Tarot horoscope from January 20th to 26th, 2025: 2 zodiac signs can now dissolve old patterns and start anew (and differently).
Theis not fortune telling, but rather an assessment of your current situation and the life issues that concern you. What is important right now and what is not? The Tarot tells the stories you should hear, it reveals truths, shows connections, brings up new ideas, allows the right conclusions, shows hidden aspects of the human psyche, confronts the dark sides.
The cards never lie. And the answers lie within you – our author Danijela Pilic akaTarot Officetranslate it just for you.Tarot Officestands for modern, lifelike, intuitive tarot that shows you where you stand and what it's all about.
By the way: For a more precise picture, you can also use your cardsand yoursread.
LionsandCapricornsThis week you can break old patterns by taking responsibility and taking action.
This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Power
Saskia Diez
Thehas power, dynamism, determination, fire. Strength, a major arcana card, is astrologically bestowed on Leo, a fire sign like Aries, but with a different kind of fire: Aries is cardinal fire, Leo is fixed fire. (The third, shooter, is mobile fire). Just as these fires burn differently, there are also different types of power - one that is outward and imposing and one that is a solid fire within you.
This week, dear Aries, try your fixed fire as best you canin dirto cultivate. Turn inward to understand and direct the chaos of energies that live within you. And that is your challenge this week: passive strength versus active strength, diplomacy rather than pressure, cooperation rather than control. If that sounds like hard work, it's not. The power also represents lust for life, sexuality and passion. Just for fire! Embrace all of this with the power of the lessons of the Major Arcana.
Taurus: Queen of Cups
Saskia Diez
It's quite possible that the company of Cancers, Scorpios and/or Pisces (or people with strong placements in these signs) will do you particularly good this week. After all, as water signs, they are particularly good at portraying the vibes of this Queen of Water in human form. Maybe you have more time and more ear for their feelings, but ideally also for yours. It's like this: The Queen of Cups is someone who feels everything, including other people's energies, she understands them on a deep level, without words. She is intuitive, empathetic and trusts her gut feeling. This week, dear Taurus, be sure to listen to your gut feeling, especially what it tells you about other people.
The Sun-Pluto conjunction on January 21st opens a portal for you. You may be drawn to rituals, magic or astrology this week. Then be like the Queen of Cups: always ready to explore new things and discover yourself. This card asks you to turn off the noise and really listen.
Gemini: Four of Cups reversed
Saskia Diez
The sun in(since January 19th) brings a refreshing energy that allows you to discover new perspectives and think innovatively. It's not just about personal development, but also about exchanging ideas and networking with others. The Four of Cups reversed asks you to step out of your isolation and allow new connections. This card often occurs when you have experienced a period of inner blockage or isolation in the past. You may have overlooked opportunities, relationships, or support. When it appears reversed, it signals an opening of the mind.
The Sun in Aquarius clearly says that now is the time to expand your world and free yourself from the idea that you have to do everything alone: open yourself up to new social contacts and be ready to accept help and community. There is a whole network of possibilities just waiting for you to discover, dear Gemini!
Cancer: Five of Cups reversed
Saskia Diez
The reversed Five of Cups represents hope and the potential to learn from adversity and see it as an opportunity. Even if something went unfairly or you feel sad because someone disappointed you, ask yourself this week: What is my lesson? How can I grow from this?
The Five of Cups reversed encourages you to change your perspective and see setbacks as opportunities. Instead of focusing on the negative, you can see these experiences as valuable opportunities to initiate necessary changes. This week it may be easier for you to use something in the past that has made you sad for a long time as a springboard for a change of perspective, because there is a transit that will give you a helping hand. On January 21st, the Sun aligns with Pluto, the master of reinvention. This energy encourages you to confront the things that are holding you back. The Sun-Pluto conjunction asks you to confront your fears or delusions and realize that you have the ability to shape the future on your own terms.
Leo: Nine of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
The Nine of Pentacles reversed warns against success that looks good on the outside but feels wrong. From financial recklessness, from impulse purchases and living beyond one's means, from dubious transactions. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. If you're unsure about a business decision, take the more conservative route.
Otherwise, the remedy this week is thrift and self-discipline. The Sun conjunct Pluto aspect will help you here, saying: Whatever you have to do, don't dawdle, but tackle the matter. Above all, you shouldn't resort to the usual excuses now. Now is really the time to do something different. The Pluto/Sun conjunction allows us to clearly see our own bullshit and do something about it. You'll feel all the better for tackling it.
