Linseed oil effect: These great effects have the oil on your body

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Linseed oil or flaxseed oil is a denture oil pressed from flax seeds (flat seeds). Fresh linseed oil has a strong, nutty taste. Because the oil quickly tastes bitter with false or too long storage, it is only used in a few kitchens. In addition, linseed oilunadornedmay be, otherwise the omega-3 fatty acids contained and pollutants can form. It is therefore not suitable for frying.

But you shouldn't be put off by that. Because linseed oil has a positive effect on theHeart and brain functionfrom, regulates theBlood sugar levels and blood pressureAnd even does thatHighNice! We give tips on how to use linseed oil in your diet to give your health a boost.

Which ingredients make linseed oil healthy?

Everyone knows that omega-3 fatty acids are healthy. The great thing: linseed oil contains particularly many of the unsaturated fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In addition, linseed oil shows the optimal ratio betweenOmega-3 fatty acidsandOmega-6 fatty acidson. This is important so that the omega-3 fatty acids can also be properly absorbed by the body. In addition to the unsaturated fatty acids, linseed oil also contains vitamin E and vitamin B.

So that the oil as many healthy ingredients as possible and you get the best effects, you should pay attention to good quality. It recommends thatBio-linseed oil(view here on Amazon*) To buy that is free of preservatives. They make the oil for longer, but reduce the health -promoting effect. So that as many healthy nutrients as possible remain, it is also important thatCold -pressed linseed oilis used.

Incidentally, linseed oil is also suitable for the nutritional supplement in animals. TheFeed oil*For cats, dogs and horses, the cell metabolism should support and have a detoxifying effect.

In the video: Fat is not the same fat: you should know that about the different types

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: You should know that!

The correct intake of linseed oil

You will achieve an optimal effect for your health if you eat linseed oil every day. If the taste is not for you, you can tooLinseed oil capsules*take. However, it is better to buy natural oil in organic quality. For easier use, you can also eat the linseed oil together with another food, for example by mixing it with curd cheese for breakfast or driving it over soups. This helps you to make linseed oil an integral part of your diet that you don't have to think about every day.

You can also incorporate flax seeds into your diet, because they also have a high content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids or linolenic acid. However, make sure that the seeds are drowned so that your body can use the ingredients well. Tip: Screwed flax seeds can be smuggled into the morning porridge!

How much linseed oil is healthy every day?

Even if the positive effects of linseed oil on health cannot be dismissed - you shouldn't take too much because the excessive consumption ofLinseed oil side effectscan have. Too high doses lead linseed in some people to gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or constipation and in worse cases to nausea and vomiting. This is due to the hydrocyanic acid contained in flax seeds, which is not always filtered out in the production of the oil.

One or two tablespoons of linseed oil per day are completely sufficient due to the high content of omega-3 to achieve a health-promoting effect.

Take linseed oil in the morning or in the evening?

But when should you consume linseed oil so that it works best? There is no right or wrong here (fortunately). Some people suspect that the absorption of valuable nutrients improves if you take the oil on an empty stomach in the morning - this thesis has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

Tips for use: 3 simple recipes

If you need inspiration on how to incorporate linseed oil into your diet, we have 3 recipe tips for you:

Yogurt with fruit

  • 150 g Greek yogurt
  • 1 handful of walnuts, chopped
  • 1 TL organic linseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • some fruit (e.g. banana, apple, blueberries)

Green smoothie

  • 1 handful of leaf spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice, freshly pressed
  • 1 TL organic linseed oil
  • 100 ml of water
  • 100 ml apple juice, natural cloudy

Oven potato with curd cheese

  • 250 g Quark
  • 1-2 tablespoon of organic linseed oil
  • 1 small onion
  • some chives
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1-2 large potatoes, floury boiling
Linseed oil is rich in vitamins and omega-3. We reveal what positive effects the Super Food has on your health and how best to take it.Credit:Adobe Stock

What diseases is linseed oil for?

Linseed oil can be used for a wide variety of physical problems for supporting treatment. Studies show that linseed oil is among other thingsFat metabolism disordersandHypertensioncan have a positive effect. Nevertheless, linseed oil should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment and should be obtained in the event of persistent complaints of medical advice.

How does linseed oil affect the intestine?

Linseed oil has only a conditional effect on digestion. Linse seeds are significantly more effective for promoting a healthy intestinal flora. Especially the whole (i.e. not scratched) seed sources in the intestine, stimulate the intestinal activity and can help regulate constipation and diarrhea. The mucus, which arises when the flax seeds are swelled, also has an advantage: it protects the intestinal mucosa and can have a calming effect in the event of gastric mucosal inflammation.

Since linseed oil does not swell, this positive effect is no longer necessary. However, an adequate supply of unsaturated fatty acids is essential for a healthy intestinal mucosa and thus a strong immune system.

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Linseed oil: effect on the nervous system and brain

A sufficient supply of omega-3 fatty acids is extremely important for our nervous system and our brain. Since our brain consists of around 55 % fats, they form the basis of our ability to concentrate and mental performance. Fats are also extremely important for the signal transmission of the nervous system. With its linoleic acids, linseed oil helps to protect the brain and thus strengthen memory.

Linseed oil for smooth skin

If you have dry and sensitive skin, you can maintain it with linseed oil from the inside. Like oneStudyshowed from 2008, less than 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per dayfewer rednessandmore moisturethe skin.

Tipp:You can also apply linseed oil on the outside and maintain your skin twice.

Linseed oil is rich in vitamins and omega-3. We reveal what positive effects the Super Food has on your health and how best to take it.Credit:Adobe Stock

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Linseed oil: effect during menopause

Many women report on regularly taking linseed oil on loaned menopausal symptoms. This could be due to the so -called lignans, which are contained in small quantities in the oil. They belong to the group of phyto-ecstrogens and could affect the theory according to the hormone balance. So far, this has not been scientifically proven, but it does not hurt to try the whole thing for a few days with slight symptoms.

Linseed oil effect cholesterol

Linse oil also has a positive effect on cholesterol or blood lipid levels. Already one to two tablespoons of linseed oil daily reduce cholesterol levels and thus also the risk of suffering a heart attack.

The most effective is thatSink cholesterolIf you also have a linseed oil cureregular sportdrives. A few training sessions a week significantly increase the positive effects of linseed oil.

Information service Science
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Regions and Water Management Austria

Important note: This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact a doctor. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.