Tarot horoscope from December 16th to 22nd, 2024: Virgos and Scorpios will think about their ancestors
Theis not fortune telling, but rather an assessment of your current situation and the life issues that concern you. What is important right now and what is not? The Tarot tells the stories you should hear, it reveals truths, shows connections, brings up new ideas, allows the right conclusions, shows hidden aspects of the human psyche, confronts the dark sides.
The cards never lie. And the answers lie within you – our author Danijela Pilic akaTarot Officetranslate it just for you.Tarot Officestands for modern, lifelike, intuitive tarot that shows you where you stand and what it's all about.
By the way: For a more precise picture, you can also use your cardsand yoursread.
Tarot horoscope for the week of December 16th to 22nd for each zodiac sign
In the week ofDecember 16th to 22nd 2024it is mainly forVirginsandScorpionsa good idea to deal with your ancestors.
This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Seven of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Seven of Wands always calls you to stand up for your own truth, even if it differs from the norm. It represents the warrior in you who is ready to fight for what he believes. This week you will want to defend your point of view and your uniqueness, even if this can lead to conflict. The Seven of Wands asks us not to hide our very special light, but to live proudly.
How nice that Venus has been in Aquarius since December 7th (until January 3rd, 2025). Venus in Aquarius promotes an unconventional view of relationships, beauty and identity. At this time we may feel particularly called to live our uniqueness, no matter how weird it may seem, and to free ourselves from social expectations. Above all, when it comes to love, dear Aries, be yourself. Stand up for yourself. Don't make yourself small. Everything else will eventually blow up twice in your face.
Taurus: Three of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Three of Wands represents growth and vision. It symbolizes the moment when you review your decisions and actions after completing the first phase of a project. The Three of Wands is also the card of waiting for the right moment to set sail and take the next steps into the future.
And now is the right moment! You, dear Taurus, will probably feel the end of Mercury's retrograde clearly and with relief this week. It may be that things that stalled during the retrograde are finally getting back on track. You'll likely gain renewed focus and clarity regarding a particular situation or project. Now is the time to broaden your perspective and determine your direction - all in the knowledge that the first steps have already been taken and the future is in your hands. Focus (and get excited!) on the opportunities that lie ahead in 2025.
Gemini: Strength
Saskia Diez
Mercury is your ruling planet, and chances are that the last three weeks of its retrograde have been difficult for you when it comes to communication. But it's been running straight again since December 15th, and you could feel new clarity and spiritual strength as early as the beginning of the week. Gemini is flexible and adaptable, and Strength, your card this week, teaches us to use these qualities to overcome challenges. This could now mean that you are better able to deal with the changes that occurred during Mercury retrograde. You may have understood that challenges are not always determined by external circumstances, but often by your inner attitude. Now is the moment to find the clarity and courage to move forward, especially when it comes to communication and relationships. If there is a debate this week: take it!
Cancer: Knight of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
Have the last three weeks put a few detours in your life's path, dear Cancer? Did something go wrong, be delayed or turn out differently than you imagined? Never mind, says the Knight of Pentacles! Now things are moving forward again, says Mercury, which has been direct again since December 15th.
The Knight of Pentacles wants to remind you to be patient when things don't go as planned. He encourages us to see setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and resilience. Sometimes life takes you in unexpected directions, and it's only in hindsight that we realize why things didn't turn out the way we had hoped. Sometimes just that one detour is a blessing. In any case, this knight knows that success only comes when we remain consistent over time. Trust in the journey, even if the path doesn't always seem logical.
Leo: Ace of Cups
Saskia Diez
The Ace of Cups represents a new beginning on an emotional or spiritual level. It represents the opening of the heart, and you as a Leo rule the heart! You may well feel the end of Mercury's retrograde in your heart chakra. Perhaps it manifests itself as a feeling of emotional clarity and freshness. Maybe you will feel relief and be able to convey your feelings better. It is like this: the retrograde process is a time of looking back and reorganizing, and its end marks a moment of moving forward and clearer expression. The Ace of Cups marks an emotional new beginning, so that after a period of uncertainty or confusion, you are now able to move forward with a clear heart.
But it can also be that the first spark of new love comes into your life. Keep your eyes, ears and, above all, your heart open, dear Leo!
