Vulvar wellness: I tested the intimate care trend after initial skepticism - and this is my conclusion

Vulva wellness: That's why the hype (almost) completely convinced me after initial skepticism

About seven years agowith the so-called “vagina steaming” causing quite heated discussions on the internet. The World Wide Web felt beside itself. A sauna for the body? OK. But a special steam treatment for that? Was Gwyneth Paltrow still ticking cleanly?

We treat ourselves to all kinds of treatments for the face and body - so why not for the vulva too? It doesn't have to be an overpriced intimate steam bath. Since this hype, which actually didn't last too long, there has been a growing awareness of taking better care of one's own intimate area. And so initial skepticism turned into a lifestyle trend that focuses entirely on our intimate area: vulvar wellness.

Vulvar wellness: From taboo to lifestyle trend

There are now a variety of intimate care products available on the market. The well-known beauty brand Mantle, for example, not only has care products for the face, but also for the vulva in its repertoire.Co-Founder Josefin Landgårdexplains that the demand for intimate care is increasing “due to changing lifestyles and increased awareness of our personal well-being” and is increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice.

Why not? After all, products like this also have itandmanaged to get out of the taboo zone. It used to be embarrassing, but now content creators apply to start-ups from the female health and sex tech sectors. Accessibility and an open approach to it are key.

You can now even buy intimate care products in drugstores. The Swedish brand Ellen, for example, goes one step further and offers probiotic tampons and a vaginal pH test that shows within ten seconds whether everything is “in the green” - in the truest sense of the word: with the help of an indicator through which This is exactly what can be seen using a color scale. Products like this alone show that it's not just about a little care and the next beauty routine - but about well-being and consciously dealing with your own body and the intimate area that has been neglected for so long.

This credo also follows Dr. Richard Wojdat, gynecologist and expert in gynecological oncology, together with his team atStartup “3XF For Female Freedom”:“We are creating a brand that knows how to focus on intimate care and conveys that it is not about perfection, but about living your own identity. The key is the freedom to do good for yourself.”

Is vulvar wellness useful or harmful? That's what an expert says

For most brands it is immediately clear that they do not promote a routine consisting of several steps - even though there is sometimes a large selection of products. In fact, it is clearly communicated that the products can be an add-on or can be used as needed. Does the skin feel dry and irritated? Then it lacks moisture and good care can help. Symptoms, by the way, especially during theor in thecan occur.

Very important: “All products should have been dermatologically and gynecologically tested,” saysGynäkologin Dr. Miriam Mottl, who has her practice in Puchenau, Austria, near Linz. Otherwise they can trigger allergies or intolerances.

I too was initially skeptical as to whether I could tolerate the creams, lotions and oils. What helped me was checking my vaginal pH regularly using Ellen's home tests. They can be an initial indicator that the care products are not compatible. If the vaginal microbiome is really out of balance, it definitely needs a medical check and, if necessary, medical products.

Of course, I continued to research what care products were available, and Dr. Miriam Mottl asked what I should pay attention to – “ingredients and quality” – and what she advises against: “Products with a lot of fragrances, as these can often trigger allergies, and those that you have to 'introduce' for cleaning. Because hygiene products should actually only be used to clean the vulva lips.” The inner part, i.e. the vagina, cleans itself.

Intimpflege "The Pussy Smooch" von Mantle

Intimate care foam “03” from Dr. Vivien Karl

Vulvar wellness self-test: These are my experiences

To confront my bias, I tested all sorts of vulva wellness products. Of course not all at the same time and especially not too much - after all, I didn't want to over-care for my vulva.

So in my shower there are care products for the intimate area: a care oil from Mantle and a washing lotion from Dr. Vivien Karl, whose co-founder Julia Huhnholz explains her motivation as follows: “The vulva is our most sensitive part of the body – and yet it is the most often neglected.” It's true, I've paid a lot of attention to my skin and hair care, but never paid such attention to my intimate area.

Even after the shower, I now treat myself to a moisturizer specifically for the vulva, such as “The Pussy Smooch” from Mantle. Thanks to Instagram, I discovered this gel a few months ago, which actually gave me the taste to take a closer look at it.

This is what my new intimate care routine looks like

Because that's exactly what has changed: my new intimate hygiene routine has helped me to increase my well-being and to pay more attention to my vulva. Especially during PMS, when I don't feel connected to my body at all. Now I take extra time to notice not just mood-wise but also physically what is good for me - and my sensitive body area. Especially after ovulation, an extra dose of moisturizing the vulva can only help.

What still makes me relieved is that everything feels like an add-on and not a prescribed routine. I can provide additional care, but it is not a must.

My only but aka a critical look into the future

Despite all the euphoria, I'm worried that it won't be long before it's not just about well-being, but also about optimization. There are already creams that are supposed to have a firming or “tight up” effect - because women are not spared from “higher, faster, tighter” when it comes to their vulva. Education is the be-all and end-all here, so that it becomes clear what it's really about: awareness and health.