Understand babies crying: 5 typical situations and tips that help your child

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Parents know that it is normal for a baby to cry. It is his way of communicating. And yet it can bring mothers and fathers to the edge of a nervous breakdown when the baby seems to cry without stop. You feel helpless and desperate and have the feeling of doing something wrong.

A good tip for your reassurance: crying your baby becomes less over time and you will learn to distinguish it. After a few weeks you know if your baby is crying because it is hungry, tired or stressed.

Reading tip:

Very important:Reacts to the cry of your child. Show your baby that you are there. It often calms down by taking up and carrying around. A pacifier can also do wonders. Gives your child security.

For the most common situations in which a baby cries, there are possible solutions here:

#1 The baby cries at night

Babies don't know a day-night rhythm as we adults have. They were completely cared for and recovered in the mom's stomach. Now, after birth, you have to learn for many weeks and months that there is day and night, when you are awake and when it is time to sleep. That is why it is normal for babies to become awake and cry often at night.

Tips when the baby cries at night

It is often the hunger that makes infants awake and they calm down quickly, during or after they have been fed. So that the baby does not even cry in rage, you should breastfeed or feed a bottle directly at the first signs of hunger. With a little luck, it falls asleep again.

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Is neither hunger nor a wet diaper the problem and your baby is still crying at night, it may be that it simply feels lonely, is anxious and needs your closeness. Take it to you to bed or take it to your arm and calms it down with your presence.

In addition, quiet, quiet music can help him calm down. Some children react positively to the monotonous sound of a vacuum cleaner or to the sound of the so -called '''. As soon as the device is switched on, the baby stops crying and slumbering peacefully again. Every child is different.

Don't desperate when your baby cries at night. It does not want to disturb your sleep, but you need you. Try what best helps you and your baby.

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You should only try classic sleeping training when your baby is at least six months old. Also read:

#2 The baby cries while feeding

Unfortunately, there are many options for feeding why a baby cries. Sometimes hunger is so big that the child is not quick enough when it is on the chest or the bottle gets. Sometimes breast milk has a different taste, sometimes the air in the stomach already punches when drinking, sometimes the side where they are put on.

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Tips for crying when feeding:

Don't wait too long with feeding. Even today you often hear that women are said that their child can also be breastfed too much. That there should be at least 2–3 hours between breastfeeding meals or that the child should drink at least half an hour per breast to really get full.

But children are very different. While some easily hold out for half an hour while drinking, others fall asleep after 5 minutes and are of course also hungry faster. Watch your child and not the clock while breastfeeding and feeding. Do you have the feeling that your baby cries with hunger, then give it his chest or bottle, even if the last meal was less than 2 hours ago.

Sometimes babies cry when feeding because their hunger is much too big and the milk does not flow quickly enough when drinking. Or hunger is so big that they literally loop and swallow a lot of air, which in turn leads to abdominal pain. Here, too, it can help not to leave too much time between meals and to feed the baby more often.

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Also pay attention to your own diet or whether your child does not like or tolerate certain dishes or spices. There are children who react to onions or legumes with flatulence. The result is abdominal pain and tears. Other children don't like it when mums meals are particularly spicy. Again, you cannot make a general statement.

Another one Tipp:If your baby tends to cry during or after feeding, the while I already put a warming pillow on his stomach. Let it belch it after the meal, so make a peasant and gently massages his lower abdomen clockwise.

Air in the stomach is the most common reason why the baby cries after feeding. In order for the pain to disappear quickly, a warm bath helps in addition to warmth and a massage or you wear it for a while on a flying handle. The stomach is massaged nicely. However, you shouldn't do this immediately after drinking, otherwise your baby will spit out the milk.

#3 The baby cries while driving

Some children love car driving over everything and fall asleep immediately as soon as they are strapped to the child seat. Others hate driving and crying incessantly. If your baby is one that cries, you should plan longer trips. Here are the most important:

Tips for crying when driving:

  • Drive with a second person who can only take care of the baby.
  • Drive off shortly before the baby's bedtime.
  • Take enough toys and meals.
  • Wrap the baby beforehand and feed it.
  • Let gentle music run.
  • Stay calm yourself. The baby feels when the car ride stresses you and reacts with wines.
  • Make sure that the baby is neither freezing nor tightened too warm.

#4 The baby cries in the stroller

The stroller is like driving: many children love walks and swings in the stroller. However, one or the other baby is crying incessantly. In this case, crying is a sign that it feels uncomfortable.

Tips for crying in the stroller

Especially when babies are a little larger and perceive more of their surroundings, all the impressions can overwhelm them. If your stroller allows it, turn it in such a way that your baby is turned to you with your face and always has an eye on you. Because you are his safe harbor.

If you cannot convert the stroller like this, you can also limit your child's field of vision with a gauze cloth or cover it entirely. The cloth still allows enough air, but prevents the child's overwhelming overwhelming by too many impressions.

Another tip:Some babies feel a bit lost in the still huge stroller and therefore cry. After all, they are not used to so much space. So build your baby a small nest. Put a breastfeeding worm in or a large towel. That tightens your baby a bit and it feels safe.

Important:If the baby is constantly crying in the stroller, you shouldn't put it in the car asleep. Watches it later, it doesn't even know where it is and is guaranteed to cry. Always have a sling or a carry with you when your child quickly becomes restless in the stroller and cries. If it is closer to you, it will quickly come to rest.

#5 The baby cries while swimming

Some children just don't like swimming and then the mere sight of the bathtub can be enough to make them cry. In general, babies that cannot crawl or run do not necessarily have to be bathed. It is enough to clean it with a washcloth and warm water. So if your baby is still so small and absolutely no fan of the bathtub, you can save him and you tears if you just wash it instead of bathing it.

Tips for crying bathing

If your child is not a fan of the bathtub, but should still swim because it is, for example, much more active and 'dirty', then the necessary bathroom makes him as pleasant as possible.

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Feed your baby half an hour beforehand so that it is satisfied and full. Makes it warm in the bathroom so that nobody freezes. Put a bathtub book or a small toy in the 37 degrees of warm water so that there is no boredom and have a towel ready if it will quickly get out.

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