Virgo: The Hierophant
Saskia Diez
The Hierophant is traditionally associated with spirituality, teachings, wisdom and conventions. He represents the Guru who imparts deeper knowledge and guides us to the fundamental truths of life. And he calls on us to...oldTeach to look for answers.
The Hierophant is the knowledge within you, it represents you as a student who gets access to this knowledge and also for you as a teacher who passes it on. It can also represent ancestors who support you and want to pass on their wisdom to you. This week, dear Virgo, the Hierophant asks you to delve into your family history. Who are and were the people whose blood flows in your veins? Who came before you? How can you honor her? What can you learn from them?
Libra: Eight of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
The Eight of Pentacles reversed can indicate a lack of precision, frustration with one's progress, or a lack of dedication to work. Maybe you're feeling the accumulated tiredness of the entire year.
This fits in with the paralyzing energy of Mars retrograde (from December 6, 2024 to February 23, 2025). Mars retrograde can make it difficult for you to find the energy and drive you need for certain projects or tasks. The Eight of Pentacles reversed can increase this tendency because you feel like you're not making enough progress or not getting satisfaction from your work. Maybe you're having trouble focusing on details this week. You may also find yourself stuck in a situation where you give a lot but don't make any significant progress.
And here Mars retrograde is an opportunity: eliminate what doesn't benefit you. If you invest a lot in something without any significant results, think carefully about what is really worth your energy in January and February.
Scorpio: Ten of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
You'll be thinking about your ancestors this week, dear Scorpio - and that's right. The Ten of Pentacles, in its upright position, symbolizes family, tradition and long-term stability. It reminds us that our efforts today can impact future generations, whether through wealth or values. When it appears reversed, it can warn that you may have strayed too far from your roots.
Because the intergenerational planet Pluto has been in Aquarius since the end of November, you may want to let go of old systems and make room for innovative, collectively oriented solutions and define new values. But that doesn't have to be a contradiction:
You should engage with your family history and roots, question existing structures and build a new, future-oriented legacy that encompasses both personal and social transformation.
Sagittarius: The Lovers
Saskia Diez
As a Sagittarius (and a fire sign), you bring an open, optimistic, generous, and passionate energy to every relationship. The only thing you need is the feeling of not losing your freedom. The sun will be in your sign this week before moving into Capricorn on December 21st. Mercury is also in your sign and has been direct again since December 15th.
The lovers, along with Sun in Sagittarius and Mercury direct in Sagittarius, challenge you to make a significant decision in your life that takes into account both your inner values and your spiritual perspective. It's about freedom and expansion when it comes to your relationships and also your personal growth. You can make decisions that not only make your heart happy, but are also in line with your spiritual horizons and long-term goals. This week you have the courage and clarity to choose what you really care about with a big vision for your future - andweris located in it. You will be amazed at how easy and clear this decision will be for you.
Capricorn: Temperance
Saskia Diez
On December 21st, the sun moves into your sign, dear Capricorn! But the entire week leading up to it is in Sagittarius - and there is no better card than temperance to support this transition. Temperance represents all of your best qualities: balance, patience, self-discipline and the art of moderation. It stands for the ability to integrate and harmonize opposing forces.
If that sounds too good to be true, temperance says it's important to pay attention to balance this week. And because it is a Major Arcana card, its power extends into the New Year. If you set goals for 2025, the main thing to pay attention to is to gradually integrate changes and check each change for its practical feasibility. Don't rush into new projects, but make sure they are feasible and in line with your goals and values.
Aquarius: The Fool reversed
Saskia Diez
When the Fool stands tall, his instinct is to begin his new journey unselfconsciously. But if it appears the other way around, as it did for you this week, it can mean that you are accompanied by a certain fear of mistakes and failure. This fear can be paralyzing and curb your energy and optimism. Remember, dear Aquarius: mistakes are not bad, they are our best teachers. Without mistakes we cannot grow or become better. This week ask yourself: What unknown element in the future is scaring you the most right now? What fallback mechanism is holding you back from your success? What can you do to free yourself from this in the new year?
Pisces: Three of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
The Three of Pentacles is a card that has to do with collaboration, craftsmanship, precision, and success through teamwork. It shows how different skills and talents come together to achieve a common goal. The Three of Pentacles highlights how different we all are and that together we are greater than the sum of our parts.
