If we speak parents of education, we often mean the things, rules and behavior, and which our children (from us) learn, understand or imitate. We are convinced that what we do and know is correct in most cases. This is precisely why we forget our own behavior and the power that we as role models have on our children.
Because before we provide ourselves, the offspring looked down one or the other of us! What is a good thing in principle, namely when it comes to the fact that our children virtually learn to be tables, courtesy or the order, can also get back to the back quite a bit.
Our children not only take a look at positive things, but unfortunately also our negative habits. And with many behavior we even risk losing the trust and respect of our children. It is therefore all the more important that we are really good role models and leave these ten things from now on:
1. Constantly changing the opinion
Today TV is already allowed in the morning, the next day it is forbidden. We have to be consistent in what we allow our children and what not. That makes us more transparent and understandable for you. How else should you know what you are allowed to - and what not?
Reading tip:
2nd do things that the children are not allowed to do
We let the television run on the side all day, sit in front of the PC in every free minute or snack between meals: not a good idea if we forbid our children. Sure, we are the adults, but it's unfair when we do things that the little ones are not allowed to do.
Also read:
3. Don't take the child seriously enough
Sometimes it is quite difficult for us to stay serious when the little ones have totally crazy ideas and views. Nevertheless, we should resist the laugh if you tell us about planned experiments or crazy future plans and take you seriously instead. This is the only way to learn to stand by your opinion confidently.
Reading tip:
4. Constantly arguing in front of the children
An evil word gives the next - and in a very short time there is a centimeter -thick layer of bad mood over the apartment. Although arguments on interpersonal relationships are somehow, we should attach great importance to how we argue in the presence of the children. The mutual respect should always be preserved.
And when the children notice that the parents argue, it is all the more important that they also notice how they get along again. This is what she teaches that sometimes you have to compromise in life.
Also read:
5. See yourself as the best friend of the child
Mom and daughter - best friends. That may work in some beautiful Hollywood strips, but there must be limits in real life. How else do we want to pronounce bans and demand the necessary respect? We are just the mom and not an equal girlfriend.
Also read:
6. About other blasphemy
Leadering is a really unsightly quality. Although it can help to make your frustration or trouble about other air, ideally you don't do that with the children. After all, we do not want our children to constantly pull through others or even bully them. So if we are a good role model and do not pull across others (in the presence of the children).
7. Don't let the child make mistakes
"I'll tell you right away ..." We parents tend to want to protect our children from the big and small mistakes of life. This is meant well, but children also have to be allowed to make mistakes. After all, they learn from it. So let's let go of them more often when they fall into one or the other small error trap.
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8. Do not adhere to promise
There is hardly anything worse for us parents than looking in sad children's eyes. A good reason not to make a promise that we cannot hold. It is not a thing when that happens. However, our promises are constantly in the sand, the little ones lose their trust in us. Nobody wants that.
9. Privacy disregard
Yes, children also have privacy. If it is constantly injured, the little ones move back into their snail shell. So let's not just burst into the children's room if we want something from the offspring, but rather knock from now on.
In addition, we shouldn't take the little ones into the cross -interpretation if we have the impression that something is wrong. Instead, we should ask carefully. If there is still no answer, we should address the topic again a little later. They often move out with the language.
Also interesting:
10. Look at the smartphone every few minutes
The smartphone as a best friend - constantly seeing whether someone has sent a new message is a real bad. Opposite friends, but especially our children. The time we are busy with the phone goes away with the child. It is not constantly noticed and has the feeling to have to vie our attention.
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