Never enough: Why children of tiger parents are constantly under pressure

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Everyday life for tiger parents revolves around performance, no matter the cost.

Tiger parents only want the best for their children - success. You can read about how they train their children for this and what it does to them.

With Tiger parents there is no boredom and no idleness, but rather structured days and lots of organized leisure activities. Because if you want to make something of yourself, you have to work hard for your success.

Different as, who constantly revolve around their children, orTiger parents, who get everything out of their children's way before it could become a problem, don't put any obstacles in their children's path, but they do use every possible means to prepare them for success.

Where does the term tiger parent come from?

The American Amy Chua coined the term “Tiger Mother” in her book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” which was published in 2011.

The autobiographical work describes how she, a Chinese-American mother, raised her own children according to traditional Chinese educational methods, which to this day are primarily characterized by performance and discipline.

Also read:

What are Tiger Parents?

Chua always demanded the best from her children in school. After school and studying, music lessons were on the agenda. Then we continued learning. There was constant drill and pressure. Chua's children did not have time for themselves and children of other tiger parents do not. Achievement is consistently required and in return the child is rigorously driven to do more and more. There are no holidays or breaks for them.

Reading tips:

Success-oriented Tiger parents value discipline, they are perfectionistic and strict. There is no place for contradictions and the child's own opinion is suppressed.

It doesn't seem particularly surprising that this type of education is met with headwinds and great criticism.

Tiger parents are never satisfied

The problem, if we look at it from our perspective, which is more influenced by a democratic upbringing, is that the child of a tiger mother or a tiger father can never actually please the parents.

This can give a child the feeling that they never meet the demands of their parents and that they are simply not enough themselves. In addition, with all the pressure, there is no time to discover your own interests or your own personality. There is also no time for friends. Like little machines, children of tiger parents are pushed further and further to learn even more and become even better.

Reading recommendation:

In addition, anyone who only does what they are told to do, who only follows orders, can hardly make independent decisions. It is rather unlikely that a child will become an independent and responsible adult.

Something important at the end:Even if we are not fond of the upbringing of the so-called tiger parents, that does not mean that it is wrong per se. After all, parents usually raise their children with the best of intentions. That's why it's important that every family finds its own path.

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