This week it is advisable to think about your favorite work style. If you're a team player, great! But if you're more of a loner, that's okay too, and as such you can be part of a group. Think about what boundaries you need for this.
The Three of Pentacles also has to do with delegation. Remember that you don't have to be good at everything, and even if you are - you don't have to do everything yourself! Try not to be defensive about your work and allow others to take on some of the burden.
Tarot horoscope for the week of December 9th to 15th for each zodiac sign
In the week ofDecember 9th to 15th, 2024are allowed toandlook forward to an ace of the universe.
This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: The Moon
Saskia Diez
Receiving the moon as a card in a week when a full moon occurs is great. What does this full moon on December 15th want to tell you, dear? What topics will be on your mind in the three days leading up to it? What are you sensitive to? What fears arise? Watch yourself.
The moon symbolizes fears and illusions, which often result from past painful experiences and influence your present. So it may be that unprocessed emotions arise and influence you this week. Look at the card: The dog is howling at the moon, just as loudly as the wolf! This means that no matter how rational and clever you are, you are also controlled by mysterious and irrational forces. The moon is a force of nature. When this card appears, you should listen to your deepest feelings and honor them, even if you don't fully understand them. However, you shouldn't make any important decisions this week. There is probably information that you will only get afterwill run again directly on December 15th.
Taurus: The High Priestess
Saskia Diez
The High Priestess sits in front of a veil that separates the conscious from the unconscious and represents mystical knowledge and access to hidden truths. She represents the wisdom that is only available to those who are willing to accept the dualities of life and connect the conscious with the unconscious.
This principle is implemented by theon December 15th, which calls on us to recognize our own inner contradictions and let go of old thought patterns. Just as the High Priestess's veil represents a boundary between worlds, the full moon challenges us to question the boundary between visible reality and unseen truths. The Moon challenges us to become aware of the hidden aspects of ourselves—just as the High Priestess invites us to delve into the unconscious for deeper insights. This week, even more than usual: trust your intuition and listen to your gut feeling, dear!
Gemini: Ace of Swords
Saskia Diez
A fantastic card for you, dear! The Ace of Swords is the essence of the element of air, which for you asis ideal. Maybe this week you'll see things from a different perspective, have big realizations, or finally feel able to put into words the things you've been struggling with for so long.
It's a moment of clarity where you can finally see things as they are. A new perspective or great opportunity may emerge, especially just before the full moon on December 15th, which occurs in your sign. Maybe this is the moment you finally find the courage to define and even speak your truth. This week the following applies: Write down all your ideas and ideas!
Cancer: Ten of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
What wasn't worth it for you this year? Especially financially? Maybe you don't feel like taking stock now, but that would be a wasted opportunity, dear. Because you can, during the final phase of, revise and check efficiently, which is exactly what this phase is ideal for. Mercury goes direct again on December 15th, and there will be an illuminating full moon on the same day. Try writing down what you've learned as resolutions on the new moon on December 30th.
Leo: Four of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
In its most positive version, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you have created wealth by acting conservatively. You, dear, pay attention to yours, save money and watch your expenses. Maybe this week you're interested in retirement planning or safe investments. There's nothing to be said against that!
However, it may also be that the Four of Pentacles indicates fear of loss or a fixation on what is missing. A budget that's too strict isn't fun either, right? Money should flow, that's what it's there for - so find a balance between saving and spending to both prepare for the future and enjoy life.
Virgo: Eight of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
Perfecting one's abilities is a process - the Eight of Pentacles witnesses and celebrates this process and all the work that goes with it.
This week, be realistic about the work you need to put in to achieve your goals, dear. Be honest: you may need more discipline. Or you can create better, more efficient routines or structures to help you get your work done. You may also need to learn and practice more.
In any case: don't be afraid of failure. If your first attempt doesn't turn out the way you want - try again. Keep going. Remember that practice makes perfect, and with every step, every attempt, you will get better at what you do. Celebrate this process!
Libra: Knight of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Knight of Wands is energetically charged, adventurous, dynamic and full of life and drive. When the Knight of Wands appears it suggests that it is a great time to travel or a(see also the pyramids in the background).
