Christmas without stress: With these 13 simple tips it works

Christmas without stress: This is how you can have a relaxed holiday

The same every year. In mid-November you start to think about itGiftsforKinderandand that Thoughtsclose. You look through magazines, collect ideas for a nice celebration and yet the time before the holidays is pureStressout of. Do you want a relaxed Christmas? Then ours areTipsfor a stress-freeChristmasjust right for you. We'll also tell you which oneshow you can tell whether the present you thought out with love is a hit or a flop and how you can organize the whole gift-giving process with a practical wish list.

Stress-free Christmas: This will make it a stress-free celebration for everyone

Every year you resolve not to let Christmas stress you out - but every now and then it just doesn't work out. We'll give you 13 simple tips to help you stay cool and celebrate Christmas without stress.

Tip 1: Are the supermarkets closing? No need to panic!

Panic buying because the supermarket is closed for two and a half days? Totally unnecessary: ​​Thatwill be so generous that you will be full for the rest of the holidays. The family visit too. Probably even the neighbors.

Tip 2: Don't despair, ask the food suppliers

In an emergency, there is still one superhero that we can always rely on and that will never let us down: the delivery service. This is really how everyone should get through the holidays.

Tip 3: Friends don't just get excited about letters at Christmas

Did you know? Postmen don't just work at Christmas! So don't just make your loved ones happy at Christmas with a quickly written letter or a Christmas card out of a guilty conscience - personal messages are always well received during the year too!

Tip 4: Don't feel like using the bakery at home? No problem!

Even if the delivery service is extremely practical for quickly combating our cravings, it can also limit our desire for freshly baked goodsetc. do not breastfeed. Luckily, thanks to the bakeries, we don't have to stand in the kitchen ourselves and handle flour and eggs. There are usually plenty of delicious cookies there at Christmas time.

Tip 5: Real Christmas trees and burning candles are not a good mix

No, you don't need real candles on the tree. Because who wants to spend the holidays with a fire extinguisher in their hand? And anyway: there is so much.

Tip 6: Avoid unnecessary appointment stress shortly before Christmas

You don't have to narrow everything downdefinitely meet again on December 23rd - unless you seriously expect the end of the world. It's also not mean if you simply postpone a meeting until after Christmas or have to cancel it, because in a friendship you should be able to be so honest that a “Sorry, it's all too much for me right now” is absolutely sufficient reason for rejection.

Tip 7: Last-minute gifts are rarely well received

If you've waited until the last minute to look for Christmas presents for your partner or best friend, we say: don't panic! There are definitely cool last-minute gifts or even casual vouchers that make a great gift with a card with personal words. Just stay away from hasty trips to the pedestrian zones shortly before closing time - because they rarely result in good gifts for loved ones.

Tip 8: It’s the post office’s fault!

If you have forgotten one or the other: In times of internet shopping, you can resort to a white lie: “Unfortunately, your gift is still in the mail.” Even increases anticipation! However, you have to be able to identify this white lie with your own conscience - because only Santa Claus works harder during Advent than the package delivery people.

Tip 9: Children are easier to knit than you think

Let's be honest: you have no idea what to get your little cousin. What do you need at six years old? Before you stress yourself out too much about this, let me tell you: don't get too carried away, ask your parents and look for a nice one, which shines and rustles a lot when you tear it – et voilà.

Tip 10: Celebrate self-care

Christmas often means: eating a lot, drinking a lot, watching a lot of TV, meeting a lot of friends - no sport, no time for yourself. Gone is the routine that otherwise allows you to maintain peace in your everyday life. That's why it's worth taking at least a few small self-care breaks during the holidays: whether that's yoga after getting up, reading when everyone else is asleep, or ain the fresh air (alone or with loved ones), it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you take care of yourself on the holidays!

Tip 11: Social media yes, but different

You scroll through your Instagram feed on December 25th and all you see everywhere is: Christmas trees, fireplaces and grinning people sitting together at a table and then frolicking in the snow. Honestly: put your cell phone away! With no one (and we meannobody) Christmas, with all its rituals, which often bring home-made problems, is as harmonious as in a fairy tale. But you quickly forget that when you open Instagram, TikTok and Co.

What's important is how you feel at Christmas and the holidays - you really don't have to compare yourself to anyone (even if social media apps would like you to). It might be worth setting a time limit on Instagram etc.: This way, after x minutes, you will be reminded that you should celebrate your own celebration with your own family - and not with people you don't even know, if in doubt. but that an algorithm suggests.

If your head can't switch off and your thumb automatically hovers over the social media apps, then it's best to set up an app that really benefits you and your mental health: "Calm" (and falling asleep) or “Moodfit” () put the focus on you - and not the Australian influencer who shares her seemingly perfect Christmas on Instagram.

Tip 12: Christmas – own it!

Christmas leads to the same thing every year, and you're always stressed about the same things? Stop it! You don't really owe anyone anything and you can decide for yourself what your celebration of love should look like.

Talk to your family about it beforehand if you really want a complete break with old family traditions. Actively suggest doing something differently. Talk to family and friends before the holiday about the holiday - and then decide for yourself how the holidays feel best to you. Do you want to travel? Do it, but communicate your travel plan and your reasons for it openly so that everyone around you knows how you are doing, what is going on and whether they can perhaps support you. Either way: At Christmas you can invent, maintain and change your very own traditions and rituals if you feel like it.

Tip 13: After Christmas is before Christmas

And don't forget: next year it's Christmas again. Most certainly.