Schufa entry: What it really means for you

Schufa Holding AG is a private company that, contrary to the widespread assumption, is not organized by the state and is not an authority. The Schufa collects data about consumers and can carry out a credit check on the basis of this data.

The credit check is particularly interested in companies that want to find out your creditworthiness. If you want to conclude a cell phone contract or apply for a payment in installments, the provider will most likely obtain information about your Schufa. Your credit score depends on whether you can conclude the mobile phone contract or get a loan. With a bad score, for example, the credit conditions can deteriorate significantly.

Find out from us where the Schufa gets your data from what a negative entry means and how you can see your Schufa.

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When do I need the Schufa information

There are different situations in which you are asked for Schufa information. This often occurs when changing housing. If you are interested in a new apartment, for example, the landlord will probably request Schufa information from you sooner or later. With this, he or she can find out whether you are able to pay for the rent or whether you may even get behind with your rent.

Your Schufa will also be needed if you want to take out a loan. Banks can secure how reliable you are as a borrower. For example, if you have not paid any loans, this has a negative impact on your Schufa.

Incidentally, it is not entirely clear what information, what influence on your creditworthiness.

Where does Schufa get her data from?

Schufa does not look for the data itself. She works with various contractual partners, including banks, telephone providers and mail order companies. You send the Schufa the data if, for example, you have concluded a new mobile phone contract. However, the data is also taken from directories of debtors or insolvency known.

Reading tip:

What does a negative Schufa entry mean

What many are concerned about is a negative Schufa entry. Negative entries can occur in the event of default defaults, unpaid claims, ongoing dunning procedures, but also with several credit cards. The amount of the amounts does not matter - which can be doomed to many.

A negative Schufa entry does not immediately occur if you have not paid for your invoice. If you have not complied with the payment request after several reminders, a negative entry cannot be avoided. However, at least two reminders must have been received that you have not contradicted. The last reminder must also contain the announcement of a negative Schufa entry.

How do I read my Schufa information?

As soon as you find the Schufa information in the mailbox, the excitement increases a bit. What is my credit rating or do I even have a negative entry? But as soon as you open the letter, you are irritated. As a rule, the information consists of a three -sided document that can be quite confused.

What do the various documents and information mean?

OnPage onedo you findYour personal data. Among them name, address and customer number.

OnPage twoAre they findCredit history as well as the basecore. The former is a list of all companies that have asked your Schufa in the past.

The basic core is probably the most important statement. It is the overall result of your creditworthiness and is specified using a scale in which 100 is the maximum and therefore the best possible score. The lower the basic core, the higher the risk that you cannot pay a loan.

This means the different basic scores:

> 97.5 very low risk

95-97.5 low to manageable risk

90-95 satisfactory to increased risk

80-90 significantly increased to high risk

50-80 very high risk

< 50 Kritisches Risiko

OnPage threeDo you find oneTable with your score values. It is listed here when you opened a checking account or when a credit card was requested.

How do I apply for my Schufa?

In any case, you should keep an eye on your Schufa in order not to experience a negative surprise. There may be wrong entries. For example, if you have concluded a new mobile phone contract and canceled the old one, your old entry should actually be deleted. However, some companies are less reliable when it comes to communicating the Schufa that the business relationship has been completed with you, for example because a payment in installments has ended.

In order to get to his Schufa particularly quickly, you can have an online bonality checked that is available within a few minutes. You can apply for this from various companies.

You can also apply for free information from Schufa yourself once a year (data copy according to Art. 15 GDPR). Incidentally, both options are sufficient if you need Schufa information because of a new apartment.

Here you can apply for free data copy of your Schufa. However, you have to pay 29.95 euros once for a daily calculation of your creditworthiness scores.


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