Education: With 4 questions, parents learn how their child is really doing inside

Parents who want to know how their child really works should not ask him general, but these specific questions. Even works with teenagers.

It is not uncommon for me to catch my children with questions, just to be able to get tiny information about their day with questions.

And my kids are annoyed. They prefer to calm down and move to their rooms quite quickly. I remain unsuspecting without really knowing how you are, whether you are happy, you lack something or whether you may need help with something.

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Like me, many parents, mostly those who have teenagers in the house. Instead of talking to us throughout the day, they just want to relax after a school day. That was also granted to them! And yet we would like to know how they are doing. And now?

From the general to the concrete!

Maybe it will help when we parents rethink our questions. Each of us probably knows it from everyday life: We are asked how we are doing, from the good colleague, the girlfriend or partner and answers reflexively with a quick "good, thank you". And even if something is actually depressed.

Therefore, the questions must be more specific. In order to get children to tell us about their day, you can therefore ask them the following four questions that make the small and large fumes of silence a little more speaking.

It is best to do this in the quiet evening hours. Then the offspring had time to win a little distance from the day. In addition, you really have time to listen extensively and to read between the lines.

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1. Who did you play/ chat/ hung with today (during the break)?

As soon as children can speak, you can easily answer this question. And the answer reveals a lot about the child's day. First of all, we learn whether our child is integrated into a group.

If we ask our child regularly, we also learn whether it is always the same children with whom it plays or depends or possibly always other children. It shows us that our child has friends or that it is very open and has no problems approaching others and finding a connection.

We also learn if our child had fun and is happy. On the one hand, what the child tells, but also on how it tells. Because things that made it happy make it smile when telling.

2. Did something funny happen today?

Did the child laugh together with someone today? This question also aims to find out whether the child is doing well, it is happy and feels free and informal. Because if you don't feel comfortable in your skin, you rarely feel like laughing.

Of course, something super fun will not happen every day, but you will see that your child will think intensively about the question. And maybe he can think of a story that really wants to tell you - whether funny or not.

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3. Have you learned/tried something new today?

The question aims at the child's academic achievements, but also on the non-school. With an answer we can find out whether it is interesting to find lessons or is super bored.

And we can find out what it might have dared to do in the school playground, which he has never succeeded before. In addition, the question will make your child tell of others. "Do you know what XY did today?" Parents learn about a longer period of time what role their own child has in the school yard. Does it prefer an observer or is it important to him to be active in the action?

And the answer again gives us information about the child's well -being. Is it happy to tell, does it look happy and woken up or depressed and sad? Maybe want to try it out, but don't dare and needs a little extra encouragement?

4. Do you need some help?

Sometimes children don't dare to explicitly ask for help because they are uncomfortable or because they believe they would let them stand in a bad light. By offering help directly to your child, you get to the point so far that the request will be much easier for him.

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Even if your child rejects your help, ask it every day. So you let it know that you are always there when it takes you.

Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are only suggestions. Every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.

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