“International Day against Violence against Women”: That’s what it’s all about from November 25th to December 10th
The“International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”is a global day of action that promotes women's rights and calls for the fight against discrimination and violence against women and girls. It takes place every year on November 25th. Actually, it is not just a day of action, but a period of action that ends on December 10th with Human Rights Day. Because it’s clear: women’s rights are human rights.
Physical and psychological discrimination and violence of all kinds against women and girls are global phenomena and do not only occur in those regions where women's rights are not on the agenda. In 2024, the focus of the global UN campaign will be on violence against women in intimate relationshipsends.
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“International Day Against Violence Against Women”: That’s what it’s all about
Catcalling,,,, torture,, Rape – Violence against women comes in many forms. But whatever the form, they are all human rights violations that must be punished and remedied.
The United Nations therefore calls every year on November 25th to put the status quo to the test: What about systemic and systematic violence against women? Are we really further along than last year? What is the status of women's rights? And is violence against women finally a thing of the past?
Violence against women in 2024: worse rather than better conditions
The situation of women in the world has not improved much in 2024. The location ofis catastrophic, women in Iran are still not free, in the USA many states restrict the right to abortion - andestablishes himself as the new US Presidentfull cabinet. Furthermore, many humanitarian crises threaten the lives of women around the world. This all sounds more like a step backwards than a glorious future. And everything is fine here in Germany? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!
Anyone who thinks that violence against women doesn't happen here in Germany or in Europe is wrong. According to the United Nations, the following sad statistics will emerge for Germany in 2024:
- Almost every day a woman in Germany dies as a result of oneFemizids.
- 938Women in Germany were victims of an attempted femicide.
- The casessexual violence against women and girlstook around6.2 percentcompared to the previous year.
- The number ofpolitically motivated misogynistic crimesrose in 2023by 56.3 percent.
- Digital violenceis against women and girlsin 2023 by 25 percent increased.
- In the areaHuman traffickingfor the purpose of sexual exploitation of women and girls6.9 percent more casesregistered.
To put it bluntly: Violence against women starts withand ends with femicide. There are no loopholes in between, no buts, no excuses - everything in between is violence against women. And the trend of gender-specific violent crimes against women has also been increasing in Germany for years. We refuse to accept this.
This is how the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” came into being
The origin of this day of action can be found in a sad story. The three Mirabal sisters and their husbands were in theDominican Republicpublicly defended themselves against the dictatorship under Rafael Trujillo. The three couples were imprisoned and tortured. Under pressure from the Organization of American States, the three sisters were released, but their husbands remained in custody.
When she did this on25. November 1960Visited in prison, they were stopped on the way home by Trujillo's henchmen. Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa and their driver Rufino de la Cruz were beaten to death, their bodies put back in the car and pushed down a slope to make it look like an accident. Since then, the three sisters have been seen not only as a symbol of resistance against a dictatorship, but also as a symbol of violence against women.
Since 1981, attention has been drawn to violence against women on the anniversary of women's deaths. TheUnited Nationspassed a resolution in 1999 that officially designated November 25 as the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.”
16 days of women’s rights activism: “Orange the world: End violence against women now!”
Since then, a 16-day long campaign has begun every year on November 25th, calling for the elimination of violence against women in various events around the world and under the hashtag #OrangeTheWorldWomen's rightsdraws attention. In 2021, the action days were dominated by theand the associated increasing violence and oppression of and against women, especially in the domestic environment. In 2022, the United Nations called on all people to become allies in the fight against violence against women, to stand up for women's rights and feminism, and to stand side by side with activists. In 2023 and 2024, UN Women Germany will focus on violence against women and girls in relationships.
Incidentally, violence against women is not a “women’s problem”, but a problem for society as a whole. Anyone who tolerates or silently accepts violence against women is becoming an accomplice - and not just in issues that focus on women, but on issues that concern all members of society who are not cis men. So it's time for men to become allies to women and girls as a matter of course. Because only together, with all genders, sexualities, skin colors and religions, can a healthy society emerge that can look forward to a peaceful future.
During the campaign period every year, topics such as:,and success stories find their place for discussion and dissemination.
During the promotional period ofNovember 25th to December 10th, 2024Famous buildings and landmarks around the world are bathed in an orange light to draw attention to all of these points.Orangebecause according to UNESCO it is the color for a better future without violence.
This is what women are demanding on the “International Day to End Violence Against Women”
UN Women GermanyIn 2024, also draws attention to the developed catalog of demands. Its main demands under the motto “Women, Peace, Security” are…
- the complete, consistent and fastImplementation of theIstanbul Convention, so that all women - regardless of their origin, age, residence status, skin color, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity - and their children are protected from gender-based violence and have secure access to support systems.
- the rapid adoption of theViolence Assistance Act agreed in the coalition agreementincluding needs-based financing. The individual legal right to protection, advice and support as well as their free, barrier-free and discrimination-free access are basic requirements for effective protection against violence against women.
- a comprehensive oneOverall strategy to combat gender-based violence,especially femicide. Preventing femicide and effectively prosecuting it is a top priority. To this end, a legal definition of femicide in criminal law, the priority of protection against violence over access rights and the enforcement of bans on approaching people with electronic ankle bracelets are essential.
- a ban on sexist and discriminatory advertising in public spaces and violence prevention from childhood onwards - free from racist and sexist stereotypes.
You can find a detailed breakdown of the claims inthis PDF.
This is how violence against women manifests itself
One in three women around the world - that's roughly 736 million women - will have it at least once in their lifetimeVictims of sexual or physical violence.In most cases, it is the partner who is responsible for these actions. But women and girls also experience violence on the street, at work, on transport or in public spaces. Economic and digital violence will also reach frightening proportions in 2024, according to UN Women.
Women's rights: What can women who have been victims of violence do?
Unfortunately, there are not laws everywhere that protect women in such cases. Almost 1.4 billion women and girls live in countries where domestic violence and spousal sexual abuse are not punishable. Here too, various organizations have been fighting for change for decades. A change that is actually self-evident in this country. But is she really? Even in Germany, many women do not dare to seek help or report the perpetrator.
A first step can therefore be to confide in friends or advice centers. These are available in the form of local contact points, but also as help hotlines. For example, supports thisHelpline “Violence against women”, a Germany-wide counseling service for women, women affected by violence, but also people from the social environment of those affected and professionals. It can be reached at116 016.
Also viaOnline adviceThose affected receive free support from the helpline, 365 days a year, in 17 languages, around the clock.
By the way, there is also a hand signal that you can use to discreetly draw attention to yourself if you find yourself in an emergency. The flat hand is raised, the thumb is folded inwards and the hand is clenched into a fist. A remedy that has now helped many women and children.