The full moon often brings a time of closure, harvest, and clarity. Combined with the Knight of Wands, the full moon on December 15th could be a great opportunity to start or complete a big project or journey. It's the right moment to focus your energy and translate your sense of adventure into concrete, well-thought-out actions that could have long-term, positive impacts, dear.
Scorpio: Ace of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Ace of Wands represents breakthroughs, inspiration and new ideas. The end of Mercury's retrograde offers an excellent opportunity to harness the creative energy of the Ace of Wands. During the retrograde phase, many misunderstandings and delays can occur, affecting our clarity and ability to act. However, as soon as Mercury turns direct again, as it will on December 15th, this time will be characterized by refreshing clarity and renewal.
The Ace of Wands combined with the end of the retrograde can please you, dear, inspire you to put your creative impulses into action now. It is the moment when you pursue your goals with the necessary vigor and self-confidence. After a period of uncertainty, this is the perfect time to set new projects, creative endeavors and even travel in motion because you can now move forward with clarity and motivation.
Sagittarius: The world
Saskia Diez
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana and represents completion and the successful completion of a life cycle. Since we are inlocated, dear, that definitely represents a year of life, and congratulations on that!
This card also encourages you to finish what you started. Everything old is being completed and the loose ends are now being tied up. When the world appears, you cross an important threshold. This beautiful card symbolizes that you are closing an important chapter in your life. It also represents important rites of passage. Magical new opportunities are opening up for you now. What do you want to do next? Go boldly and joyfully across the next finish line with your typical Sagittarius optimism.
Capricorn: Three of Cups
Saskia Diez
The Three of Cups represents friendship and enjoyment of the company of others. If you get invitations this week: accept them all! If you've been having trouble with friends or your social life lately, this card can signal the end of those problems. You will be able to resolve differences of opinion, especially after Mercury goes direct again on December 15th. Celebrate your friendships and sisterhood and remember that your friends above all are here to support you and have your back, dear.
Aquarius: Page of Swords
Saskia Diez
The full moon in Gemini on December 15th, which emphasizes communication and the search for clarity, is supported by Mercury, which also goes direct on December 15th. This means that it is now easier to process new information and overcome misunderstandings. The Page of Swords is the ideal energy, dearto go on a spiritual journey of discovery this week - be it by asking questions, gathering information or resolving ambiguities. He encourages you to sharpen your intellect, be vigilant and actively seek new knowledge.
The full moon and direct Mercury create the perfect opportunity for the Page of Swords' curiosity and desire to explore. This week is a time of spiritual growth where clarity and precise communication help you gain new perspectives and resolve misunderstandings.
Pisces: Four of Cups
Saskia Diez
Are you bored right now? Or do you feel like you're in a rut? Don't worry, it's only temporary. The full moon on December 15th could show you what exactly is boring or holding you back in your life. Maybe a relationship has gone stale? Whatever it is, the Four of Cups reminds you that it's up to you to make a change.
You can continue to feel uninspired, or you can adopt a curious attitude and discover new possibilities, stimulate your imagination and become creative. Try to do one thing differently this week than usual: even if it's just your commute or your time limit on social media. It's up to you to recognize and harness the potential for change, dear.
Tarot horoscope for the week of December 2nd to 8th for each zodiac sign
In the week ofDecember 2nd to 8th, 2024Scorpios and Capricorns can look forward to the positive effects of Mars retrograde.
This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Four of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
The Four of Pentacles represents the energy of stability, security and material success. It represents a strong desire to create a solid foundation and build wealth. However, the Four of Pentacles can be interpreted positively or negatively, depending on your current mindset.
When the Four of Pentacles appears, it is important to examine your relationship with money and material possessions. It is like that, dear: On the one hand, the Four of Pentacles can mean that you have been successful, have achieved many of your goals, and are on the path to significant material wealth. On the other hand, there is also the danger of evaluating things only based on their material value.
Of course you want to ensure that you remain financially stable, but the danger is placing excessive emphasis on appearances and...to lay. After all, wealth is not only expressed in the bank balance. The Four of Pentacles reminds you to examine your expectations of wealth and success, and this is where the(until December 15th) represents an opportunity because it is the time when you can effectively and realistically examine and evaluate how things are.
