Before we know it, our children will have copied one or two behaviors from us! In principle, of course, this is a good thing. In this way, children learn table manners, politeness and keeping things tidy automatically – that is, most of the time.
However, our children not only learn positive things, but unfortunately also our negative habits. It is therefore all the more important that we are really good role models for them and leave these ten things behind from now on:
1. Constantly changing your mind
Today, watching TV is allowed in the morning, but the next day it is forbidden. We have to be consistent in what we allow our children to do and what they don't. This makes us more transparent and understandable for you. How else are they supposed to know what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do?
Reading tips:
2. Do things the children aren't allowed to do
We leave the television on all day long, sit in front of the PC in every free minute or snack between meals: it's not a good idea if we forbid our children to do exactly that. Sure, we're the adults, but it's unfair if we do things that the little ones aren't allowed to do.
Also read:
3. Not taking the child seriously enough
Sometimes it is quite difficult for us to remain serious when the little ones have completely crazy ideas and opinions. Nevertheless, we should refrain from laughing when they tell us about planned experiments or crazy plans for the future and instead take them seriously. This is the only way they learn to confidently stand by their opinions.
Reading tips:
4. Constantly arguing in front of the children
One bad word leads to another - and within a very short time there is a centimeter-thick layer of bad mood over the apartment. Although arguments are part of interpersonal relationships, we should still attach great importance to how we argue in front of children. Mutual respect should always be maintained.
And if the children notice that their parents are arguing, it is even more important that they also see how they get along again. This teaches them that sometimes you have to make compromises in life.
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5. See yourself as the child's best friend
Mom and daughter – best friends. This may work in some nice Hollywood films, but in real life there have to be limits. How else do we want to issue bans and demand the necessary respect? We are just the mother and not an equal friend.
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6. Gossiping about others
Backbiting is a really unpleasant trait. Although it can help to vent your frustration or anger at others, ideally you shouldn't do this with your children. After all, we don't want our children to constantly pick on others or even bully them. So let's be a good role model and not judge others (in the presence of children).
7. Don't let the child make mistakes
“I told you so…” We parents tend to want to protect our children from life’s big and small mistakes. This is well-intentioned, but children must also be allowed to make mistakes. They ultimately learn from this. So let's let them go more often if they fall into one or two small error traps.
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8. Not keeping promises
For us parents, there is hardly anything worse than looking into sad children's eyes. A good reason not to make promises that we can't keep. It's no big deal if that happens. But if our promises constantly come to nothing, the little ones lose their trust in us. Certainly no one wants that.
9. Disrespect privacy
Yes, children also have privacy. If it is constantly injured, the little ones will retreat further into their shell. So let's not just barge into the children's room when we want something from the offspring, but rather knock on the door from now on.
Furthermore, we shouldn't cross-examine the little ones if we have the impression that something is wrong. Instead, we should ask carefully. If there is still no answer, we should address the topic again a little later. They often speak up.
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10. Check your smartphone every few minutes
The smartphone is your best friend – constantly checking to see whether someone has sent a new message is a real bad habit. towards friends, but especially towards our children. The time we spend on the phone depends on the time we spend with the child. It constantly feels ignored and has to compete for our attention.
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