Working on call in the mini job: that is behind it

There are no fixed working hours in many mini jobsCredit:Getty Images

You will soon start with a mini job, but ask yourself what is meant by 'work on demand'? This is where the answer comes.

Many students, pensioners or employees who want to earn some more, improve their income with a mini job. However, there are very different forms of minor employment.

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Either you work firmly as a mini -jobber and get the same salary every month, or you work more and less seasonally. Regardless of how much you work, you may not earn more than 556 euros in the mini job, otherwise taxes will occur.Since the minimum wage of 12.82 euros also exists for mini jobs, you can actually work a maximum of 43.3 hours every month to stay below the earnings limit.

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However, many mini -jobbers work on call. But what exactly is it all about? We clarify!

That means working on call in the mini job

In certain jobs, a temporary help is not always used at the same time. For example, if you work in gastronomy, it may well be that the need for workers a week is distributed very differently.

While working on call for employers is practical because the employee only comes in, even if help is really needed, the situation for employees is more risky. As a result, they are protected under labor law.

The work on call is by thereS Law on part-time work and temporary employment contracts (part-time and the temporary law- TzBfG) in § 12regulated.

It is clearly stipulated here that the work on call is generally allowed. A call agreement between employees and employers must include the duration of the weekly and daily working hours. In addition, an agreed minimum or maximum working time is required.

The weekly minimum working hours may only be exceeded. Also, employers do not have to worry that they end up working too little. An agreed maximum work time may not be undercut more than 20 %.

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If there is no defined weekly working time, 20 hours per week is assumed. Even if you work less in a month, the full salary is entitled to 20 hours per week.

There are also clear regulations for daily working hours. Even if no daily working hours have been set in the contract, employers have to take or pay the employee of the employee every day on three consecutive hours, even if the employee has not worked.

How long in advance does the employer have to know that you have to work?

Above all, mini -jobbers who work in the catering trade know it: the boss calls and asks the boss on a Saturday afternoon and asks for help because more to do than expected. Of course, the supervisor expects that in the best case you are immediately on the mat. But am I really obliged to appear at work immediately?

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No, there are also clear temporal restrictions when working on demand. Employees are only obliged to work if the employer gives the employer at least four days in advance. Incidentally, the announcement day is not included. In addition, the announcement day must not fall on a statutory holiday or weekend, then the day before is the last possible announcement day.

Danger:If no weekly working time has been determined and 20 hours per week is assumed, it may happen that you become taxable. At 20 hours a week, the earnings limit of 556 euros per month is quickly exceeded. Then the mini job is no longer a minor employment and there are taxes.

Further information can be found on the side of theMini-job headquarters.

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