us from the firstdeclining planetsMost, and that is not necessarily something bad. At the beginning of thedeclining Venus(in English:Venus Retrograde)feel yoursLove lifeMaybe a bit chaotic, but she also brings necessary calm to your life, which can now use to build up your relationships more than ever. “Venus Retrograde” is always perfect for reflections and an inventory: Are you happy? What is important to you? And above all: who is important to you?
Salvanizing Venus: What is a “Venus Retrograde”?
Similar to theIf thedeclining VenusAn optical illusion in which it looks as if Venus would move backwards over the night sky. Of course, Venus remains in its orbit, but astrolog: inside assumes that the optical decline can also affect the effect of the planet - and thus also on the zodiac signs. Most of the time, your area of activity is steamed, or things that affect the planet are going wrong for a while.
Venus is our neighbor in the solar system - and you can see her shining from the earth on good days. So if you watch the planet closely, you could see how it seems to move backwards. In theIf one assumes that the closer the planet is to the earth, the more we feel the small (optical) movements. Venus rarely runs backwards (in contrast to the Mercury, which is repeatedly moving backwards) - every one and a half years, and its decline usually takes a little more than a month, around 40 days - plus shadows in front of it and after. In 2025 we employ the declining Vernus from March 2 to April 13th.
This meaning has the declining Venus in astrology
Venus is the planet of love, beauty and money. And you could currently reflect more about these things than you were aware of.
TheLove planet Venusinfluences the effect and the relationship that we have with other people. These are not only romantic relationships, but also platonic and collegials. If Venus is not declining, it affects oursfrom, but also on how wewhat is important for us - as well as the material and beautiful things in life.
As with all returns, Venus demands an introspective from us in its retrograde. That means we should now focus on what is particularly important to us in the area of action of Venus: relationships, lust,and. This can quickly lead to you want to reinvent yourself completely. However, premature decisions should not be made during a declining phase. Better should be reflected during time and decisions should be prepared.
During this time you may have the feeling that you will be dragged in all directions and do not know where to put your feelings. Then think about it: Venus takes a few steps back - and maybe that is good for you too. How have your relationships affect your current situation? Do you still have ballast from an old relationship that you have not processed? Looking backwards and reflections are now the order of the day - this is the only way to escape the emotion chaos of Venus.
That is why the ram season increases the effect of declining Venus
Venus wanders backwards along the zodiac sign, in which the sun is located. The dynamic zodiac sign likes to spend time with action and is reluctant to sit still. In a phase in which you should actually reflect on yourself, the ram pounds and makes you impatient with yourself and with others. You may feel asked to jump into a new relationship. A little tip: Don't! Let it take it slowly and see if you stillin loveYou are when Venus runs directly again - because during a declining Venus, the start of a new relationship can be quite bumpy.
This is exactly what ex-partner could also reappear: inside, ex-affairs and friends: inside, to which you have lost contact years ago, reappear. But do you still want these people in your life? If so: go for it. If not: Now the perfect time is to complete this chapter forever and to put it in a drawer far behind.
Because the declining Venus in combination with the impulsive ram can tempt you to skip, caution is advised in long-term financial matters and in the event of fundamental changes: Now reduce the apartment (and colorful!), Try a new haircut or invest in this hot stock market tip? Maybe not.
Not always all zodiac signs relate to the same way. The declining Venus in March 2025 couldAriesandWagparticularly notice.
Widder (March 21 - April 20)
Venus wanders backwards through the, that notices thatnaturally. It is quite possible that rams now a new beginningandFeeling a continuation of a relationship: friendships that are no longer fulfilling could be ended during this “Venus Retrograde” forever, at the same time Aries could find new friends: inside for life. Sounds complicated? It is not.
Should take care now, especially if Venus makes his way back into the fish. It's about inner balance, what is good and very individualmeans. Aries can emerge from this “Venus Retrograde” and then start vigorously from mid -April.
Waage (24. September – 23. Oktober)
A declining Venus can be for the zodiac signLike a double -edged sword feel: on the one hand, the zodiac sign, the ruling planet of which Venus is, feels more sensitive when it comes to relationships, on the other hand it would finally like to come first - it would have earned the diplomatic zodiac sign.
The last few months may have felt scales more than others:They did not let calm in the job and in private life. But now it starts: Because with the “Venus Retrograde” gaining new experiences that can not only be useful for career, but also with friendships - and that is also in a hurry. Due to the influence of Mars, she feelsNow more like a ram who takes control. However, in order to be able to look back on this phase without a guilty conscience, patience is needed - otherwise scales may leave an unintentionally burned earth.
When Venus then in thehikes and runs again later, scales are easier and friendships are easiersmoothandeasy. Until then, the ram -like scale should not be banned: because it has relatively little tolerance for everything that does not dance to her pipe.Her way or the highway!From the end of April, the scale will act as we know it: in need of harmony, carefully and empathetic.
In the “Glamor Astro House” category, we deal with stars and the moon, numerology, horoscopes and astrology - at least once a week.