Taurus: Six of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
In general, the reversed Six of Pentacles represents an unfair power dynamic, an unbalanced give and take, a lack of generosity. In your case, dear Taurus, this week's card has mostly to do with money and finances.
You shouldn't lend money now and you shouldn't expect debts that others owe you to be paid back straight away. You may also have trouble spending and giving away more than you can really afford. It's probably a good idea to review your budget for the rest of the year, especially for Christmas gifts. Also be careful about investments. Nevertheless, this card is also an opportunity, because...is an ideal time to examine and evaluate what you have and where you stand financially. You can realistically identify what you're spending too much money on and start planning your budget for next year until December 15th.
Gemini: Eight of Cups
Saskia Diez
The Eight of Cups is about a transition and leaving a situation. A cloaked figure leaves eight golden chalices to head for a barren land. This decision may result from boredom or dissatisfaction.
Maybe you're bored with your life right now, maybe you're dissatisfied, wondering if that's it, maybe you're looking for a higher meaning. Maybe you've explored different options and tried some paths, but have come to the conclusion that your true happiness doesn't lie in the status quo. You want something different and you set off, even if you don't know exactly what you're looking for.
The journey of the Eight of Cups also symbolizes the search for excitement. All of this could apply to you this week. The only important thing is to know that final decisions are not advisable during Mercury retrograde. You may be missing information that arrives after December 15th, when Mercury goes direct again. However, if you have been dissatisfied with a situation for a long time, there is nothing wrong with leaving it - but this can be done mentally before you let everyone know.
Cancer: Ace of Wands
Saskia Diez
Amidst Mercury's cloudy, confusing retrograde, there's a moment of clarity: a cazimi on December 5th. Around this date, clarity returns as Mercury joins forces with the Sun. The two are particularly close, the sun bathes Mercury in very bright rays and eliminates any confusion (at least in the short term).
Whatever this retrograde is trying to convey to you is becoming clear and clear now. Be attentive. Your Ace of Wands, a wonderful gift from the universe, will be a sharp insight, a stark increase in your chakra energies and can appear in many forms. From December 4th, keep a record of what you notice and think of, pay attention to your dreams, encounters, inspiration, ideas and also coincidences. You start the last month of this year with an Ace of Fire - what a gift!
Leo: The Hermit
Saskia Diez
On December 6th, Mars turns retrograde in your sign, dear Leo, and remains so for the next three months. This retrograde phase asks you to question impulsive decisions and stubborn behaviors. Mars retrograde periods teach us to stop and reflect on our goals and actions.
The hermit symbolizes this journey inward to reflect what true heroism means in the current situation. You will have to ask yourself whether you are on the right path and whether your decisions are sustainable in the long term. Ask yourself what costs and consequences await you if you continue down this path. Give yourself time to answer and remember: all the answers are within you!
Virgo: Nine of Cups
Saskia Diez
Make a wish, love! The Nine of Cups is also called the wish card and represents emotional fulfillment, happiness and contentment. When it appears, it means good news for all aspects of your life - health, love, work, lifestyle, well-being. You wallow in the fullness of life and experience your feelings with intensity and joy. Your heart overflows with love and appreciation for everything that exists in your life and everything that you have created. This week the following applies: This card gives a very good, crackling energy, especially in matters of love.
If you don't identify with this, consider this: Life presents you with an abundance of opportunities to accept good things every day. Every day you have the choice: to feel passion and a sense of the wonders of life or to be cold and cynical about them. The Nine of Cups is a very good omen that you will get your wish fulfilled. But first you have to feel comfortable in your life and recognize its fantastic prospects.
Libra: Two of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Two of Wands follows the Ace of Wands, which is a beginning, a very first spark or seed. Once the seed is planted, it must first germinate: it is a phase of silence in which, from the outside, not much happens. It can be, lovethat you recently came up with a great new idea and want to get started. The Two of Wands advises you: not yet.
That's exactly what this card is about. Be very quiet with your idea. Feel into her. Let them wander around in your head. All the elements are represented in this card: the fire of idea, the air of your intellect, the water of your feelings and the earth of your body. Now is the time to stop and figure out where you want to go and what you want to achieve and, most importantly, what steps are necessary to get there.
