Reduce stress: The 12 most effective methods for your everyday life

Reduce stress: The most effective methods for your everyday life

Reduce stress– that should be on an imaginary wish list for many. Because most people would probably say that theyare exposed. However, the fact that being stressed is often part of everyday life is quite worrying. Anyone who is regularly exposed to stress puts their body and mind under dangerous strain - physical and mental illnesses can result. It is therefore highly advisable to take a closer look at your own stress levels in everyday life with the aim ofTo reduce or even avoid stress.

What is stress?

Stress is a natural mechanism of the body that reacts to external stimuli. In order to be able to understand changing situations or dangers, you even need stress. In principle, stress is not a bad thing. The released stress hormones, also known as stressors, signal our body that it is on alert. Hormones such as adrenaline are increasingly released while the muscles tense and breathing quickens. However, once the potential danger has passed, the stress hormones are reduced. However, if this develops into a very regular condition or even a permanent condition, this can happenhave serious health consequences. For this reason it is very important to get the right oneDealing with stressto find andreduce stress.

How does stress arise?

If we imagine our life as a building, there are various supporting walls or pillars on which it stands. Each one of them can be a stress factor if we are overwhelmed or dissatisfied with that one wall or pillar. The building is not particularly at risk if one of the many walls wobbles a little - but if this happens to several at the same time, it can lead to extremely high levels of stress and therefore a health risk.

These are the most common triggers for stress:

  • Profession
  • Family
  • Double burdens
  • love relationship
  • Friendships
  • Dependency relationships
  • Fears about the future
  • Money worries

10 typical signs of stress

We probably all know very well what it feels like to be stressed. A feeling of being overwhelmed, powerless or even despair can quickly arise when the level of stress is high. But our body also sends us clear signals from which we can see that it is too much for us at the moment and that weshould.

10 common signs of stress:

  • insomnia
  • restlessness
  • inner unrest
  • Sweats
  • sweaty hands
  • become irritated very quickly
  • be thin-skinned
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • shaking hands
  • heart racing

That you think of one of thesecan make a catch because everything is a bit much right now is within the absolutely normal range. Your body is certainly capable of surviving a stressful situation from time to time without any damage. But if several of the symptoms apply to you - and perhaps even regularly - then it is definitely time to take a closer look at your own stress levels and actively start reducing stress.

Quick help to reduce stress

Becoming aware of your own stress factors is the very first and most important step if you want to startto reduce stress.For the vast majority of people, it is not so obvious what exactly in our everyday lives causes our body to release stress hormones. By the way, stress also falls into the categorypsychological, chronic and subconscious stress.Oneto cope with stress,You should take a closer look at all aspects of your life. But if stress suddenly overwhelms you, you should definitely do the followingexercises to reduce stress,test. These can also be usedStress relief in childrenhelp.

Tip 1: Exercise and sport

It has long been proven that exercise helps to reduce stress. So really try to set up fixed times for this. An extensive one, a session in the gym or yoga at home – do what you enjoy most and what you can realistically do regularly in your everyday life.

Tip 2: Fresh air

Whether it's a short walk or an open window - both serve their purpose. In order to be able to supply the body and especially the brain with enough oxygen, it is important to take a quick, deep breath. Afterwards, your concentration is guaranteed to work much better.

Tipp 3: Power Nap

It has already been proven that power napping prevents states of exhaustion and ensures that you are more relaxed in stressful situations. The best time for this is usually around midday, when your energy level is already falling. About ten to 20 minutes are enough to feel more relaxed. However, the power nap should not last longer than half an hour.

Tip 4: Cold water

For a little refreshment, a cold shower or cold water on the face helps. This is a quick effectreduce stress in your head,guaranteed. The cool water activates the body and mind and ensures that dopamine is released. This in turn ensures increased attention and feelings of happiness.

Tip 5: Relaxation exercises

The best tool for dealing with stress? Take three deep breaths. Sounds simple, but it's super effective. Breathing exercises or meditation can help reduce stress.

Long-term strategies to reduce stress

Once you have found out what your personal stress factors are in everyday life, you can immediately start influencing themReduce stressto be able to.What helps against stress?In fact, there are some effective tips for everyday life that can reduce stress. It's best to first try out the ones that suit you and your stress triggers.

Tip 1: Time management

The feeling of stress is often accompanied by a certain amount of time pressure and the feeling of being overwhelmed. So try it in advance with more weekly or daily plansbring to. This can give you the feeling of having everything under control.

Tip 2: Set priorities

When you see your daily or weekly plan in front of you, you may also realize that it is actually impossible to fulfill this plan. If so, try to prioritize. Which things really have to happen during the week, which can be postponed and which can you perhaps pass on to people around you?

Tip 3: Say no

What comes naturally to some people can sometimes be difficult for others to achieve. If you want to reduce stress, you should also work on being able to say no. In this way, you not only reduce stress at this moment, but also effectively prevent it. And: It can seem very professional and sincere to clearly communicate in the work environment that the workload is too high to be able to deliver good work. Most of the time, a no is not as negatively received by the other person as we fear.

Tip 4: Get plenty of sleep

Giving the body a break to recover is important for stress relief.can quickly lead to increased irritability and poor concentration. The optimal time for a restful sleep is therefore between seven and nine hours.

Tip 5: Strict breaks

Plan not only your to-dos, but also short breaks for your relaxation. It's best to give yourself a ten-minute break every few hours to just focus on yourself and your breathing or drink a fresh glass of water. Alsocan relax you in the shortest possible time and thus reduce stress.

Tipp 6: Digital Detox

As unpopular as this tip may be, it's worth setting up fixed times in the day when we don't have a smartphone, laptop or anything else in front of our face. It's just in the eveningmakes sense because our body can then adjust to relaxation and rest before going to bed.

Tip 7: Protect yourself

Anyone who is particularly stressed also runs the risk of being drawn into negative stress management. Alcohol, drugs or junk food can lift your mood for a moment and supposedly provide relaxation, but the opposite is the case. If you notice that you are drawn to addictive substances due to your imbalance, you should seek medical advice to protect yourself.

The 10 best relaxation techniques to combat stress

To bring your body and soul into harmony and thus reduce stress, there are some exercises you can try out.