Protects against cancer: Why the HPV vaccination is important for girls and boys

Most doctors recommend an HPV vaccination. Here you will find all information at the time, risks and side effects.

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HP viruses are widespread and not uncommon: 85 % of over 90 % of sexually active people are infected loudlyStatisticsAt least once in the course of life with an HP virus. Above all, they colonize the skin, but the mucous membranes can also be affected. There are now over 200 different types of HP viruses.

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Usually an infection with HPV is quite harmless. Most of those affected have no symptoms or symptoms. Under certain circumstances, small skin warts can form occasionally. These are usually harmless.

If you get infected with HPV, you can develop into cervical, vaginal and penis cancer or cancer in the mouth-throat years later. In fact, around 50 % of all cancer -related cancer are related to HPV. But the risk of cancer can be minimized with a vaccination against HPV.

This recommends the constant vaccination commission (Stiko) That is why since 2007 for girls, since 2018 also for boys.

Also the campaign"Decided against cancer"It is vehemently committed to sensitizing boys and girls for HPV and the HPV vaccination. Precisely because so many people are infected with the HP virus, the topic should be part of sexual health.

If you have sex, you need to know how to protect yourself from diseases and that includes vaccination against HPV in addition to the condom.

Further information on the “Decided against cancer” campaign can be found on theHomepage the initiative, yoursInstagram- orFacebook-Channel.

We want to explain when children should receive HPV protection, how it works and what side effects can cause vaccination.

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How is HPV transmitted?

HP viruses are particularly often transmitted through sexual contact. The pathogens get into the body via the smallest injuries to the skin or over the mucous membranes. The use of a condom does not safely protect against the transfer of HP viruses, like thatRKI informed. Because some HPV types also occur on the skin in the genital and anal area. Very close body contact (including petting, for example), can already transmit pathogens.

The transmission of the viruses by lubricating infection is less common, but not impossible. A mother HPV can be transferred to your baby, just as rarely.

At what age is a vaccination against HPV?

Ideally, HPV vaccination takes place before a person's first sexual contact. If you have already infected yourself with an HPV type, the vaccination can no longer protect against this type. The STIKO (permanent vaccination commission) therefore recommends a first vaccination for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14.

Investigations have shown that the younger girls were in the HPV vaccination, the higher their antibody levels compared to older vaccinated girls-even 10 years after the vaccination. The STIKO still recommends that those who have not received the HPV vaccination up to the age of 14 can still make up for the age of 17. The health insurance companies cover the cost of vaccination in minor children.

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Even in adulthood, vaccination against HPV can still make sense. Here it depends on how many sexual contacts the person already had. It is best to discuss this with your family doctor. In advance, you should also clarify whether the health insurance company pays the cost of vaccination.

HPV immunization usually consists of two vaccinations every five months. If a child already gets a second vaccination before the five months ended, it must receive a third vaccination a few months later. Even people who only receive the first immunization after their 14th birthday have to get a total of three HPV vaccinations.

How effective is HPV vaccination?

In Germany, according to the information of theCenter for Cancer Register DataEvery year around 6,250 women and around 1,600 men of carcinomas (malignant cancer), which were caused by HP viruses. Certain HP viruses particularly often cause cervical cancer in women. Around 4,600 diseases are due to cervical carcinoma annually. In men, HPV infection can cause penis cancer, anal cancer and oral cavity cancer.

According to the RKI, vaccination against HPV protects almost 100 % against the HPV types contained in the vaccine. These include high-risk HPV types, which are responsible for most of all cervical carcinomas and other HPV types that are the cause of other types of cancer. In addition, vaccination also protects very well from genital warts, which can also occur as a result of an HPV infection.

What are the side effects of the HPV vaccination?

Previous studies on girls and women on the side effects of HPV vaccination have so far not shown any serious side effects. In Germany, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) has been monitoring possible side effects after HPV vaccination since 2007.

Since the vaccine is injected into the upper arm,, as with other vaccinations, the puncture site can lead to temporary skin reactions. Reddening, slight swelling or pain can also arise at the puncture site. Seldom occurred in connection with the vaccination to digestive problems, headaches, tiredness or muscle pain.

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Since it can happen that the injection of a syringe in (young) patients leads to dizziness or fainting, patients are advised to stay in practice for 15-20 minutes. However, such a reaction is not due to the vaccine, but rather on the stress or fear that can cause injecting an injection of a syringe in patients.

According to the current state of research, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Medicines Authority (EMA) do not see any indications of serious side effects from the HPV vaccination. However, there are two deaths from 2007 on the Internet that are discussed in connection with vaccination. In additioninforms the RKIAs follows: "For both deaths, no signs of a causal connection with the HPV vaccination could be found after a detailed examination."

Important NOTE:The content of this article only serves the information and does not replace a diagnosis at the doctor. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.

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