“The seeds of the sacred fig tree”: You have to know that about the Oscar candidate from Germany

This is about the Iranian film “The Sowing of the Holy Feigenbaums”, which goes to the Oscar race for Germany

An Iranian film could be one for Germanywin? Yes, “The Sow of the Holy Feigenbaums” is the name of the shattering production, and we reveal everything you need to know about it.

“The seeds of the sacred fig tree”: that's what the drama from Iran is about

We write a time after 2022,was because of the clothing regulations inmurdered, the country, especially the. Then the strictly believing Iman is appointed an investigative judge at the Revolutionary Court. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Tehran and really understands in his new job that he should not decide on law and wrong, but is used as a puppet: he should only sign judgments that seal fate of imprisoned people - even with death. It is best to tell anyone that he is used in this way and supports the regime - at the same time he should keep his wife and daughters away from social media and western media.

Mahsa Rostami as Rezvan (right) and Setareh Maleki as Sana in “The Sowing of the Holy Feigenbaum”


Of course they dowho after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini the completeExaggerated, not even at home at home: the daughters Rezvan and Sana pursue the injustices, the death sentences, the arrests and the oppression pronounced without examination - and stand more than once against their father. The generation conflict between strictly believing parents and the young daughters escalates - suspicions and lost trust are suddenly the order of the day. When Iman wants to flee in a remote village with his family, the family's life changes forever: on the hard tour Iman, his wife Najmeh and the daughters Rezvan and Sana learn that they are nowhere to be sure of the mullahs and their terrorist regime.

“The seeds of the sacred fig tree” ends extremely tragic. Because the film with real video recordings of theis enriched, it is impossible to simply dismiss it as a story. As a spectator, you can do not shake out that all of this happens real and at the moment.

“The seeds of the holy fig tree”: trailer

“The seeds of the Holy Feigenbaum”: Why is the film called?

“The sowing of the Holy fig tree” refers to the “Ficus Religiosa” fig type, which wraps trees and finally “strangled”. This is perfect as a symbol for the Islamic Republic of Iran: a theocratic regime that suppresses its own residents: suppresses in the clay coat of a religion and spies on in every area of ​​everyday life - and also does not keep up with families.

“The sowing of the holy fig tree”: Who plays along?

The roles within the family are occupied by Missagh Zareh as Iman, Seila Golestani as his wife Najmeh, Mahsa Rostami as Rezvan and Setareh Maleki as Sana. Farsi is primarily spoken in “The Saat of the Holy Feigenbaum”.

The filming of “The Sow of Holy Peigen Baums” ran down in the hidden, after the premiere that the Iranian regime wanted to be prohibited unsuccessfully, director Mohammad Rasulof had to flee from his home country: the drama of course violates the censorship specifications of the mullahs with his story and criticism.

In just 70 days, the director made enough film material for “the seeds of the holy fig tree”, which was then smuggled from Iran to Germany. The Oscar candidate celebrated with thePremiere, in Germany it ran in the cinema from December 26, 2024.

“The seeds of the Holy fig tree”: Which category is the drama nominated for?

The Iranian drama goes in the categoryIn the race for oneand would have to go against “I'm Still here” from Brazil in the night of March 3,from France, “The girl with the needle” from Denmark and “Flow” from Latvia. What are the chances for this? It won't be easy, but "the sowing of the Holy Feigenbaums" becomes for the forecasts of the US industry magazineThe Hollywood Reportercounted among the top 3.

“The seeds of the Holy Feigenbaum”: Why is Iranian film starting for Germany?

“The seeds of the Holy fig tree” is a co -production between Iran, Germany and France - even if Iran of course does not show the film in the state -owned cinemas. The drama was selected as a contribution to the Oscars by an independent jury of experts, even if this was not received positively everywhere. Because of course “the seeds of the holy fig tree” is not a German film with German actors: inside, in German. That the film now with theFor Germany, it was also called “cheating nomination”-because the drama does not reflect filmmaking in its own country.

The fact that the story of Iman, Najmeh, Rezvan and Sana is told on the big screen is considered to be undisputed, the criticism is much more directed against the selection consortium “German Films”.

Has “the Saat of the Holy Fear Tree” already won prices?

Mohammad Rasulof's drama was nominated 67 times at film festival and was able to win 32 times. In Cannes, “The Sowing of the Holy fig tree” was honored with a special price, the Golden Palme went to US productionthat has also been nominated several times for Academy Awards.

“The seeds of the holy fig tree”: Here you can see the family drama

The film still runs in selected program cinemas in Germany.