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In advance in the video: home remedies for weeds: 3 natural and effective methods
If you want to fight weeds, you have to consider a few important rules. Otherwise there is a risk of a juicy fine.
Weeds are annoying and can bring any hobby gardener to despair. If you value a well -groomed property, of course, you don't want weeds to get out of hand on the terrace, the garage entrance or on the access to the house.
Weeds can be very tedious in the long run: If you pull an honorary price, dandelion and thistles out of the earth at one point, it grows again in another place. At some point you have painted your nose full. If nothing helps, one or the other reaches for chemical weeds. But caution is advised here.
Because the use of pesticides is strictly prohibited at certain points. There are even fines of up to 50,000 euros.
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Attention for weed shredders! In these cases, high fines threaten
The use of pesticides is underParagraph 12 of the Plant Protection Act (PflSchG)regulated. There it says: "Pesticulars must not be applied on paved outdoor areas and not on other outdoor areas that are neither used agricultural nor forestry or gardening." With "paved outdoor areas", for example, sidewalks, sidewalks, garage entrances or cemeteries are meant.
The use of pesticides is therefore prohibited at these points. Only in your own garden is the use of permissible weed killers allowed.
In certain circumstances, however, you can get a permit. However, an application is always strictly prohibited on “above -ground waters” and “coastal waters”.
By the way, chemical substances with road salt and vinegar are prohibited on any outdoor areas. Also avoidable home remedies such as salt, vinegar or household cleaners are also prohibited.
Anyone who violates the regulations must expect a fine according to the administrative offense law. The exact height is not defined and depends on the individual case.
Read too:Klee in the lawn: So easy to fight the weeds without chemistry
Link tip for nature lovers
On our sister portalLureis about fun and enjoyment of gardening, plants and nature. Here you will find most important tips, tricks and instructions-regardless of whether you are a gardening beginner or a green thumb professional. ->Now drop by here!
As an alternative to chemical agents, weeds can be combated using boiling water. To do this, simply pour the boiling water onto the weeds. The leaves atrophy through the hot water, which means that the plant can no longer absorb nutrients. As a result, the plant dies. Then you can just pull them out of the earth.
Click through the gallery and learn more about home remedies for weeds.
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