“Together through thick and thin” – you should also heed this wisdom in a partnership. Because in a happy relationship we often gain weight. Even confirm thatStudiesand is not at all surprising. After all, you just feel good with your partner and cuddling together on the sofa is sometimes the best activity in the world.
But not everyone is at peace with themselves as soon as the scale shows an unfamiliar number on the display. How do you manage to get (and stay) fit together? We have summarized the 10 most promising tips for you.
Tip #1: Set different weight loss goals and calorie limits
Do you want to successfully lose weight together? Just because you want to start a diet with your significant other doesn't mean you both have to follow the same diet plan. In plain language, this means: eating together, yes, but not necessarily the same diet menu.
For example, men and women have different levels of energy consumption. A man's daily calorie requirement is usually significantly higher than that of a woman - so calculate your calorie requirement. Depending on your target weight, everyone has to create their own, individually tailored diet plan.
Find out more here: – How high are your daily calorie needs?
Tip #2: Admit your little weaknesses
If you want to lose weight as a duo, your partner becomes a coach - and vice versa. Be honest with your counterpart about the temptations you absolutely cannot resist: chocolate, cake, chips, gummy bears...
This way, if one of you goes shopping alone, you can be careful not to accidentally buy any temptations for your other half.
But always remember: balance is everything! Under no circumstances should you strictly ban everything delicious and sweet. This only causes frustration and demotivation. Much better: think together about healthier alternatives for your favorite sweets.
Tip #3: Make a pact
With a pact you make a binding commitment. The same rules apply to both of you. Losing weight or staying fit together is a matter of trust. Hence the tip: Stay honest with yourself and your partner and don't try to cover up any slip-ups.
If you both stick together and talk about your weaknesses, the joint weight loss adventure can also have a positive impact on your relationship.
Tip #4: Motivate each other with rewards
No effort without reward. This saying also applies if you want to stay fit together. As soon as you have achieved the set goal, treat yourself to a reward that will make you both happy. For example, a romantic weekendor a healthy cooking class.
Tip No. 5: Change your eating habits
Men and women have different eating habits. Without further fueling the stereotypes, women tend to eat more varied foods and consume smaller amounts than men. But this habit also has a big disadvantage: women are more easily seduced into snacking uncontrollably: chocolate, cake, sweets...
Both of you try to bring your eating habits back into balance. A good intention is enough:
- Applies to women: Try to eat more complex carbohydrates at your meals to keep you full longer and avoid cravings.
- Applies to men: Increase your fruit and vegetable consumption
Tip #6: Shop together
With so many temptations, it's extremely risky to go shopping alone, especially if you're hungry. Maybe one or two calorie bombs accidentally slip into your shopping cart at the last minute. With two of you, you can resist the temptation better!
Tip No. 7: Cook light dishes together
Use the couple's diet to think about your preferences and tastes. Start by cooking delicious and light meals. Dishes with fish, poultry, tofu and lots of vegetables are best suited for this. Cooking together can develop into a great shared hobby.
Tip #8: Spend a lot of time together
The absence of your better half can trigger a lack, even an inner emptiness. In lonely moments, many people console themselves with frustrated snacks: a bag of sweets or chips fills the emotional space that should actually be occupied by the missing partner.
If you can't always see each other for personal or professional reasons, try to at least stay in touch often: a quick call or message is often enough to avoid the loneliness trap.
Tip No. 9: Do sports together
Get out into the fresh air as often as possible to do sports together: Nordic walking, inline skating, cycling, jogging, playing tennis... Working out together in the gym or taking a dance class for couples are also good ways to keep fit while having fun. It is important that you stimulate your circulation once a day.
Reading tips:
Tip #10: Don’t be jealous of each other’s successes
Think about tip number 1 again: Everyone has their own diet goal! There is no point in envying each other's weight loss successes and seeing the shared diet as a competition.
You are not competitors and should not get fit against each other, but with each other! From a purely biological perspective, a man, for example, simply has better conditions for losing fat.
Why? Because he has more muscle mass and a woman's body fat percentage is higher than a man's. The average fat mass in women is 18-25%, while in men it is only 10-15%.
Don't let this difference discourage you. And with a little patience you will see success very soon.
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.