Virgo: Three of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
IfYou are said to be perfectionist. You may like to work alone because then things becomeExactlythe way you want them. This week the Three of Pentacles advises you to embrace the magic that lies in collaboration and a sense of belonging. The Three of Pentacles represents collaboration, craftsmanship and the art of creating things together. It shows that teamwork and sharing knowledge and skills are particularly important now. It's about creating something bigger where everyone can contribute their talents.
The Sun in Aquarius (since January 19th) brings you a generous dose of enlightenment in the area of teamwork: it ensures new ideas, innovation and a free, unconventional spirit. Aquarius is known for his unorthodox approach and vision for the future. Now is an ideal time to create something new, preferably in a way you haven't tried before. Dare to go new ways - but not alone, dear Virgo. Connect with the right people and bring fresh ideas into the world.
Libra: The Moon
Saskia Diez
Because your card is the Moon, you should understand the power of the last quarter moon this week. The Moon, a card of the Major Arcana, represents feminine energy, what we feel but cannot understand, dreams, intuition, illusion and fantasy. Now each phase of the moon has its own meaning and energy. The Last Quarter Moon (starting January 21st for the rest of the week) is a time for reflection, letting go, and preparing for the new cycle. This phase helps to find clarity and direction in order to overcome challenges with determination.
In ancient Greek mythology, the last quarter moon was associated with the goddess Hecate, who was considered the guardian of crossroads, magic and witchcraft. During this phase, people often placed offerings to Hekate at crossroads to request her guidance and protection.
So when you find yourself at an intersection, ask for help and clarity. Sometimes you can hand things over to a higher power. This week, pay attention to how things sound, smell and taste and pay attention to the nuances. Last but not least: watch the moon.
Scorpio: Nine of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Nine of Wands represents resilience, courage, perseverance and tests of faith. It shows an injured man. He is tired and exhausted, and must face one last challenge before reaching his goal, a test of his strength of character.
The Nine of Wands speaks of perseverance and the feeling of being close to the goal - but also of a certain exhaustion and the need to give everything again. You've probably fought a lot and don't want to give up. Neither should you! Now it takes courage and determination to get to the home stretch.
The transit Sun conjunct Pluto on January 21st amplifies this energy even further: This conjunction can help you reflect on your full, true strength. Stay strong and focused! Even though it is tiring, this process will take you to a new level.
Sagittarius: King of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
It stays with the coins, dear. The King of Pentacles was the first card of this year, and as such it shaped 2025. Last week the Knight of Pentacles showed up for you to remind you of the planning and the small steps, and now he's back: the King of Pentacles, which represents prosperity, success, patience and financial security.
Good news: Transiting Sun conjunct Pluto on January 21st and the King of Pentacles go hand in hand when it comes to initiating profound changes in your life and achieving stable, long-term success. So if you've been impatient or lacking in perseverance, you can now overcome these types of blockages by viewing your goals as medium or long-term. The sun brings clarity, illuminates what is truly important and gives you the strength you need to achieve your goals.
Look at the King of Pentacles' robe: it's covered in grapes. Grapes are notoriously fickle and require a lot of patience to cultivate. The King of Pentacles has the perfect temperament to care for the grapes because he knows that everything that is valuable needs time and careful care. Use the transformative energy of Pluto to free yourself from old patterns and walk your path with patience and dedication. Set clear, achievable goals and be grateful for the process.
Capricorn: Justice reversed
Saskia Diez
Ifyou are considered stubborn and judge yourself harshly. In this way you also achieve the standards that you consider appropriate. But this week, reverse justice warns you not to let your inner critic run wild. Better slow him down a bit. Not every step needs to be evaluated, not everything needs to be understood. This is where an extra level of forgiveness and self-acceptance helps: Be kind and compassionate to yourself.
However, reverse justice can also indicate that you are unwilling to take full responsibility for your actions and may even try to blame others for your mistakes. Take another look at the situation and see where you can take responsibility. This is an opportunity because now you can make up for mistakes and get out of the spiral of guilt and shame.
Aquarius: King of Swords
Saskia Diez
Now is the time for clarity, not hesitation. You'll feel this when the Sun is in your sign and Pluto joins it on January 21st. A cool freshness, a tailwind from the universe, in your element, the air! The King of Swords is the King of Air and although he sometimes seems unyielding or too cold, he offers the opportunity to soberly acknowledge and sort out bullshit as such.
You'll probably find new approaches, because the sun in Aquarius represents innovation, freedom and unconventional thinking. So use your intellect and analytical thinking to find unorthodox solutions and be willing to question traditional thought patterns. And no matter what happens, this week the raised sword is your element, with it you rule and win.