It is not advisable to get started during Mercury retrograde. Just wait and start planning. From December 15th, more ideally from January 2nd, 2025, when Mercury's post-shadow phase is over, it is advisable to act and get started, and you will do this well if you have a good and precise plan.
Scorpio: Wheel of Destiny
Saskia Diez
The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most symbolic cards in the deck, full of characters that have their own meaning. In the middle of the wheel are the four fixed signs of the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. So you're in the middle of it all!
In general, the Wheel of Fate represents all the events that seem to occur at random and over which you feel like you have no control over them. The edge of the wheel represents the outside world with all its chaos. The center of the wheel represents your center, the center of your best self. The more often you find your center and your center, the more you are okay with not being able to control everything, the lighter and happier you will feel.
Starting December 6th, Mars will go retrograde, which will mark you asespecially since Mars used to be your ruling planet (before Pluto was discovered). This retrograde offers you the opportunity to turn cynical, pessimistic moments into hopeful, optimistic ones. There's at least one lucky twist this week that comes as a complete surprise.
Sagittarius: Six of Wands
Saskia Diez
In the week when the sun is firmly in your sign, you will celebrate success, dear Sagittarius. What is there to celebrate? This may become clear to you on December 5th, when a Mercury cazimi provides a moment of truth and clarity. Mercury, which is also in your sign, will be retrograde until December 15th, but on December 5th the Sun and Mercury will be particularly close, and the sun's bright rays will briefly resolve any Mercury confusion.
Everything this retrograde wants to tell you - because every retrograde has its own specific meaning - could become clear to you on this day. This also means that this success will not necessarily be visible on the outside (although that is certainly possible), but rather represents an internal realization that will immediately have a positive effect on your courage, optimism and drive. You feel like a winner and act like one. You let your crew and your fans celebrate you and don't forget what you owe them. You deserve your success, dear– be proud of it!
Capricorn: The chariot
Saskia Diez
The Chariot is a card from the Major Arcana and as such represents an important life lesson or phase. This card asks you to activate your inner strength, face your fears and embrace the unknown with confidence. She emphasizes the importance of taking control of your own destiny, taking risks and pursuing what you really want from life - even without guarantees. This is sometimes your weak point: Why should I put in the effort if it's not clear that it will result in success? The car says: because it is like that. Get going! The chariot tells you that true victory lies not in achieving a goal, but in the moment of choosing courage over fear.
This is especially important in view of the retrograde phase of Mars (from December 6, 2024). An inward journey is suggested here, leading towards your true heroism. You can work on your courage and recognize and use your determination throughout Mars retrograde (until February 23, 2025). While Mars is retrograde, there may also be a general feeling of sluggishness or a lack of motivation. This also plays into your hands, because this journey will take place primarily within you, instead of relying on blind actionism.
Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
On December 6th, Venus, the planet of beauty, love and money, moves into your sign, dear Aquarius! This transit makes everyone, but especially you, keen to experiment with friendships, love, and money matters. We are drawn to unconventional ideas and people.
Venus inchallenges us to seek new perspectives. Because your card is the Nine of Pentacles, this will primarily affect your attitude towards wealth. What does he mean to you? How can you achieve more of it? The Nine of Pentacles advises you to be focused while enjoying and treating yourself! She also advises you to slow down, acknowledge your success and set a specific focus - perhaps with a new perspective that Venus in your sign reveals to you. Last but not least: treat yourself! Because Venus rules beauty, this week is a good time for any cosmetic appointments.
Pisces: Two of Cups
Saskia Diez
The Two of Cups is the ultimate love card. It stands for romance and love, bliss and attraction, for soul mates, for the happy beginning of a community and partnership. (It doesn't necessarily have to have to do with love. For some Pisces, it can also represent the beginning of a harmonious business partnership.) But for most, this card will bring incredibly good vibes when it comes to love, regardless of whether it's flirting or a long-term relationship.
These heart-eyed emoji vibes also have to do with Neptune, your planet, which has been retrograde for the past five months and will go direct again on December 7th. Now a great emotional fog is clearing, and the source of your empathy suddenly becomes larger. Now a phase can begin in which you want to hug the whole world - but especially a very special person who you may not have noticed in this context before.
Tarot deck by Saskia Diez, available atsaskia-diez.com