Your partner has a talent to avoid unpleasant tasks? This is called strategic incompetence. Read here, which helps.
Behind the expression "strategic incompetence" is a behavior that is probably very well known to many: the partner is intentionally stupid to avoid an unpleasant task.
Come on sentences like "Can you do the laundry? I don't want to go wrong ... "or" Can you put on the child? Are you much better known there? And because you don't feel like long discussions, you often react by saying: "Well, I do it myself" - simply because it is faster than explaining everything. But of course that is a mistake in the long run.
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Strategic incompetence - what is that anyway?
The phenomenon of pressing yourself against an uncomfortable task in which you pretend that you cannot do it or only poorly is called strategic incompetence. In the end, the goal is to make something so bad or to face it until you are no longer asked for it.
Many may be able to find themselves in it. Instead of asking the partner to ask something, you prefer to do it yourself.
The term “Weaponized Incompetence” in 2007 was used for the first time in an article of theWall Street Journals- But even if the article is already older, the phenomenon in itself is brand new.
"You can do that much better than me" - when strategic incompetence becomes a problem
There is one on TikkokViral Video, in which a woman writes a shopping list for her husband - although writing it doesn't quite hit. She printed out a photo of every product and food and glued her husband onto a sheet of paper. So that he really gets the right things.
While some have to smile in the comments that the man apparently only manages to shop with this very detailed instructions, others do not find the behavior funny. Because through the many additional time and work that the woman put into the list, the help of the man is basically anything but helpful. Frustration is inevitable.
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Change diapers, turn on the dishwasher, buy a birthday card to the grandparents, bring children to school, remember to cook lunch and also bring out the trash ... According to a study of theGerman Institute for Economic Research (DIW)From 2019, women still do the most of the budgetary work. If this accumulates and only sticks to one person, this inevitably leads to stress. And that in turn can lead to tensions in the relationship.
How you can defend yourself against strategic incompetence
Not everyone has to be able to do anything in a relationship. It is quite normal to have strengths and weaknesses, like to want to do something or not so much.
In the case of strategic incompetence, however, the person is not even trying to learn the thing he or she supposedly does not know. Quite the opposite. She explains that it takes more time to explain something. Or is so bad when completing that the other person will no longer ask the next time. So successful screwing.
Nobody should surprise that such behavior can be a real relationship killer. Here are a few tips on how to proceed.
#1 Open communication
Nobody wants to be assigned the role of the naggers. That is why you often save the discussion about annoying topics such as household and Co. If something is supposed to change, you have to openly explain how you feel and that it cannot go on like this.
Important: it should not be allocated. Stay with you. How do you feel? What does the situation do with you?
#2 note tasks
Create a list of all the things that you do regularly and from the tasks that your partner takes over. To see what comes together, maybe opens your partner's eyes.
#3 distribute responsibilities
Go through the lists together and redistribute the everyday tasks. Very important: you should no longer remember your partner*in afterwards. That would be just another job on your list.
Tipp:Take a afternoon together to go through every point, maybe even set daily memories on his or your cell phone. Also clarifies open questions so that excuses of the past belong.
#4 Regular exchange
Sit up regularly and discuss what went well or badly. Maybe some things worked out great at the beginning and was then looped again. Remains open and honest with each other.
Open communication with your partner is the key to more teamwork in everyday life. After all, no relationship should be a one -way street.