Pisces: Ace of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Ace of Wands brings you fresh energy, new ideas and an exciting spark of inspiration. It is a moment, a first step, a happy chance to start something new with enthusiasm.
Mars retrograde sextile Uranus on January 23 might inspire you to reconsider old ways. Mars, which usually represents action and assertiveness, makes you stop and think about your motivation in retrograde. Uranus brings unexpected, unconventional ideas into play. This sextile means you may be able to reimagine old plans or projects in an unexpected way - with a creative twist that makes it really exciting.
Take the opportunity to look at old projects with new energy. Be open to unexpected twists and trust that this creative transformation will be the last bit of what has been missing. Stay flexible and open to new ideas and approaches, and accept this ace as a gift from the universe. You can start over at any time.
Tarot horoscope for the week of January 13-19, 2025 for each zodiac sign
Virgos, AquariusandFishThis week, thanks to the full moon, you can use your emotions as a superpower.
This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Six of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Six of Wands is the victory sign of the Tarot. This week you will celebrate a great success, dear Aries - or you have achieved a success and are now getting the recognition for it. Of course, the question is always what you consider success. Your built-in ambition can sometimes make it difficult for you to acknowledge it because you want more, further, faster, higher. A success can also be a partial success, or “the ability to go from one failure to another without losing your enthusiasm,” to quote Winston Churchill.
The days aroundoffer you a great opportunity to look at your own success. As an Aries, you are known for your determination and courage. The full moon shows you how far you've come, shedding light on everything you've accomplished and wanting you to acknowledge that now is the time to be proud of yourself - while also feeling grateful for the support show what you received.
Taurus: Eight of Cups
Saskia Diez
There will be a full moon on January 13thCancer instead: a space for a lot of feeling. The Eight of Cups is also full of emotion - and both represent closure. The Eight of Cups symbolizes the decision to turn your back on something or someone in which you have invested a lot of emotional energy. It's a bittersweet farewell, but one that has to happen.
Additionally, on January 13th the sun forms a harmonizing trine with Uranus, which is in your sign: a game changer. This could be the stage for an enlightening moment where you are inspired to leave something behind, strike out on your own path, and become self-actualized. Starting January 19th, as the Sun moves into Aquarius and your House of Career, you may feel renewed ambition. You want greater recognition and more authority: that's good! Take them with you on your journey.
Gemini: Page of Wands
Saskia Diez
When was the last time you felt really excited about something? (Or from someone? But this is probably more about projects, visions, ambitions.) What makes you happy? What makes your twin heart beat faster? What are you looking forward to?
Scroll through the photos from the last year and choose three photos/situations in which you really shine and that made you super happy. How can you incorporate more of this into your life in 2025? It could be that you have a completely new, surprising oneneed and start immediately? The enthusiasm and curiosity of the young page say: YES. Nothing has to be perfect this week, but it has to be full of your passion, uniqueness and the joy of new things.
Cancer: Nine of Swords
Saskia Diez
There will be a full moon in your sign on January 13th, dear. You are the sign ruled by the moon, and you feel a full moon in your sign particularly strongly. Everything could become more emotional, watery and irrational, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
However, the Nine of Swords warns against getting too caught up in fantasies, especially those that portray worries and fears. The danger this week is imagining what could go wrong. It helps if you realize that everything is only happening in your head.
As a Cancer, you can channel these emotive vibes much better than most signs, namely by using the emotional clarity of the full moon to engage with your inner world - and listen to understand it. This week it's especially important for you to make sure you get enough sleep, and that includes naps and power naps.
Leo: Six of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
From January 14th to 16th the moon will be in your sign, dear. The Moon in Leo invites you to be generous and help others, while the Six of Pentacles brings a powerful energy of appreciation and giving.
The Six of Pentacles says:Sharing is caring.She shows you how to distribute generosity in the right amount - without overwhelming yourself, of course. The Moon in Leo increases your confidence and creativity, while the card shows you how beautiful balance can be. It's not just about supporting others, but also knowing when you need support yourself. Don't allow yourself to be forced into appointments or tasks that you don't have the capacity for. Be realistic about this – Mars retrograde (until February 23rd) means our motivation and energy levels are lower than usual.
Virgo: The Star
Saskia Diez
You feel new hope in a certain matter this week, dear. Whenever the Star, a Major Arcana card, appears, it is a sign that one is in a period of healing or spiritual growth. Why shouldn't you dream big and reach for the stars? Why not believe that you are always supported by a higher power and that the stars will show you the way? The path is clear if we trust it.
Especially when the moon is in your sign (from January 16th to 19th) it is advisable to combine both practical and spiritual approaches. Moon in Virgo will increase your tendency toward rationality and structure, but the star says: All three are possible - personal growth, new hopeandtraction.
Libra: Eight of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
The Eight of Pentacles speaks of hard work, focus and the pursuit of perfection. It shows someone who focuses on their abilities and continually works to improve their skills. It's not just about hard work, it's also about the process of learning and growing, which can be really fun. in the professional or craft sector.
It's just that Mars is retrograde: this is a transit in which energy and the urge to act are dampened. Instead of moving forward, it's about revisiting past projects or conflicts. Mars represents assertiveness, action and motivation, and blocked energies can be blocked during the retrograde. It is a time to pause, mend and re-evaluate.
In other words: This week is not about quick results, but about patiently working on your own skills, no matter how slowly or quickly it goes. Use this time to hone your expertise and see mistakes as learning opportunities. Get really into something and make note of even the smallest successes.
Scorpio: Three of Cups
Saskia Diez
VeryInteresting: Last week your card was the Three of Cups reversed, now it reappears for you, dear Scorpio, but upright. It may well be that a problem in a friendship or group resolves itself happily.
The January 13 Full Moon in Cancer, a water sign like you, can bring you sudden emotional clarity in a tricky situation with others. This full moon also makes you more empathetic, so this (the day of the full moon itself plus the two days after) is a great time to release upsets and reach out to one another. In any case, the Three of Cups speaks of accepting invitations, being sociable and social. If you have a friend who has been waiting for a call back for a long time, it's best to get in touch this week.
Sagittarius: Knight of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
Noteworthy: Your first (and defining) card of the year was the King of Pentacles. This week you get the Knight's Energy - noble, but two levels below. The King of Pentacles is at your side all year long, dear Sagittarius, but he wants you to do your homework.
The coins are the element that easily bores the Sagittarius. Your element is actually the bars (), but you seem to be dealing with coins in the truest sense of the word at the moment. You should proceed methodically when it comes to material and physical things. What plans and structures have you put in place to achieve your goals? Have you clearly formulated your goals? Not yet? Or are you there? Very good. Keep going. It can't be too well structured for the Knight of Pentacles. Sorry, but lists and tables are your best friends now.
Capricorn: Two of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
The Two of Pentacles shows someone who skillfully juggles multiple tasks and maintains a balance between different areas of life. Even if you're not a fan of multiasking, it's better: This could happen to you this week with the sunandMercury in your sign will be great.
The Sun in Capricorn represents self-discipline, long-term goals and pragmatic action and Mercury in Capricorn ensures clear communication, planning and strategic thinking.
Organize your tasks and goals with a clear plan and always keep the big picture in mind. Be flexible but structured – it's about keeping moving while ensuring long-term stability. Make sure to distribute your energy correctly without overloading yourself.
Aquarius: The Hierophant
Saskia Diez
The sun moves into your sign on January 19th, dear. But at the beginning of the week (January 13th) there is an illuminating full moon that allows you to listen to your deep inner wisdom - exactly what the Hierophant wants from you.
This week you may find yourself questioning your family or culture's belief systems to understand why you react the way you do in certain emotional situations. You may find that you are repeating deeply rooted patterns from the past that no longer fit your current life. The Hierophant gives you the space to examine these traditions and decide what you want to keep and what you need to let go of in order to evolve.
Be patient with yourself and notice every strange voice from within you. When the sun moves into your drawing at the end of the week, everything will fall into place and make sense.
Pisces: Queen of Cups
Saskia Diez
YOU are the Queen of Cups and rule with feeling, intuition, warmth and creativity. The full moon on January 13th will take place in Cancer (alike you, which is deeply connected to feelings, and this full moon amplifies our emotional sensitivity.
The Queen of Cups symbolizes someone who is able to care for others while also listening to their own inner wisdom. Especially at the beginning of the week you should nourish the rich world of your emotions and trust your inner feelings. While you can be extra compassionate now, remember that self-care is just as important.
Use the Full Moon in Cancer to acknowledge your emotional needs. Hear what yours tell youwant to say. When in doubt, be soft and gentle with yourself rather than harsh and unyielding, set aside time for daydreaming, and be careful not to overexert yourself.
Tarot deck by Saskia Diez, available atsaskia-diez.com